Cleaned DS-401GUI (definitively removed graph) added options to open directly on the right Input or Output page. Little fixes.
Fri, 08 Feb 2008 14:52:48 +0100 (2008-02-08)
changeset 385 fff25f16c923
parent 384 83793fc7ce48
child 386 0f56a144ba5f
Cleaned DS-401GUI (definitively removed graph) added options to open directly on the right Input or Output page. Little fixes.
--- a/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/CallBack.h	Thu Feb 07 10:25:15 2008 +0100
+++ b/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/CallBack.h	Fri Feb 08 14:52:48 2008 +0100
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 #ifndef CALLBACK_H_
 #define CALLBACK_H_
-extern "C" 
-  {
-	#include "ObjDict.h"
-  }
+extern "C"
+#include "ObjDict.h"
-void Call_heartbeatError(CO_Data* d, UNS8);
+void Call_heartbeatError (CO_Data * d, UNS8);
-UNS8 Call_canSend(Message *);
+UNS8 Call_canSend (Message *);
-void Call_initialisation(CO_Data* d);
-void Call_preOperational(CO_Data* d);
-void Call_operational(CO_Data* d);
-void Call_stopped(CO_Data* d);
+void Call_initialisation (CO_Data * d);
+void Call_preOperational (CO_Data * d);
+void Call_operational (CO_Data * d);
+void Call_stopped (CO_Data * d);
-void Call_post_sync(CO_Data* d);
-void Call_post_TPDO(CO_Data* d);
-void Call_storeODSubIndex(CO_Data* d, UNS16 wIndex, UNS8 bSubindex);
+void Call_post_sync (CO_Data * d);
+void Call_post_TPDO (CO_Data * d);
+void Call_storeODSubIndex (CO_Data * d, UNS16 wIndex, UNS8 bSubindex);
-#endif /*CALLBACK_H_*/
+#endif /*CALLBACK_H_ */
--- a/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/TestSlaveGui.h	Thu Feb 07 10:25:15 2008 +0100
+++ b/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/TestSlaveGui.h	Fri Feb 08 14:52:48 2008 +0100
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-extern "C" 
-  {
-	#include "canfestival.h"
-  }
+extern "C"
+#include "canfestival.h"
-int 	main_can(s_BOARD SlaveBoard, char* LibraryPath);
-void	stop_slave();
+int main_can (s_BOARD SlaveBoard, char *LibraryPath);
+void stop_slave ();
-#endif /*TESTSLAVEGUI_H_*/
+#endif /*TESTSLAVEGUI_H_ */
--- a/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/main.cpp	Thu Feb 07 10:25:15 2008 +0100
+++ b/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/main.cpp	Fri Feb 08 14:52:48 2008 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
 wxTextCtrl *textLog;
 int node_id_ext;
 int to_start = 0;
+int openInput = 0;
+int openOutput = 0;
 MyFrame *frame;
@@ -54,11 +57,6 @@
 char LibraryPath[MAXLENGTH_LIBPATH] = "";
-double Gtime = 0;
-double y[28][45];
-double hdelta = 0;
-double old_max = 5;
-double old_min = -5;
 #if defined(WIN32)
 #define LIB_EXTENT wxT("*.dll")
@@ -136,8 +134,7 @@
 EVT_LISTBOX (FREQBOX, MyFrame::OnFreqBoxClick)
 EVT_MENU (FILE_QUIT, MyFrame::OnQuit)
 EVT_BUTTON (QUIT, MyFrame::OnQuit) EVT_MENU (HELP_ABOUT, MyFrame::OnAbout)
-  //EVT_PAINT(MyFrame::OnPaint)
-  EVT_TIMER (TIMER_ID, MyFrame::OnTimer)
+EVT_TIMER (TIMER_ID, MyFrame::OnTimer)
@@ -173,7 +170,7 @@
   int c;
   extern char *optarg;
   char *snodeid;
-  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "-b:B:l:i:s")) != EOF)
+  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "-b:B:l:i:sIO")) != EOF)
       switch (c)
@@ -213,6 +210,12 @@
