'ethercat domain' shows domain contents and process data.
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2006 Florian Pose, Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
* This file is part of the IgH EtherCAT Master.
* The IgH EtherCAT Master is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The IgH EtherCAT Master is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the IgH EtherCAT Master; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* The right to use EtherCAT Technology is granted and comes free of
* charge under condition of compatibility of product made by
* Licensee. People intending to distribute/sell products based on the
* code, have to sign an agreement to guarantee that products using
* software based on IgH EtherCAT master stay compatible with the actual
* EtherCAT specification (which are released themselves as an open
* standard) as the (only) precondition to have the right to use EtherCAT
* Technology, IP and trade marks.
EtherCAT slave structure.
#ifndef __EC_SLAVE_H__
#define __EC_SLAVE_H__
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/kobject.h>
#include "../include/ecrt.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "datagram.h"
#include "pdo.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "sdo.h"
/** Slave state mask.
* Apply this mask to a slave state byte to get the slave state without
* the error flag.
/** State of an EtherCAT slave.
typedef enum {
/**< unknown state */
/**< INIT state (no mailbox communication, no IO) */
/**< PREOP state (mailbox communication, no IO) */
/**< SAFEOP (mailbox communication and input update) */
/**< OP (mailbox communication and input/output update) */
/**< Acknowledge/Error bit (no actual state) */
} ec_slave_state_t;
/** Supported mailbox protocols.
enum {
EC_MBOX_AOE = 0x01, /**< ADS-over-EtherCAT */
EC_MBOX_EOE = 0x02, /**< Ethernet-over-EtherCAT */
EC_MBOX_COE = 0x04, /**< CANopen-over-EtherCAT */
EC_MBOX_FOE = 0x08, /**< File-Access-over-EtherCAT */
EC_MBOX_SOE = 0x10, /**< Servo-Profile-over-EtherCAT */
EC_MBOX_VOE = 0x20 /**< Vendor specific */
/** Slave information interface CANopen-over-EtherCAT details flags.
typedef struct {
uint8_t enable_sdo : 1; /**< Enable Sdo access. */
uint8_t enable_sdo_info : 1; /**< SDO information service available. */
uint8_t enable_pdo_assign : 1; /**< Pdo mapping configurable. */
uint8_t enable_pdo_configuration : 1; /**< Pdo configuration possible. */
uint8_t enable_upload_at_startup : 1; /**< ?. */
uint8_t enable_sdo_complete_access : 1; /**< Complete access possible. */
} ec_sii_coe_details_t;
/** Slave information interface general flags.
typedef struct {
uint8_t enable_safeop : 1; /**< ?. */
uint8_t enable_not_lrw : 1; /**< Slave does not support LRW. */
} ec_sii_general_flags_t;
/** Slave information interface data.
typedef struct {
// Non-category data
uint16_t alias; /**< Configured station alias. */
uint32_t vendor_id; /**< Vendor ID. */
uint32_t product_code; /**< Vendor-specific product code. */
uint32_t revision_number; /**< Revision number. */
uint32_t serial_number; /**< Serial number. */
uint16_t rx_mailbox_offset; /**< Mailbox address (master to slave). */
uint16_t rx_mailbox_size; /**< Mailbox size (master to slave). */
uint16_t tx_mailbox_offset; /**< Mailbox address (slave to master). */
uint16_t tx_mailbox_size; /**< Mailbox size (slave to master). */
uint16_t mailbox_protocols; /**< Supported mailbox protocols. */
// Strings
char **strings; /**< Strings in SII categories. */
unsigned int string_count; /**< number of SII strings */
// General
unsigned int has_general; /**< General category present. */
char *group; /**< slave group acc. to SII */
char *image; /**< slave image name acc. to SII */
char *order; /**< slave order number acc. to SII */
char *name; /**< slave name acc. to SII */
uint8_t physical_layer[4]; /**< port media */
ec_sii_coe_details_t coe_details; /**< CoE detail flags. */
ec_sii_general_flags_t general_flags; /**< General flags. */
int16_t current_on_ebus; /**< power consumption */
// SyncM
ec_sync_t *syncs; /**< SII SYNC MANAGER categories */
unsigned int sync_count; /**< number of sync managers in SII */
struct list_head pdos; /**< SII [RT]XPDO categories */
} ec_sii_t;
/** EtherCAT slave.
struct ec_slave
struct list_head list; /**< list item */
struct kobject kobj; /**< kobject */
ec_master_t *master; /**< master owning the slave */
// addresses
uint16_t ring_position; /**< ring position */
uint16_t station_address; /**< configured station address */
// configuration
ec_slave_config_t *config; /**< Current configuration. */
ec_slave_state_t requested_state; /**< Requested application state. */
ec_slave_state_t current_state; /**< Current application state. */
unsigned int error_flag; /**< Stop processing after an error. */
unsigned int force_config; /**< Force (re-)configuration. */
// base data
uint8_t base_type; /**< slave type */
uint8_t base_revision; /**< revision */
uint16_t base_build; /**< build number */
uint16_t base_fmmu_count; /**< number of supported FMMUs */
// data link status
uint8_t dl_link[4]; /**< link detected */
uint8_t dl_loop[4]; /**< loop closed */
uint8_t dl_signal[4]; /**< detected signal on RX port */
// SII
uint8_t *sii_data; /**< Complete SII image */
size_t sii_size; /**< size of the SII contents in bytes */
// slave information interface
ec_sii_t sii; /**< SII data. */
struct kobject sdo_kobj; /**< kobject for Sdos */
struct list_head sdo_dictionary; /**< Sdo dictionary list */
uint8_t sdo_dictionary_fetched; /**< dictionary has been fetched */
unsigned long jiffies_preop; /**< time, the slave went to PREOP */
// slave construction/destruction
int ec_slave_init(ec_slave_t *, ec_master_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
void ec_slave_destroy(ec_slave_t *);
void ec_slave_clear_sync_managers(ec_slave_t *);
void ec_slave_request_state(ec_slave_t *, ec_slave_state_t);
void ec_slave_set_state(ec_slave_t *, ec_slave_state_t);
// SII categories
int ec_slave_fetch_sii_strings(ec_slave_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t);
int ec_slave_fetch_sii_general(ec_slave_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t);
int ec_slave_fetch_sii_syncs(ec_slave_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t);
int ec_slave_fetch_sii_pdos(ec_slave_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t,
// misc.
ec_sync_t *ec_slave_get_pdo_sync(ec_slave_t *, ec_direction_t);
void ec_slave_sdo_dict_info(const ec_slave_t *,
unsigned int *, unsigned int *);
ec_sdo_t *ec_slave_get_sdo(ec_slave_t *, uint16_t);
const ec_pdo_t *ec_slave_find_pdo(const ec_slave_t *, uint16_t);