IPIPE,floatpoint,rtlib kernel2.6
authorWilhelm Hagemeister <hm@igh-essen.com>
Fri, 16 Dec 2005 08:15:21 +0000 (2005-12-16)
changeset 28 801dc7eabf51
parent 27 d75ef6b46e33
child 29 8c16582f2394
--- a/mini/ec_mini.c	Fri Dec 02 15:35:21 2005 +0000
+++ b/mini/ec_mini.c	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -255,9 +255,6 @@
   printk("Starting cyclic sample thread.\n");
-  schedule();
-  mdelay(1000);
-  schedule();
   timer.function = run;
--- a/rt/Makefile	Fri Dec 02 15:35:21 2005 +0000
+++ b/rt/Makefile	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -1,64 +1,81 @@
-#  Makefile
-#  EtherCAT-RT-Modul
-#  $Id$
+# Comment/uncomment the following line to disable/enable debugging
+#DEBUG = y
-CONFIG_FILE = ../ethercat.conf
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_FILE),$(wildcard $(CONFIG_FILE)))
-include $(CONFIG_FILE)
+# Add your debugging flag (or not) to CFLAGS
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),y)
+  DEBFLAGS = -O -g -DSHORT_DEBUG # "-O" is needed to expand inlines
-KERNELDIR = /vol/projekte/msr_messen_steuern_regeln/linux/kernel/2.4.20/include/linux-2.4.20.CX1100-rthal5
-RTAIDIR   = /vol/projekte/msr_messen_steuern_regeln/linux/kernel/2.4.20/include/rtai-24.1.13
-RTLIBDIR  = rt_lib
-CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Wuninitialized -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -DSERIALDEBUG -DMSR_NO_PROC -I$(KERNELDIR)/include -D_RTAI -I$(RTAIDIR)/include -I$(RTLIBDIR)/msr-include
+CFLAGS += -I.. 
+RTLIB = /vol/projekte/msr_messen_steuern_regeln/linux/kernel_space/rt_lib-4.0.0-2.6krnl
 #Suchpfad für die Dateien aus dem RT-Lib-Verzeichnis
-VPATH = $(RTLIBDIR)/msr-core:$(RTLIBDIR)/msr-control:$(RTLIBDIR)/msr-math:$(RTLIBDIR)/msr-misc:$(RTLIBDIR)/msr-utils
+VPATH := $(RTLIB)/msr-core:$(RTLIB)/msr-control:$(RTLIB)/msr-hwdriver:$(RTLIB)/msr-math:$(RTLIB)/msr-misc:$(RTLIB)/msr-utils
-MODULE = msr_modul.o
-SRC = msr_io.c
-RTSRC = msr_main.c msr_lists.c msr_charbuf.c msr_reg.c msr_interpreter.c \
-	msr_utils.c msr_messages.c msr_base64.c msr_proc.c msr_error_reg.c
-OBJ = $(ALLSRC:.c=.o)
+#Datei aus dem RT-Libverzeichnis für dies Projekt
+RTSRC := msr_main.o msr_lists.o msr_charbuf.o msr_reg.o msr_interpreter.o msr_utils.o msr_messages.o msr_functiongen.o msr_base64.o msr_watchdog.o msr_proc.o msr_error_reg.o
+ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
+# call from kernel build system
-all: .output_dirs .depend $(MODULE) Makefile
-$(MODULE): $(OBJ)
-	@echo "Making module"
-	$(LD) -r $(OBJ) -o $@
+EXTRA_CFLAGS := -I$(RTLIB)/msr-include -D_SIMULATION -I/usr/include -mhard-float
-	@echo "Making obj $@"
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+#EXTRA_LDFLAGS :=  -L/usr/lib -lm
-	@echo "x-- Directories -------------"
-	@echo "| Kernel $(KERNELDIR)"
-	@echo "| RTAI   $(RTAIDIR)"
-	@echo "| RT_lib $(RTLIBDIR)"
-	@echo "x----------------------------"
+msr_modul-y := msr_module.o \
+	msr_jitter.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_lists.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_main.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_charbuf.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_reg.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_interpreter.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_messages.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_proc.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-core/msr_error_reg.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-utils/msr_utils.o \
+	rt_lib/msr-math/msr_base64.o \
+	libm.o 
+obj-m	:= msr_modul.o
+KERNELDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+PWD       := $(shell pwd)
+	$(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modules
+	rm -f core .depend
+	rm -rf .tmp_versions
+	find -L -maxdepth 3 -name "*.o" -exec rm {} \;	