 	case 's':
 	  to_start = 1;
+	case 'I':
+	  openInput = 1;
+	  break;
+	case 'O':
+	  openOutput = 1;
+	  break;
 	  help ();
 	  exit (1);
@@ -225,8 +228,10 @@
 MyApp::OnInit ()
-  frame = new MyFrame (_T ("I-O simulator"));
+  frame = new MyFrame (wxString::Format(wxT("CanOpen virtual DS-401 - Id : %d"),node_id_ext));
   frame->Show (true);
+  if(openInput) frame->book->SetSelection(2);
+  else if(openOutput) frame->book->SetSelection(3);
   return true;
@@ -312,7 +317,7 @@
   myhsizer =
     new wxStaticBoxSizer (new
 			  wxStaticBox (panel, wxID_ANY,
-				       _T ("Node ID (Hexa)")), wxHORIZONTAL);
+				       _T ("Node ID (Decimal)")), wxHORIZONTAL);
   myentrysizer->Add (myhsizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
   node_id =
     new wxSpinCtrl (panel, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
@@ -542,46 +547,6 @@
     _T ("Bool Input 5"), _T ("Bool Input 6"),
     _T ("Bool Input 7"), _T ("Bool Input 8"),
-  panel = new wxPanel (book);
-  book->AddPage(panel, wxT("Graphic"), true); 
-  mysizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
-  panel->SetSizer (mysizer);
-  //panel->Hide ();
-  myhsizer =
-    new wxStaticBoxSizer (new wxStaticBox (panel, wxID_ANY, _T ("Graphic")),
-			  wxVERTICAL);
-  mysizer->Add (myhsizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
-  mygraphpan =
-    new wxPanel (panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize (0, 350),
-		 wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, wxT ("Graphic"));
-  myhsizer->Add (mygraphpan, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 15);
-  echelle =
-    new wxSlider (panel, wxID_ANY, 44, 44, 1000, wxDefaultPosition,
-		  wxDefaultSize, wxSL_HORIZONTAL, wxDefaultValidator,
-		  wxT ("slider"));
-  myhsizer->Add (echelle, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0);
-  mybsizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxHORIZONTAL);
-  mysizer->Add (mybsizer, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
-  myhsizer =
-    new wxStaticBoxSizer (new
-			  wxStaticBox (panel, wxID_ANY,
-				       _T ("Select viewable Inputs")),
-			  wxHORIZONTAL);
-  mybsizer->Add (myhsizer, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
-  inlist =
-    new wxListBox (panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 28,
-		   choice, wxLB_EXTENDED | wxLB_HSCROLL);
-  myhsizer->Add (inlist, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
-  myhsizer =
-    new wxStaticBoxSizer (new wxStaticBox (panel, wxID_ANY, _T ("Legende")),
-			  wxHORIZONTAL);
-  mybsizer->Add (myhsizer, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
-  mylegpan =
-    new wxPanel (panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
-		 wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, wxT ("Legende"));
-  myhsizer->Add (mylegpan, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 15);
-  quit = new wxButton (panel, QUIT, _T ("QUIT"));
-  mysizer->Add (quit, 0, wxALL, 5);
   panel = new wxPanel (book);
   book->InsertPage (0, panel, wxT ("Control"), true);
@@ -612,9 +577,6 @@
   quit = new wxButton (panel, QUIT, _T ("QUIT"));
   mysizer->Add (quit, 0, wxALL, 5);
-  for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++)
