2008-04-24 etisserant Endianess patch from Edward Karpicz, Lithuania :-)
2008-04-23 etisserant Fixed some endianess problems in states.c and sync.c
2008-04-21 etisserant sync.c : fixed some endianize problem, and calback de-registering when re-starting service.
2008-02-01 etisserant As requested long ago, added CoData* parameter to all this applications callback, let application designer use identical callback for multiple nodes, and reduce source code length.
2008-01-25 etisserant Fixed some endianization problems caused by switch to UNS16 for cob_id member in CAN messages. To be continued.
2008-01-23 etisserant Changed cob_id from struct{UNS32} to UNS16
2007-09-30 etisserant Some tricks in communication services status struct (states.c) and in sync.c to fit with Beremiz generated node code.
2007-08-31 etisserant Minor changes in SYNC. Splitted SendSync in SendSync and SendSyncMessage to allow manual SYNC message transmission and separate SYNC proceeding (synced TPDOs)
2007-08-07 leonid *** empty log message ***
2007-07-02 etisserant Full preliminary implementation of TPDO transmit type:
2007-06-29 etisserant Preliminary implementation of Event Timer and Inhibit Timer driven TPDO
2007-06-08 etisserant Fixed compile error because of missed type casting in certain compiler ( Thanks to Raphael Studer
2007-06-08 nico Manual and Documentation finish
2007-06-05 nico Manual convertion -> latex -> pdf
2007-05-25 etisserant Some fixes for visual studio C compiler compatiblity.
2007-05-16 greg Boolean variable mapped in PDO
2007-04-12 etisserant Post_sync have to be called even if in pre-op state. Fixed.
2007-04-06 etisserant Changes in the API:
2007-01-30 frdupin unused variables
2007-01-25 frdupin compilator compatitibility
2006-12-13 frdupin Add prototypes
2006-06-16 lbessard Code clean-up and fixed xenomai compile problem
2006-05-10 etisserant Commit a new cvs repo.