2018-06-09 Andrey Skvortsov Fix linter errors
2018-06-09 Andrey Skvortsov Add command line argument to run linter only on changed files
2018-06-08 Andrey Skvortsov Don't use fixed width labels in WAMP and PYRO dialogs
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Fix internatialization in UriLocationEditor, PYRO dialog and Modbus configurator
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Add copyright headers to retain implementation for GNU/Linux and Win32
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Drop support for wxPython 2.6 and below
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Autoresize UriLocationEditor dialog window
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Fix compilation problem in case of TARGET_LOGGING_DISABLE turned on and TARGET_DEBUG_DISABLE turned off
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Use the same retain implementation for Win32 targets
2018-06-07 Andrey Skvortsov Add retain basic implementation on GNU/Linux
2018-06-01 Andrey Skvortsov Add helper function GetRetainSize()
2018-06-01 Andrey Skvortsov use CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of CLOCK_REALTIME for timer setup
2018-05-31 Surkov Sergey Add function example to first_steps example
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix type introduced by f33942053466 (fix pylint warning "(undefined-loop-variable) Using possibly undefined loop variable 'X'")
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov Build by default with optimization level -O2 for GCC
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov fix hangs on mouse selection in case if wxPython uses wxWidgets with GTK3+ support
2018-05-25 Andrey Skvortsov make clipboard open minimal time as wxPython documentation recommends
2018-06-23 Edouard Tisserant Merged GPL + LGPL v2 or later EtherCAT extension. Fixed headers and copyright notice.
2014-08-11 Edouard Tisserant Propagated matiec changes in FB var accessors
2014-04-02 Edouard Tisserant Fixed most obvious bugs appear after grafting changes from previous development branches : re-enable openning non-CoE, CoE and CiA 402 nodes config
2013-10-02 Laurent Bessard Fixed xslt stylesheet for extracting entries defined in module, rewiting xslt stylesheet to yslt
2013-09-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in information returned for module where entries are defined only in PDO mapping
2013-09-27 Laurent Bessard Added support for loading XML file even if not following XSD schema (but still following XML syntax), warning user of errors in XML file
2013-09-24 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when compiling
2013-09-23 Laurent Bessard Fixed higen example removing obsolete attribute in CIA402 node params file
2013-09-23 Laurent Bessard Fixed controllers for working with latest version of xmlclass
2013-06-24 Laurent Bessard Added bug in support for set flag for optional variables activation in axis public struct
2013-06-24 Laurent Bessard Added support for set flag for optional variables activation in axis public struct
2013-06-24 Laurent Bessard Replaced location for axis ref from %IW(location).0 to %IW(location).402. Added location for network position at %IW(location).
2013-06-24 Laurent Bessard Rewrite CIA402 node specific code generating part
2014-04-02 Edouard Tisserant Cherry-pick and re-commit to legitimate ancestor of commit 'Ethercat Management Function Refactoring Source by RTES Lab.' from youcu <youcu1022@gmail.com>
2013-06-03 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when drag'n dropping variable in master startup command grid
2013-05-21 Edouard Tisserant Moved ratio scaling back to MCL. Rewrote CiA402 C part in a way it can be read and understood by some humans.
2013-05-16 Laurent Bessard Added icon for Ethercat extension root and Ethercat master node
2013-05-10 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with global instance declaration
2013-05-10 Laurent Bessard Fix bug in when moving Ethercat slaves fixed
2013-05-08 Laurent Bessard Added mapping for TouchProbe function in CIA402 slave node
2013-05-03 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with axes boolean parameters value
2013-05-02 Laurent Bessard Added error message when a device informations can't be found in ESI files
2013-05-02 Laurent Bessard Fixed ToolTip on VariablesGrid columns on Windows
2013-04-29 Laurent Bessard Update higen drive example introducing usage of csv mode
2013-04-29 Laurent Bessard Merged
2013-04-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in support for module extra params in EthercatCFileGenerator
2013-04-29 Laurent Bessard Added support for module extra params in EthercatCFileGenerator
2013-04-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed support for multiple module extra params in ModulesLibrary
2013-04-26 Laurent Bessard Added support for multiple module extra params in ModulesLibrary
2013-04-25 Laurent Bessard Added support for using CIA402 motion mode csp, csv and cst
2013-04-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed order of LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, master was called after slaves in PLC init and retrieve functions
2013-04-24 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug on Windows with sizers on Windows in Master Editor panel when its size changed
2013-04-24 Laurent Bessard Fixed Save As... function in Beremiz
2013-04-22 Laurent Bessard Added support for stopping SDOThreadProc when stopping PLC
2013-04-22 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when modifying slave module type
2013-04-18 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in filters behavior on Windows
2013-04-17 Laurent Bessard Fixed filter behavior in MasterEditor and SlaveEditor
2013-04-15 Laurent Bessard Fixed CIA402 node template for working with MC_Power modification removing implicit set position
2013-04-14 Laurent Bessard Fix scan network functionality, project tree not refreshed after adding slaves
2013-04-14 Laurent Bessard Rollback last commit
2013-04-13 Laurent Bessard Fixed CIA402 node template for working with MC_Power modification removing implicit set position
2013-04-13 Laurent Bessard Fixed bugs in drag'n drop from variables panel in master and slaves editor panel
2013-04-12 Laurent Bessard Added initialization of abort_code and result_size to prevent warning message if not used in following code