-    for (int j = 0; j < 44; j++)
-      y[i][j] = 0;
   m_timer.Start (100);
   if (to_start)
@@ -653,13 +615,15 @@
 MyFrame::OnStart (wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED (event))
   wxString s;
   node_id_ext = node_id->GetValue ();
   s = busname->GetValue ();
   strncpy (SlaveBoard.busname, s.mb_str (), MAXLENGTH_BUSNAME);
   *textLog << wxT ("-- Bus name: ------> ") << s << wxT ("\n");
   *textLog << wxT ("-- Node ID: -------> ") << node_id->
     GetValue () << wxT ("\n");
+  SetTitle(wxString::Format(wxT("CanOpen virtual DS-401 - Id : %d"),node_id->
+		    GetValue ()));
   Start ();
@@ -900,134 +864,6 @@
-MyFrame::Paint ()
-  double vmax = old_max;
-  double vmin = old_min;
-  double vdelta = vmax - vmin;
-  double vech = ((float) vdelta) / 10.0;
-  double hmax = frame->echelle->GetValue ();
-  double hech = hdelta / 11;
-  double d = 300 / vdelta;
-  double g = 0;
-  double top = 5;
-  double left = 50;
-  double tmpi = 0;
-  wxString tmps;
-  double p = 0;
-  double q = 0;
-  int i = 0;
-  int j = 0;
-  wxColor col[8] =
-    { wxColor (wxT ("BLUE")), wxColor (wxT ("RED")), wxColor (wxT ("GREEN")),
-wxColor (wxT ("GREY")),
-    wxColor (wxT ("ORANGE")), wxColor (wxT ("YELLOW")),
-      wxColor (wxT ("PINK")), wxColor (wxT ("BLACK"))
-  };
-  hdelta = hmax - 0;
-  g = (Gtime / hdelta) * 44.00;
-  wxClientDC MonDc (mygraphpan);
-  MonDc.Clear ();
-  MonDc.SetPen (wxPen (wxColour (200, 200, 200), 5, wxSOLID));
-  MonDc.DrawRectangle ((int) left, (int) top, 660, 300);
-  MonDc.SetPen (wxPen (wxColor (150, 200, 150), 2, wxSOLID));
-  MonDc.
-    SetFont (wxFont
-	     (9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, wxT ("Arial Black")));
-  for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
-    {
-      tmpi = (vmin + (vech * i));
-      tmps.Printf (wxT ("%d"), (int) tmpi);
-      MonDc.DrawRotatedText (tmps, 0, (int) (293 - (30 * i) + top), 0);
-    }
-  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
-    {
-      tmpi = (hech * i * 100);
-      if (tmpi < 1000)
-	tmps.Printf (wxT ("%ims"), (int) tmpi);
-      if (tmpi > 1000)
-	tmps.Printf (wxT ("%is"), (int) (tmpi / 1000));
-      MonDc.DrawRotatedText (tmps, (int) ((60 * i) + left) - 10,
-			     (int) (317 + top), 0);
-    }
-  for (j = 1; j < 10; j++)
-    MonDc.DrawLine ((int) left, (int) (300 - (30 * j) + top),
-		    (int) (left + 660), (int) (300 - (30 * j) + top));
-  MonDc.SetPen (wxPen (wxColor (150, 200, 150), 2, wxSOLID));
-  for (j = 1; j < 22; j++)
-    MonDc.DrawLine ((int) (30 * j + left), (int) (300 + top),
-		    (int) (30 * j + left), (int) (top));
-  MonDc.SetPen (wxPen (wxColor (150, 170, 150), 1, wxSOLID));
-  for (j = 1; j < 22; j++)
-    MonDc.DrawLine ((int) (30 * j + left - 15), (int) (300 + top),
-		    (int) (30 * j + left - 15), (int) (top));
-  MonDc.DrawLine ((int) (30 * 22 + left - 15), (int) (300 + top),
-		  (int) (30 * 22 + left - 15), (int) (top));
-  double m = (-vmin) * d;
-  MonDc.SetPen (wxPen (wxColor (170, 170, 150), 3, wxSOLID));
-  MonDc.DrawLine ((int) (left), (int) (300 + top - m), (int) (left + 660),
-		  (int) (300 + top - m));
-  wxClientDC MaLeg (mylegpan);
-  MaLeg.Clear ();
-  MaLeg.SetPen (wxPen (wxColour (150, 200, 100), 2, wxSOLID));
-  MaLeg.
