changeset 1185 337ce4fc2383
parent 1184 75cd6681eb08
child 1186 ff481f097c97
--- a/script/init.d/ethercat	Fri Aug 01 10:10:55 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-#  Init script for EtherCAT
-#  $Id$
-#  Copyright (C) 2006  Florian Pose, Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
-#  This file is part of the IgH EtherCAT Master.
-#  The IgH EtherCAT Master is free software; you can redistribute it
-#  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#  The IgH EtherCAT Master is distributed in the hope that it will be
-#  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#  GNU General Public License for more details.
-#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#  along with the IgH EtherCAT Master; if not, write to the Free Software
-#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-#  The right to use EtherCAT Technology is granted and comes free of
-#  charge under condition of compatibility of product made by
-#  Licensee. People intending to distribute/sell products based on the
-#  code, have to sign an agreement to guarantee that products using
-#  software based on IgH EtherCAT master stay compatible with the actual
-#  EtherCAT specification (which are released themselves as an open
-#  standard) as the (only) precondition to have the right to use EtherCAT
-#  Technology, IP and trade marks.
-# Provides:          ethercat
-# Required-Start:    $local_fs $syslog $network
-# Should-Start:      $time ntp
-# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $syslog $network
-# Should-Stop:       $time ntp
-# Default-Start:     3 5
-# Default-Stop:      0 1 2 6
-# Short-Description: EtherCAT Master
-# Description:
-if [ ! -r ${ETHERCAT_CONFIG} ]; then
-    echo ${ETHERCAT_CONFIG} not existing;
-    if [ "${1}" = "stop" ]; then
-	exit 0
-    else
-	exit 6
-    fi
-function exit_success()
-    if [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
-        rc_reset
-        rc_status -v
-        rc_exit
-    else
-        echo " done"
-        exit 0
-    fi
-function exit_running()
-    if [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
-        rc_reset
-        rc_status -v
-        rc_exit
-    else
-        echo " running"
-        exit 0
-    fi
-function exit_fail()
-    if [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
-        rc_failed
-        rc_status -v
-        rc_exit
-    else
-        echo " failed"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-function exit_dead()
-    if [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
-        rc_failed
-        rc_status -v
-        rc_exit
-    else
-        echo " dead"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-function parse_mac_address()
-    if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
-        MAC=""
-    elif echo ${1} | grep -qE '^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$'; then
-        MAC=${1}
-    else
-        echo Invalid MAC address \"${1}\" in ${ETHERCAT_CONFIG}
-        exit_fail
-    fi 
-if [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
-    . /etc/rc.status
-    rc_reset
-case "${1}" in
-    echo -n "Starting EtherCAT master "
-    # construct DEVICES and BACKUPS from configuration variables
-    DEVICES=""
-    BACKUPS=""
-    while true; do
-        DEVICE=$(eval echo "\${MASTER${MASTER_INDEX}_DEVICE}")
-        BACKUP=$(eval echo "\${MASTER${MASTER_INDEX}_BACKUP}")
-        if [ -z "${DEVICE}" ]; then break; fi
-        if [ ${MASTER_INDEX} -gt 0 ]; then
-            DEVICES=${DEVICES},
-            BACKUPS=${BACKUPS},
-        fi
-        parse_mac_address ${DEVICE}
-        parse_mac_address ${BACKUP}
-        MASTER_INDEX=$(expr ${MASTER_INDEX} + 1)
-    done
-    # load master module
-    if ! ${MODPROBE} ${MODPROBE_FLAGS} ec_master \
-            main_devices=${DEVICES} backup_devices=${BACKUPS}; then
-        exit_fail
-    fi
-    # check for modules to replace
-    for MODULE in ${DEVICE_MODULES}; do
-        ECMODULE=ec_${MODULE}
-        if ! ${MODINFO} ${ECMODULE} > /dev/null; then
-            continue # ec_* module not found
-        fi
-        if lsmod | grep "^${MODULE} " > /dev/null; then
-            if ! ${RMMOD} ${MODULE}; then
-                exit_fail
-            fi
-        fi
-        if ! ${MODPROBE} ${MODPROBE_FLAGS} ${ECMODULE}; then
-            ${MODPROBE} ${MODPROBE_FLAGS} ${MODULE} # try to restore module
-            exit_fail
-        fi
-    done
-    exit_success
-    ;;
-    echo -n "Shutting down EtherCAT master "
-    # unload EtherCAT device modules
-    for MODULE in ${DEVICE_MODULES} master; do
-        ECMODULE=ec_${MODULE}
-        if ! lsmod | grep -q "^${ECMODULE} "; then
-            continue # ec_* module not loaded
-        fi
-        if ! ${RMMOD} ${ECMODULE}; then
-            exit_fail
-        fi;
-    done
-    sleep 1
-    # reload previous modules
-    for MODULE in ${DEVICE_MODULES}; do
-        if ! ${MODPROBE} ${MODPROBE_FLAGS} ${MODULE}; then
-            echo Warning: Failed to restore ${MODULE}.
-        fi
-    done
-    exit_success
-    ;;
-    $0 stop || exit 1
-    sleep 1
-    $0 start
-    ;;
-    echo -n "Checking for EtherCAT "
-    lsmod | grep -q "^ec_master "
-    ! grep -q "(WAITING)" /sys/ethercat/master*/info
-    # master module loaded and masters not waiting for devices?
-    if [ ${MASTERS_RUNNING} -eq 0 -a ${MASTERS_IDLE} -eq 0 ]; then
-        exit_running
-    else
-        exit_dead
-    fi
-    ;;
-    echo "USAGE: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
-    ;;
-if [ -r /etc/rc.status ]; then
-    rc_exit
-    exit 1