+	find -L -maxdepth 3 -name "*~" -exec rm {} \;	
+	find -L -maxdepth 3 -name "*.cmd" -exec rm {} \;	
+	find -L -maxdepth 3 -name "*.ko" -exec rm {} \;	
+	find -L -maxdepth 3 -name "*.mod.c" -exec rm {} \;	
 depend .depend dep:
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M $(SRC) > .depend
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M *.c > .depend
-	rm -f *.o *~ core .depend
 ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend))
 include .depend
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rt/msr_jitter.c	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+*                          msr_jitter.c
+*           Autor: Wilhelm Hagemeister
+*           (C) Copyright IgH 2002
+*           Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
+*           Heinz-Bäcker Str. 34
+*           D-45356 Essen
+*           Tel.: +49 201/61 99 31
+*           Fax.: +49 201/61 98 36
+*           E-mail: hm@igh-essen.com
+*           $RCSfile: msr_adeos_latency.c,v $
+*           $Revision: 1.3 $
+*           $Author: hm $
+*           $Date: 2005/12/07 20:13:53 $
+*           $State: Exp $
+*           $Log: msr_adeos_latency.c,v $
+*           Revision 1.3  2005/12/07 20:13:53  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+*           Revision 1.2  2005/12/07 15:56:13  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+*           Revision 1.1  2005/12/07 08:43:40  hm
+*           Initial revision
+*           Revision 1.5  2005/11/14 20:28:09  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+*           Revision 1.4  2005/11/13 10:34:07  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+*           Revision 1.3  2005/11/12 20:52:46  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+*           Revision 1.2  2005/11/12 20:51:27  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+*           Revision 1.1  2005/11/12 19:16:02  hm
+*           Initial revision
+*           Revision 1.13  2005/06/17 11:35:13  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+#ifndef __KERNEL__
+#  define __KERNEL__
+#ifndef MODULE
+#  define MODULE
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <asm/msr.h> /* maschine-specific registers */
+#include <linux/param.h> /* fuer HZ */
+#include <msr_reg.h>
+#include "msr_jitter.h"
+/*--external functions---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*--external data--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*--public data----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*--local data-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define NUMCLASSES 16
+static int jittime[NUMCLASSES]={0,1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,20000,50000}; //in usec
+static int jitcount[NUMCLASSES];
+static double jitpercent[NUMCLASSES];
+static unsigned int tcount = 1;
+static void msr_jit_read(void)
+    int i;
+    for(i=0;i<NUMCLASSES;i++) {
+	if(tcount >100) {
+	    jitpercent[i] = jitcount[i]*100.0/tcount;
+	}
+    }
+void msr_jitter_init(void)
+    msr_reg_int_list("/Taskinfo/Jitter/Classes","usec",&jittime[0],MSR_R,NUMCLASSES,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+    msr_reg_int_list("/Taskinfo/Jitter/Count","",&jitcount[0],MSR_R,NUMCLASSES,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+    msr_reg_dbl_list("/Taskinfo/Jitter/percent","%",&jitpercent[0],MSR_R,NUMCLASSES,NULL,NULL,&msr_jit_read);
+* Function: msr_jitter_run
+* Beschreibung: 
+* Parameter: Zeiger auf msr_data
+* Rückgabe: 
+* Status: exp
+void msr_jitter_run(unsigned int hz) {
+    int i,hit;
+    static int firstrun = 1;
+    static int counter = 0;
+    static unsigned long k,j = 0;
+    unsigned int dt,jitter;
+    rdtscl(k);
+    tcount++;
+    //Zeitabstand zwischen zwei Interrupts in usec
+    dt = ((unsigned long)(100000/HZ)*((unsigned long)(k-j)))/(current_cpu_data.loops_per_jiffy/10);