-    SetFont (wxFont
-	     (7, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, wxT ("Arial Black")));
-  for (int k = 1, tmpi = 0; k < 30; k++)
-    {
-      if ((tmpi < 8) && is_set (k, inlist, in))
-	{
-	  if (k <= 4)
-	    tmps.Printf (wxT ("Analogue Output %d"), k);
-	  if ((k > 4) && (k <= 12))
-	    tmps.Printf (wxT ("Bool Output %d"), k - 4);
-	  if ((k > 12) && (k <= 20))
-	    tmps.Printf (wxT ("Analogue Input %d"), k - 12);
-	  if ((k > 20) && (k <= 28))
-	    tmps.Printf (wxT ("Bool Input %d"), k - 20);
-	  MaLeg.DrawRotatedText (tmps, 0, 10 * tmpi, 0);
-	  MaLeg.SetPen (wxPen (col[tmpi], 4, wxSOLID));
-	  MaLeg.DrawLine (100, 10 * tmpi + 6, 115, 10 * tmpi + 6);
-	  //////////////////////////////////////////DAW////////////////////////////////////////
-	  MonDc.SetPen (wxPen (col[tmpi], 4, wxSOLID));
-	  if (k <= 4)
-	    y[k - 1][(int) g] = Write_Analogue_Output_16_Bit[k - 1];
-	  if ((k > 4) && (k <= 12))
-	    y[k - 1][(int) g] = get_bit (Write_Outputs_8_Bit[0], k - 4);
-	  if ((k > 12) && (k <= 20))
-	    y[k - 1][(int) g] = Read_Analogue_Input_16_Bit[k - 1 - 12];
-	  if ((k > 20) && (k <= 28))
-	    y[k - 1][(int) g] = get_bit (Read_Inputs_8_Bit[0], k - 20);
-	  if (y[k - 1][(int) g] > old_max)
-	    old_max = y[k - 1][(int) g];
-	  if (y[k - 1][(int) g] < old_min)
-	    old_min = y[k - 1][(int) g];
-	  for (j = 1; j < (g + 1); j++)
-	    {
-	      p = (y[k - 1][j - 1] - vmin) * d;
-	      q = (y[k - 1][j] - vmin) * d;
-	      MonDc.DrawLine ((int) (15 * (j - 1) + left),
-			      (int) (300 + top - p), (int) (15 * j + left),
-			      (int) (300 + top - q));
-	    }
-	  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	  tmpi++;
-	}
-    }
 actu_output (void)
   wxString tmp;
@@ -1059,15 +895,6 @@
 actu (void)
   actu_output ();
-  Gtime++;
-  if (Gtime > hdelta)
-    {
-      old_max = 5;
-      old_min = -5;
-      Gtime = 0;
-    }
-  frame->Paint ();
--- a/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/main.h	Thu Feb 07 10:25:15 2008 +0100
+++ b/examples/DS401_Slave_Gui/main.h	Fri Feb 08 14:52:48 2008 +0100
@@ -10,112 +10,113 @@
 #include <wx/spinctrl.h>
 #include <wx/notebook.h>
-class MyApp : public wxApp {
+class MyApp:public wxApp
- virtual bool OnInit();
+  virtual bool OnInit ();
-class MyFrame : public wxFrame {
+class MyFrame:public wxFrame
- wxNotebook 	*book;
- wxButton		*stop;
- wxButton		*start;
- wxTextCtrl		*busname;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst1;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst2;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst3;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst4;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst5;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst6;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst7;
- wxSpinCtrl		*inst8;
- wxTextCtrl		*drivername;
- wxSpinCtrl		*node_id;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt1;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt2;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt3;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt4;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt5;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt6;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt7;
- wxToggleButton	*inbt8;
- wxSlider		*ins1;
- wxSlider		*ins2;
- wxSlider		*ins3;
- wxSlider		*ins4;
- wxSlider		*ins5;
- wxSlider		*ins6;
- wxSlider		*ins7;
- wxSlider		*ins8;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt1;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt2;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt3;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt4;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt5;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt6;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt7;
- wxToggleButton	*outbt8;
- wxGauge		*outs1;
- wxGauge		*outs2;
- wxGauge		*outs3;
- wxGauge		*outs4;
- wxStaticText	*outst1;
- wxStaticText	*outst2;
- wxStaticText	*outst3;
- wxStaticText	*outst4;
- wxSlider		*echelle;
- wxPanel		*mygraphpan;
- wxPanel		*mylegpan;
- wxListBox		*inlist;
- wxArrayInt		in;
- wxTimer		m_timer;
- MyFrame(const wxString& title);
- void OnListBoxDoubleClick( wxCommandEvent &event );
- void OnInbt1(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt2(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt3(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt4(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt5(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt6(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt7(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnInbt8(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnAdd(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnRemove(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnStart(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
- void Start();
- void OnStop(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
- void OnFreqBoxClick(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
- void OnLoad(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
