Xenomai 2 to 3 migration says "RTDM drivers implementing differentiated ioctl() support for both domains should serve all real-time only requests from ioctl_rt(), returning -ENOSYS for any unrecognized request, which will cause the adaptive switch to take place automatically to the ioctl_nrt() handler. The ioctl_nrt() should then implement all requests which may be valid from the regular Linux domain exclusively."
# $Id$
fsm_change \
fsm_eoe \
fsm_master \
fsm_pdo_conf \
fsm_pdo_entry_conf \
fsm_pdo_entry_read \
fsm_pdo_read \
fsm_sii \
fsm_slave_conf \
PDF = $(addsuffix .pdf,$(GRAPHS))
all: pdf
pdf: $(PDF)
%.pdf: %.dot
dot -Tpdf -o $@ $<
@rm -f *.pdf