+    jitter = (unsigned int)abs((int)dt-(int)1000000/hz); //jitter errechnet zum Sollabtastrate
+    //in die Klassen einsortieren
+    if(!firstrun) { //das erste mal nicht einsortieren
+	hit = 0;
+	for(i=0;i<NUMCLASSES-1;i++) {
+	    if(jitter>=jittime[i] && jitter<jittime[i+1]) {
+		jitcount[i]++;
+		hit = 1;
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if(hit == 0) //grŽöŽßer als der letzte
+	    jitcount[NUMCLASSES-1]++;
+    }
+    else
+	firstrun = 0;
+    j = k;
--- a/rt/msr_load	Fri Dec 02 15:35:21 2005 +0000
+++ b/rt/msr_load	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # invoke insmod with all arguments we got
 # and use a pathname, as newer modutils don't look in . by default
-/sbin/insmod -f ./$module.o $* || exit 1
+/sbin/insmod -f ./$module.ko $* || exit 1
 major=`cat /proc/devices | awk "\\$2==\"$device\" {print \\$1}"`
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rt/msr_module.c	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+*                          msr_module.c
+*           Kernelmodul für 2.6 Kernel zur Meßdatenerfassung, Steuerung und Regelung
+*           Zeitgeber ist der Timerinterrupt (tq)
+*           Autor: Wilhelm Hagemeister
+*           (C) Copyright IgH 2002
+*           Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
+*           Heinz-Bäcker Str. 34
+*           D-45356 Essen
+*           Tel.: +49 201/61 99 31
+*           Fax.: +49 201/61 98 36
+*           E-mail: hm@igh-essen.com
+*           $RCSfile: msr_module.c,v $
+*           $Revision: 1.1 $
+*           $Author: hm $
+*           $Date: 2005/11/14 20:32:57 $
+*           $State: Exp $
+*           $Log: msr_module.c,v $
+*           Revision 1.1  2005/11/14 20:32:57  hm
+*           Initial revision
+*           Revision 1.13  2005/06/17 11:35:13  hm
+*           *** empty log message ***
+#ifndef __KERNEL__
+#  define __KERNEL__
+#ifndef MODULE
+#  define MODULE
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h> 
+#include <linux/fs.h>     /* everything... */
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/timex.h>  /* fuer get_cycles */
+#include <linux/errno.h>  /* error codes */
+#include <asm/msr.h> /* maschine-specific registers */
+#include <linux/param.h> /* fuer HZ */
+#include <linux/ipipe.h>
+#include "msr_param.h"   //wird im Projektverzeichnis erwartet
+//#include <msr_control.h>
+#include <msr_lists.h>
+#include <msr_charbuf.h>
+#include <msr_reg.h>
+#include <msr_error_reg.h>
+#include <msr_messages.h>
+#include <msr_proc.h>
+#include <msr_utils.h>
+#include <msr_main.h>
+#include <msr_float.h>
+#include "../drivers/ec_master.h"
+#include "../drivers/ec_device.h"
+#include "../drivers/ec_types.h"
+#include "../drivers/ec_module.h"
+#include "msr_jitter.h"
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Wilhelm Hagemeister, Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH");
+/*--external functions---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*--external data--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern wait_queue_head_t msr_read_waitqueue;
+extern struct msr_char_buf *msr_kanal_puffer;
+extern int proc_abtastfrequenz;
+/*--public data----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*--local data-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+//struct timer_list timer;
+extern struct timeval process_time;           
+struct timeval msr_time_increment;                    // Increment per Interrupt
+static struct ipipe_domain this_domain;
+static struct ipipe_sysinfo sys_info;
+static EtherCAT_master_t *ecat_master = NULL;
+static EtherCAT_slave_t ecat_slaves[] =
+#if 1
+    // Block 1
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EK1100),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL4102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3162),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    // Block 2