- void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
- void OnIns1(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns2(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns3(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns4(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns5(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns6(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns7(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnIns8(wxScrollEvent &event);
- void OnInst1( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst2( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst3( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst4( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst5( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst6( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst7( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void OnInst8( wxSpinEvent &ev );
- void Paint();
- void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event);
+  wxNotebook * book;
+  wxButton *stop;
+  wxButton *start;
+  wxTextCtrl *busname;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst1;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst2;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst3;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst4;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst5;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst6;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst7;
+  wxSpinCtrl *inst8;
+  wxTextCtrl *drivername;
+  wxSpinCtrl *node_id;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt1;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt2;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt3;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt4;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt5;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt6;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt7;
+  wxToggleButton *inbt8;
+  wxSlider *ins1;
+  wxSlider *ins2;
+  wxSlider *ins3;
+  wxSlider *ins4;
+  wxSlider *ins5;
+  wxSlider *ins6;
+  wxSlider *ins7;
+  wxSlider *ins8;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt1;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt2;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt3;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt4;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt5;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt6;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt7;
+  wxToggleButton *outbt8;
+  wxGauge *outs1;
+  wxGauge *outs2;
+  wxGauge *outs3;
+  wxGauge *outs4;
+  wxStaticText *outst1;
+  wxStaticText *outst2;
+  wxStaticText *outst3;
+  wxStaticText *outst4;
+  wxSlider *echelle;
+  wxPanel *mygraphpan;
+  wxPanel *mylegpan;
+  wxListBox *inlist;
+  wxArrayInt in;
+  wxTimer m_timer;
+    MyFrame (const wxString & title);
+  void OnListBoxDoubleClick (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt1 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt2 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt3 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt4 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt5 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt6 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt7 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnInbt8 (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnQuit (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnAdd (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnRemove (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnAbout (wxCommandEvent & event);
+  void OnStart (wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED (event));
+  void Start ();
+  void OnStop (wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED (event));
+  void OnFreqBoxClick (wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED (event));
+  void OnLoad (wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED (event));
+  void OnPaint (wxPaintEvent & WXUNUSED (event));
+  void OnIns1 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns2 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns3 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns4 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns5 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns6 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns7 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnIns8 (wxScrollEvent & event);
+  void OnInst1 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst2 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst3 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst4 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst5 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst6 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst7 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void OnInst8 (wxSpinEvent & ev);
+  void Paint ();
+  void OnTimer (wxTimerEvent & event);
-void actu(void);
-void actu_output(void);
+void actu (void);
+void actu_output (void);
-#endif /*MAIN_H_*/
+#endif /*MAIN_H_ */