Separated ec_sdo_request_init() and ec_sdo_request_read().
/* $Id$ */
digraph slaveconf {
enter_mbox_sync [shape=point,label=""]
enter_fmmu [shape=point,label=""]
enter_sdo_conf [shape=point,label=""]
enter_mapping [shape=point,label=""]
enter_pdo_sync [shape=point,label=""]
enter_safeop [shape=point,label=""]
start -> init [weight=10]
init -> init
init -> error
init -> enter_mbox_sync
init -> clear_fmmus [label="Has FMMUs", weight=10]
clear_fmmus -> clear_fmmus
clear_fmmus -> error
clear_fmmus -> enter_mbox_sync [weight=10]
enter_mbox_sync -> end [label="INIT req."]
enter_mbox_sync -> preop [label="No mailboxes"]
enter_mbox_sync -> mbox_sync [label="Has mailboxes", weight=10]
mbox_sync -> mbox_sync
mbox_sync -> error
mbox_sync -> preop [weight=10]
preop -> preop
preop -> error
preop -> end [label="PREOP req."]
preop -> enter_sdo_conf [weight=10]
enter_sdo_conf -> enter_safeop [label="No configuration"]
enter_sdo_conf -> enter_mapping [label="No Sdo configs"]
enter_sdo_conf -> sdo_conf [label="Sdo configs", weight=10]
sdo_conf -> sdo_conf
sdo_conf -> error
sdo_conf -> enter_mapping [weight=10]
enter_mapping -> mapping [weight=10]
mapping -> mapping
mapping -> error
mapping -> pdo_conf [weight=10]
pdo_conf -> pdo_conf
pdo_conf -> error
pdo_conf -> enter_pdo_sync [weight=10]
enter_pdo_sync -> pdo_sync [label="Pdo SMs", weight=10]
enter_pdo_sync -> enter_fmmu
pdo_sync -> pdo_sync
pdo_sync -> error
pdo_sync -> enter_fmmu [weight=10]
enter_fmmu -> enter_safeop
enter_fmmu -> fmmu [label="FMMUs to configure", weight=10]
fmmu -> fmmu
fmmu -> error
fmmu -> enter_safeop [weight=10]
enter_safeop -> safeop
safeop -> safeop
safeop -> error
safeop -> end [label="SAFEOP req."]
safeop -> op [weight=10]
op -> op
op -> error
op -> end [weight=10]