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EK1100),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL2004),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL1014)
+#if 1
+    // Block 3
+   ,ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EK1100),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3162),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3162),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3162),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3162),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL3102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL4102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL4102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL4102),
+    ECAT_INIT_SLAVE(Beckhoff_EL4102)
+#define ECAT_SLAVES_COUNT (sizeof(ecat_slaves) / sizeof(EtherCAT_slave_t))
+#define USE_MSR_LIB
+#ifdef USE_MSR_LIB
+double value;
+int dig1;
+ *
+ * Function: next2004
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static int next2004(int *wrap)
+    static int i = 0;
+    unsigned int j = 0;
+    *wrap = 0;
+    for (j = 0; j < ECAT_SLAVES_COUNT; j++)
+    {
+        i++;
+        i %= ECAT_SLAVES_COUNT;
+        if (i == 0) *wrap = 1;
+        if (ecat_slaves[i].desc == Beckhoff_EL2004)
+        {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+ *
+ * Function: msr_controller_run()
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void msr_controller_run(void)
+    static int ms = 0;
+    static int cnt = 0;
+    static unsigned long int k = 0;
+    static int firstrun = 1;
+    static int klemme = 0;
+    static int kanal = 0;
+    static int up_down = 0;
+    int wrap = 0;
+    // Prozessdaten lesen
+    msr_jitter_run(MSR_ABTASTFREQUENZ);
+    if (!firstrun)
+    {
+        EtherCAT_read_process_data(ecat_master);
+        // Daten lesen und skalieren
+#ifdef USE_MSR_LIB
+        value = EtherCAT_read_value(&ecat_master->slaves[5], 0) / 3276.0; 
+        dig1 = EtherCAT_read_value(&ecat_master->slaves[2], 0);
+    }
+    else
+        klemme = next2004(&wrap);
+    ms++;
+    ms %= 1000;
+    if (cnt++ > 20)
+    {
+        cnt = 0;
+        if (++kanal > 3)
+        {
+            kanal = 0;
+            klemme = next2004(&wrap);
+            if (wrap == 1)
+            {
+                if (up_down == 1) up_down = 0;
+                else up_down = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (klemme >= 0) {
+        EtherCAT_write_value(&ecat_master->slaves[klemme], kanal,up_down);
+	//printk("ECAT write: Klemme: %d, Kanal: %d, Wert: %d\n",klemme,kanal,up_down); 
+    }
+#if 0
+    EtherCAT_write_value(&ecat_master->slaves[13], 1, ms > 500 ? 0 : 1);
+    EtherCAT_write_value(&ecat_master->slaves[14], 2, ms > 500 ? 0 : 1);
+    EtherCAT_write_value(&ecat_master->slaves[15], 3, ms > 500 ? 1 : 0);
+    // Prozessdaten schreiben
+    rdtscl(k);
+    EtherCAT_write_process_data(ecat_master);
+    firstrun = 0;
+* Function: msr_run(_interrupt)
+* Beschreibung: Routine wird zyklisch im Timerinterrupt ausgeführt
+*               (hier muß alles rein, was Echtzeit ist ...)
+* Parameter: Zeiger auf msr_data
+* Rückgabe: 
+* Status: exp
+void msr_run(unsigned irq)
+    static int counter = 0;
+#ifdef USE_MSR_LIB
+    timeval_add(&process_time,&process_time,&msr_time_increment); 
+	msr_controller_run();
+	msr_write_kanal_list();
+	);
+    msr_controller_run();
+    /* und wieder in die Timerliste eintragen */
+    /* und neu in die Taskqueue eintragen */    
+//    timer.expires += 1;
+//    add_timer(&timer);
+    ipipe_control_irq(irq,0,IPIPE_ENABLE_MASK);  //nicht weiterreichen
+    if(counter++ > HZREDUCTION) {
+	ipipe_propagate_irq(irq);  //wie lange braucht der Rest der Pipeline ??
