/home/epimerde/documents/tc11/CanFestival-3/objdictgen/examples/example_objdict.h File Reference

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UNS8 seconds
UNS8 minutes
UNS8 hours
UNS8 day
UNS32 canopenErrNB
UNS32 canopenErrVAL
UNS8 strTest [10]

Variable Documentation

UNS32 canopenErrNB

Definition at line 43 of file example_objdict.c.

UNS32 canopenErrVAL

Definition at line 44 of file example_objdict.c.

UNS8 day

Definition at line 42 of file example_objdict.c.

UNS8 hours

Definition at line 41 of file example_objdict.c.

UNS8 minutes

Definition at line 40 of file example_objdict.c.

UNS8 seconds

Definition at line 39 of file example_objdict.c.

UNS8 strTest[10]

Definition at line 45 of file example_objdict.c.

Generated on Mon Jun 4 16:29:08 2007 for CanFestival by  doxygen 1.5.1