Switched master phases and module; removed behavior. stable-1.4
authorFlorian Pose <fp@igh-essen.com>
Wed, 05 Nov 2008 13:48:14 +0000 (2008-11-05)
changeset 1670 f6222c3e311a
parent 1669 9edbe472941d
child 1671 bb3215fe5c65
Switched master phases and module; removed behavior.
--- a/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex	Wed Nov 05 13:41:56 2008 +0000
+++ b/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex	Wed Nov 05 13:48:14 2008 +0000
@@ -357,10 +357,80 @@
+\section{Master Module}
+\index{Master module}
+The EtherCAT master kernel module \textit{ec\_master} can contain multiple
+master instances. Each master waits for a certain Ethernet device identified
+by its MAC address\index{MAC address}. These addresses have to be specified on
+module loading via the \textit{main\_devices} module parameter. The number of
+master instances to initialize is taken from the number of MAC addresses
+The below command loads the master module with a single master instance that
+waits for the Ethernet device with the MAC address
+\lstinline+00:0E:0C:DA:A2:20+. The master will be accessible via index $0$.
+# `\textbf{modprobe ec\_master main\_devices=00:0E:0C:DA:A2:20}`
+MAC addresses for multiple masters have to be separated by commas:
+# `\textbf{modprobe ec\_master main\_devices=00:0E:0C:DA:A2:20,00:e0:81:71:d5:1c}`
+The two masters can be addressed by their indices 0 and 1 respectively (see
+figure~\ref{fig:masters}). The master index is needed for the
+\lstinline+ecrt_master_request()+ function of the application interface (see
+chap.~\ref{chap:api}) and the \lstinline+--master+ option of the
+\textit{ethercat} command-line tool (see sec.~\ref{sec:tool}), which defaults
+to $0$.
+  \centering
+  \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{images/masters}
+  \caption{Multiple masters in one module}
+  \label{fig:masters}
+\paragraph{Init Script}
+\index{Init script}
+In most cases it is not necessary to load the master module and the Ethernet
+driver modules manually. There is an init script available, so the master can
+be started as a service (see sec.~\ref{sec:system}).
+The master module outputs information about its state and events to the kernel
+ring buffer. These also end up in the system logs.  The above module loading
+command should result in the messages below:
+# `\textbf{dmesg | tail -2}`
+EtherCAT: Master driver `\masterversion`
+EtherCAT: 2 masters waiting for devices.
+# `\textbf{tail -2 /var/log/messages}`
+Jul  4 10:22:45 ethercat kernel: EtherCAT: Master driver `\masterversion`
+Jul  4 10:22:45 ethercat kernel: EtherCAT: 2 masters waiting
+                                 for devices.
+All EtherCAT master output is prefixed with \lstinline+EtherCAT+ which makes
+searching the logs easier.
+\section{Master Phases}
 \index{Master phases}
-The EtherCAT master runs through several phases (see fig.~\ref{fig:phases}):
+Every EtherCAT master provided by the master module (see
+sec.~\ref{sec:mastermod}) runs through several phases (see
@@ -390,83 +460,6 @@
-\section{General Behavior}
-\index{Master behavior}
-% TODO Behavior (Scanning)
-\section{Master Module}
-\index{Master module}
-The EtherCAT master kernel module \textit{ec\_master} can contain multiple
-master instances. Each master waits for a certain Ethernet device identified
-by its MAC address\index{MAC address}. These addresses have to be specified on
-module loading via the \textit{main\_devices} module parameter. The number of
-master instances to initialize is taken from the number of MAC addresses
-The below command loads the master module with a single master instance that
-waits for the Ethernet device with the MAC address
-\lstinline+00:0E:0C:DA:A2:20+. The master will be accessible via index $0$.
-# `\textbf{modprobe ec\_master main\_devices=00:0E:0C:DA:A2:20}`
-MAC addresses for multiple masters have to be separated by commas:
-# `\textbf{modprobe ec\_master main\_devices=00:0E:0C:DA:A2:20,00:e0:81:71:d5:1c}`
-The two masters can be addressed by their indices 0 and 1 respectively (see
-figure~\ref{fig:masters}). The master index is needed for the
-\lstinline+ecrt_master_request()+ function of the application interface (see
-chap.~\ref{chap:api}) and the \lstinline+--master+ option of the
-\textit{ethercat} command-line tool (see sec.~\ref{sec:tool}), which defaults
-to $0$.
-  \centering
-  \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{images/masters}
-  \caption{Multiple masters in one module}
-  \label{fig:masters}
-\paragraph{Init Script}
-\index{Init script}
-In most cases it is not necessary to load the master module and the Ethernet
-driver modules manually. There is an init script available, so the master can
-be started as a service (see sec.~\ref{sec:system}).
-The master module outputs information about its state and events to the kernel
-ring buffer. These also end up in the system logs.  The above module loading
-command should result in the messages below:
-# `\textbf{dmesg | tail -2}`
-EtherCAT: Master driver `\masterversion`
-EtherCAT: 2 masters waiting for devices.
-# `\textbf{tail -2 /var/log/messages}`
-Jul  4 10:22:45 ethercat kernel: EtherCAT: Master driver `\masterversion`
-Jul  4 10:22:45 ethercat kernel: EtherCAT: 2 masters waiting
-                                 for devices.
-All EtherCAT master output is prefixed with \lstinline+EtherCAT+ which makes
-searching the logs easier.
 \section{Process Data}