Code for GCC
void initCanHCS12 (void)
newline /Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen

// Init the HCS12 driver
canBusInit bi0 = {

* no low power


* no time stamp


* enable MSCAN


* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used)

* no loop back


* no listen only


* no low pass filter for wk up */


* Filter on 16 bits.

Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig 4-3 */

x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg


x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg


x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of &sstarf#star;/

x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of

x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of */

x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of

x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of */

x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of



epimerde 2007-06-06