+	counter = 0;
+    }
+void domain_entry (int iflag) {
+    printk("Domain %s started.\n",	ipipe_current_domain->name);
+    ipipe_get_sysinfo(&sys_info);
+    ipipe_virtualize_irq(ipipe_current_domain,sys_info.archdep.tmirq,
+			 &msr_run, NULL, IPIPE_HANDLE_MASK);
+    ipipe_tune_timer(1000000000UL/MSR_ABTASTFREQUENZ,0); 
+* Function: msr_register_channels
+* Beschreibung: KanŽäle registrieren
+* Parameter:
+* RŽückgabe: 
+* Status: exp
+int msr_globals_register(void)
+#ifdef USE_MSR_LIB
+    msr_reg_kanal("/value", "V", &value, TDBL);
+    msr_reg_kanal("/dig1", "", &dig1, TINT);
+/*  msr_reg_kanal("/Taskinfo/Ecat/TX-Delay","us",&ecat_tx_delay,TUINT);
+  msr_reg_kanal("/Taskinfo/Ecat/RX-Delay","us",&ecat_rx_delay,TUINT);
+  msr_reg_kanal("/Taskinfo/Ecat/TX-Cnt","",&tx_intr,TUINT);
+  msr_reg_kanal("/Taskinfo/Ecat/RX-Cnt","",&rx_intr,TUINT);
+  msr_reg_kanal("/Taskinfo/Ecat/Total-Cnt","",&total_intr,TUINT);
+  return 0;
+ * the init/clean material
+ ****************************************************************************************************/
+int __init init_module()
+    int result = 0;
+    struct ipipe_domain_attr attr; //ipipe
+    //als allererstes die RT-lib initialisieren    
+#ifdef USE_MSR_LIB
+    result = msr_rtlib_init(1,MSR_ABTASTFREQUENZ,10,&msr_globals_register); 
+    if (result < 0) {
+        msr_print_warn("msr_modul: can't initialize rtlib!");
+        return result;
+    }
+    msr_jitter_init();
+  printk(KERN_INFO "=== Starting EtherCAT environment... ===\n");
+  if ((ecat_master = EtherCAT_master(0)) == NULL)
+  {
+    printk(KERN_ERR "No EtherCAT master available!\n");
+    msr_rtlib_cleanup();    
+    return -1;
+  }
+  printk("Checking EtherCAT slaves.\n");
+  if (EtherCAT_check_slaves(ecat_master, ecat_slaves, ECAT_SLAVES_COUNT) != 0)
+  {
+    printk(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not init slaves!\n");
+    msr_rtlib_cleanup();    
+    return -1;
+  }
+  printk("Activating all EtherCAT slaves.\n");
+  if (EtherCAT_activate_all_slaves(ecat_master) != 0)
+  {
+    printk(KERN_ERR "EtherCAT: Could not activate slaves!\n");
+    msr_rtlib_cleanup();    
+    return -1;
+  }
+  do_gettimeofday(&process_time);			       
+  msr_time_increment.tv_sec=0;
+  msr_time_increment.tv_usec=(unsigned int)(1000000/MSR_ABTASTFREQUENZ);
+    ipipe_init_attr (&attr);
+    attr.name     = "IPIPE-MSR-MODULE";
+    attr.priority = IPIPE_ROOT_PRIO + 1;
+    attr.entry    = &domain_entry;
+    ipipe_register_domain(&this_domain,&attr);
+    //den Timertakt
+  init_timer(&timer);
+  timer.function = msr_run;
+  timer.data = 0;
+  timer.expires = jiffies+10; // Das erste Mal sofort feuern
+  add_timer(&timer);
+  return 0; /* succeed */
+void __exit cleanup_module()
+    msr_print_info("msk_modul: unloading...");
+//    del_timer_sync(&timer);
+    ipipe_tune_timer(1000000000UL/HZ,0); //alten Timertakt wieder herstellen
+    ipipe_unregister_domain(&this_domain);
+    printk(KERN_INFO "=== Stopping EtherCAT environment... ===\n");
+    if (ecat_master)
+    {
+      EtherCAT_clear_process_data(ecat_master);
+      printk(KERN_INFO "Deactivating slaves.\n");
+      EtherCAT_deactivate_all_slaves(ecat_master);
+    }
+    printk(KERN_INFO "=== EtherCAT environment stopped. ===\n");
+//    msr_controller_cleanup(); 
+#ifdef USE_MSR_LIB
+    msr_rtlib_cleanup();    
+MODULE_AUTHOR ("Wilhelm Hagemeister <hm@igh-essen.com>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION ("EtherCAT test environment");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rt/msr_param.h	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef _MSR_PARAM_H_
+#define _MSR_PARAM_H_
+#define  MSR_ABTASTFREQUENZ 5000   //FIXME nur für den Simulator, der virtuelle 10 Mal schneller läuft ....HZ  /* Abtastrate der Kan%/1€Œiso8859-15äle in [HZ]*/
--- a/rt/msrserv.pl	Fri Dec 02 15:35:21 2005 +0000
+++ b/rt/msrserv.pl	Fri Dec 16 08:15:21 2005 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,42 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# (C) Copyright
+#     Diese Software ist geistiges Eigentum der 
+#     Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH. Sie darf von 
+#     Toyota Motorsport GmbH
+#     beliebig kopiert und veraendert werden. 
+#     Die Weitergabe an Dritte ist untersagt.
