author Knud Baastrup <>
Tue, 14 Apr 2015 13:12:24 -0400
changeset 2629 a2701af27fde
parent 1883 57b500c062fe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Internal SDO requests now synchronized with external requests.
Internal SDO requests are managed by master FSM and can conflict with
external requests managed by slave FSM. The internal SDO requests
includes SDO requests created by an application and external request are
typical created by EtherCAT Tool for SDO upload/download or a directory
fetch initiated with ethercat sdos command. The conflict will cause a
FPWR from an external request to be overwritten by a FPWR from an
internal SDO request (or oppersite) in the same "train" of datagrams.

This is the INSTALL file of the IgH EtherCAT Master.


vim: set spelllang=en spell tw=78


Building and installing

The complete build and installation procedure is described in the respective
section of the documentation available from


For the impatient: The procedure mainly consists of calling

$ ./boostrap # to create the configure script, if downloaded from the repo

$ ./configure
$ make all modules

... and as root:

# make modules_install install
# depmod

... and linking the init script and copying the sysconfig file from $PREFIX/etc
to the appropriate locations and customizing the sysconfig file.

# ln -s ${PREFIX}/etc/init.d/ethercat /etc/init.d/ethercat
# cp ${PREFIX}/etc/sysconfig/ethercat /etc/sysconfig/ethercat
# vi /etc/sysconfig/ethercat

Make sure, that the 'udev' package is installed, to automatically create the
EtherCAT character devices. The character devices will be created with mode
0660 and group root by default. If you want to give normal users reading
access, create a udev rule like this:

# echo KERNEL==\"EtherCAT[0-9]*\", MODE=\"0664\" > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-EtherCAT.rules

Now you can start the EtherCAT master:

# /etc/init.d/ethercat start

Have a look at the examples/ subdirectory for some application examples.

Have fun!
