merge -c1543 trunk: Prcess data; slave configuration + attachment; typos.
* $Id$
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#include "CommandSiiWrite.h"
#include "sii_crc.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
Command("sii_write", "Write SII contents to a slave.")
string CommandSiiWrite::helpString() const
stringstream str;
str << getName() << " [OPTIONS] <FILENAME>" << endl
<< endl
<< getBriefDescription() << endl
<< endl
<< "This command requires a single slave to be selected." << endl
<< endl
<< "The file contents are checked for validity and integrity." << endl
<< "These checks can be overridden with the --force option." << endl
<< endl
<< "Arguments:" << endl
<< " FILENAME must be a path to a file that contains a" << endl
<< " positive number of words. If it is '-'," << endl
<< " data are read from stdin." << endl
<< endl
<< "Command-specific options:" << endl
<< " --alias -a <alias>" << endl
<< " --position -p <pos> Slave selection. See the help of" << endl
<< " the 'slaves' command." << endl
<< " --force -f Override validity checks." << endl
<< endl
<< numericInfo();
return str.str();
void CommandSiiWrite::execute(MasterDevice &m, const StringVector &args)
stringstream err;
ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t data;
ifstream file;
SlaveList slaves;
if (args.size() != 1) {
err << "'" << getName() << "' takes exactly one argument!";
if (args[0] == "-") {
loadSiiData(&data, cin);
} else {[0].c_str(), ifstream::in | ifstream::binary);
if ( {
err << "Failed to open '" << args[0] << "'!";
loadSiiData(&data, file);
if (!getForce()) {
try {
} catch (CommandException &e) {
delete [] data.words;
throw e;
try {;
} catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
delete [] data.words;
throw e;
slaves = selectedSlaves(m);
if (slaves.size() != 1) {
delete [] data.words;
data.slave_position = slaves.front().position;
// send data to master
data.offset = 0;
try {
} catch (MasterDeviceException &e) {
delete [] data.words;
throw e;
if (getVerbosity() == Verbose) {
cerr << "SII writing finished." << endl;
delete [] data.words;
void CommandSiiWrite::loadSiiData(
ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t *data,
const istream &in
stringstream err;
ostringstream tmp;
tmp << in.rdbuf();
string const &contents = tmp.str();
if (getVerbosity() == Verbose) {
cerr << "Read " << contents.size() << " bytes of SII data." << endl;
if (!contents.size() || contents.size() % 2) {
err << "Invalid data size " << contents.size() << "! "
<< "Must be non-zero and even.";
data->nwords = contents.size() / 2;
// allocate buffer and read file into buffer
data->words = new uint16_t[data->nwords];
contents.copy((char *) data->words, contents.size());
void CommandSiiWrite::checkSiiData(
const ec_ioctl_slave_sii_t *data
stringstream err;
const uint16_t *categoryHeader;
uint16_t categoryType, categorySize;
uint8_t crc;
if (data->nwords < 0x0041) {
err << "SII data too short (" << data->nwords << " words)! Mimimum is"
" 40 fixed words + 1 delimiter. Use --force to write anyway.";
// calculate checksum over words 0 to 6
crc = calcSiiCrc((const uint8_t *) data->words, 14);
if (crc != ((const uint8_t *) data->words)[14]) {
err << "CRC incorrect. Must be 0x"
<< hex << setfill('0') << setw(2) << (unsigned int) crc
<< ". Use --force to write anyway.";
// cycle through categories to detect corruption
categoryHeader = data->words + 0x0040U;
categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);
while (categoryType != 0xffff) {
if (categoryHeader + 1 > data->words + data->nwords) {
err << "SII data seem to be corrupted! "
<< "Use --force to write anyway.";
categorySize = le16tocpu(*(categoryHeader + 1));
if (categoryHeader + 2 + categorySize + 1
> data->words + data->nwords) {
err << "SII data seem to be corrupted! "
"Use --force to write anyway.";
categoryHeader += 2 + categorySize;
categoryType = le16tocpu(*categoryHeader);