+#     Dieser Urhebrrechtshinweis muss erhalten
+#     bleiben.
+#     Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
+#     Heinz-Baecker-Strasse 34
+#     D-45356 Essen
+#     Tel.:  +49-201/61 99 31
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+#     WWW:   http://www.igh-essen.com
+#     Email: msr@igh-essen.com
 # Multithreaded Server 
 # according to the example from "Programming Perl"
+# this code is improved according to the example from 
+# perldoc perlipc, so now safely being usable under Perl 5.8 
+# (see note (*))
 # works with read/write on a device-file  
 # $Revision: 1.1 $
-# $Date: 2002/07/09 10:10:59 $
+# $Date: 2004/10/01 16:00:42 $
 # $RCSfile: msrserv.pl,v $
 require 5.002;
 use strict;
-BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = '/usr/bin:/bin' }
+BEGIN { $ENV{PATH} = '/opt/msr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' }
 use Socket;
 use Carp;
 use FileHandle;
@@ -23,6 +47,7 @@
 use vars qw (
 	     $self $pid $dolog $port $dev %opts $selfbase
 	     $len $offset $stream $written $read $log $blksize
+	     $instdir
 	     $authfile %authhosts
@@ -33,13 +58,13 @@
 # Prototypes and some little Tools
 sub spawn;
 sub logmsg { 
-  my ($level, @text) = @_;
-  syslog("daemon|$level", @text) if $dolog;
+  my ($level, $debug, @text) = @_;
+  syslog("daemon|$level", @text) if $debug > $dolog;
 #  print STDERR "daemon|$level", @text, "\n" if $dolog;
 sub out {
   my $waitpid = wait; 
-  logmsg("notice", "$waitpid exited");
+  logmsg("notice", 2, "$waitpid exited");
   unlink "$selfbase.pid";
   exit 0;
@@ -68,7 +93,8 @@
 $port = $opts{"p"};
 $dev = $opts{"d"};
 $blksize = 1024; # try to write as much bytes
-$authfile = "/opt/kbw/etc/hosts.auth"; 
+$instdir = "/opt/msr";
+$authfile = "$instdir/etc/hosts.auth"; 
 # Start logging
 openlog($self, 'pid');
@@ -80,12 +106,12 @@
 if ($pid = fork) {
 #  open LOG, ">$log" if $dolog;
 #  close LOG;
-  logmsg("notice", "forked process: $pid\n");
+  logmsg("notice", 2, "forked process: $pid\n");
   exit 0;
 # Server tells about startup success
-open (PID, ">$selfbase.pid");
+open (PID, ">/$instdir/var/run/$selfbase.pid");
 print PID "$$\n";
 close PID;
@@ -107,106 +133,122 @@
 %authhosts = ();
 # get authorized hosts
 open (AUTH, $authfile) 
-  or logmsg ("notice", "Could not read allowed hosts file: $authfile");
+  or logmsg ("notice", 2, "Could not read allowed hosts file: $authfile");
 while (<AUTH>) {
     my $host = lc $_;
-    logmsg ("notice", "Authorized host: $host");
-    $authhosts{$_} = 1 if $host =~ /^[\d\w]/;
+     if ($host =~ /^[\d\w]/) {
+	 $authhosts{$_} = 1;
+	 logmsg ("notice", 2, "Authorized host: >$host<");
+     }
 close (AUTH);
 # tell about open server socket
-logmsg ("notice", "Server started at port $port");
-my $waitpid = 0;
+logmsg ("notice", 2, "Server started at port $port");
+my $waitedpid = 0;
 my $paddr;
 # wait for children to return, thus avoiding zombies
+# improvement (*)
+use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
 sub REAPER {
-  $waitpid = wait;
-  $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; 
-  logmsg ("notice", "reaped $waitpid", ($? ? " with exit $?" : ""));
+  my $child;
+  while (($waitedpid = waitpid(-1,WNOHANG)) > 0) {
+    logmsg ("notice", 2, "reaped $waitedpid", ($? ? " with exit $?" : ""));
+  }
+  $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER;  # loathe sysV
 # also all sub-processes should wait for their children
 # start a new server for every incoming request
-for ( ; $paddr = accept(Client, Server); close (Client)) {
-  my ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
-  my $name = lc gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
-  my $ipaddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
-  my $n = 0;
+# improvement (*) -- loop forever
+while ( 1 ) {
+  for ( $waitedpid = 0;
+	($paddr = accept(Client,Server)) || $waitedpid;
+	$waitedpid = 0, close Client ) {
+    next if $waitedpid and not $paddr;
+    my ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
+    my $name = lc gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
+    my $ipaddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
+    my $n = 0;
 # tell about the requesting client
-  logmsg ("info", "Connection from $ipaddr ($name) at port $port");
-  spawn sub {
-    my ($head, $hlen, $pos, $pegel, $typ, $siz, $nch, $nrec, $dat, $i, $j, $n, $llen); 
-    my ($watchpegel, $shmpegel);
-    my ($rin, $rout, $in, $line, $data_requested, $oversample);
-    my (@channels);
+    logmsg ("info", 2, "Connection from >$ipaddr< ($name) at port $port");
+    spawn sub {
+      my ($head, $hlen, $pos, $pegel, $typ, $siz, $nch, $nrec, $dat, $i, $j, $n, $llen); 
+      my ($watchpegel, $shmpegel);
+      my ($rin, $rout, $in, $line, $data_requested, $oversample);
+      my (@channels);
 #   to use stdio on writing to Client
-    Client->autoflush();
+      Client->autoflush();
 #   Open Device 
-    sysopen (DEV, "$dev", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0666) or die("can't open $dev");
+      sysopen (DEV, "$dev", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0666) or die("can't open $dev");
 #   Bitmask to check for input on stdin
-    $rin = "";
-    vec($rin, fileno(Client), 1) = 1; 
+      $rin = "";
+      vec($rin, fileno(Client), 1) = 1; 
 #   check for authorized hosts
-    my $access = 'allow';
-    $access = 'allow' if $authhosts{$ipaddr};
-    $line = "<remote_host host=\"$ipaddr\" access=\"$access\">\n";
-    $len = length $line;
-    $offset = 0;
-    while ($len) {
+      my $access = 'deny';
+      $access = 'allow' if $authhosts{$ipaddr};
+      $line = "<remote_host host=\"$ipaddr\" access=\"$access\">\n";
+      logmsg ("info", 2, $line);
+      $len = length $line;
+      $offset = 0;
+      while ($len) {
 	$written = syswrite (DEV, $line, $len, $offset);
 	$len -= $written;
 	$offset += $written;
-    }
-    while ( 1 ) {
-      $in = select ($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0.0); # poll client
+      }
+      while ( 1 ) {
+	$in = select ($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0.0); # poll client
 #     look for any Input from Client
-      if ($in) {
+	if ($in) {
 #       exit on EOF
-	$len = sysread (Client, $line, $blksize) or exit;
-	logmsg("info", "got $len bytes: \"$line\""); 
-	$offset = 0;
+	  $len = sysread (Client, $line, $blksize) or exit;
+	  logmsg("info", 0, "got $len bytes: \"$line\""); 
+	  $offset = 0;
 #       copy request to device
-	while ($len) {
-	  $written = syswrite (DEV, $line, $len, $offset);
-	  $len -= $written;
-	  $offset += $written;
+	  while ($len) {
+	    $written = syswrite (DEV, $line, $len, $offset);
+	    $len -= $written;
+	    $offset += $written;
+	  }
+	}
+#     look for some output from device
+	if ($len = sysread DEV, $stream, $blksize) {
+	  print Client $stream;
+	} else {
+	  select undef, undef, undef, 0.1; # calm down if nothing on device
-#     look for some output from device
-      if ($len = sysread DEV, $stream, $blksize) {
-	print Client $stream;
-      } else {
-	select undef, undef, undef, 0.1; # calm down if nothing on device
-      }
-    }
-  }
+    };
+    logmsg("info", 2, "spawned\n");
+  }
+  logmsg("info", 2, "server loop\n");
 sub spawn {
   my $coderef = shift;
   unless (@_ == 0 && $coderef && ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') {
     confess "usage: spawn CODEREF";
   my $pid; 
   if (!defined($pid = fork)) {
-    logmsg ("notice", "fork failed: $!");
+    logmsg ("notice", 2, "fork failed: $!");
   } elsif ($pid) {
-    logmsg ("notice", "Request $pid");
+    logmsg ("notice", 2, "Request $pid");
     return; # Parent
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