2020-12-21 Mario de Sousa merge
2020-12-21 Mario de Sousa Modbus plugin: fix bug - map BOOL flag onto C u8 (was incorrectly mapped onto u16)
2020-12-21 Mario de Sousa Modbus plugin: map status of MB transaction onto 2 located BYTE vars (instead of a singlw WORD var).
2020-12-21 Mario de Sousa Modbus plugin: provide user programs feedback on current connection status mapped onto a WORD located variable
2021-01-13 Edouard Tisserant Removed harmful assert in ProcessLogger.
2020-12-22 Edouard Tisserant Fix missing import, consequence of bad resolution of conflicting hg graft of f0a822ef9fa0 into d15a997859b1
2020-01-14 Edouard Tisserant plc_debug.c/var_acces.c : whitespace cleanup and other cosmetic changes
2020-07-03 Edouard Tisserant Prevent global python_poll blocks to be created when accidentally adding content to C-File OnChange column.
2020-05-11 Edouard Tisserant DEBUG: (IDE side) fixed wrong implementation of anti-rapid-fire leading to systematic delay in subscribing
2020-02-11 Edouard Tisserant XSLTransform.py: added get_error_log()
2020-08-31 Edouard Tisserant Attempt to workaround problem reported about empty plc.xml after unrelated crash. Now, if etree model is corrupted in a way tostring() would generate an empty string, exception prevents saving.
2020-09-03 Edouard Tisserant docsvg.py : Better error message when inkscape is not installed.
2020-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Fix unmatched "Courier" font for monospace fonts on latest ubuntu 20.04. Selected "FreeMono" instead, present since at least 18.04
2020-07-13 Edouard Tisserant Python Runtime: order of execution of extension's init() and cleanup() now reflects order of appearance of extensions in configuration tree.
2020-12-22 Edouard Tisserant Runtime: change PLCObject 'BlobAsFile' method to allow customization by overriding
2020-12-21 Edouard Tisserant WebInterface: better wording for wiping PLC content: "Repair"
2020-12-18 Edouard Tisserant runtime: added restart/reset button in web settings. Accidentaly fixed web settings logging feature.
2020-12-10 Edouard Tisserant Add a little test to see OnChange's .count .first .last in action
2020-12-10 Edouard Tisserant Fixed "Onchange" object added in previous commit
2020-12-10 Edouard Tisserant Python Safe Globals now have more reliable triggering of OnChange call. Added "Onchange" object to accessible runtime variables that let user python code see count of changes and first and last values.
2020-11-20 Edouard Tisserant Project tree: avoid flickering and glitches in notebook when selecting some still not opened ConfigTreeNode
2020-11-18 Edouard Tisserant Project tree: Clicking on ConfigTreeNode should have same behaviour as for POUS and other IEC types : simple click to select and double click to open.
2020-11-18 Edouard Tisserant py_ext: better handling of coma separated OnChange attribute for python safe global variables.
2020-11-02 Edouard Tisserant Allow customization of generated py_ext OnChange calls, by adding a static method to PythonFileCTNMixin that can the be later hot patched.
2020-10-19 Edouard Tisserant PY_EXT: OnChange is now a coma separated list of callables. Updated tests/python accordingly.
2020-09-15 Edouard Tisserant Modbus: fixed typo in ctype typing.
2020-09-11 Edouard Tisserant MODBUS: Fix saving of websettings.
2020-09-10 Edouard Tisserant Runtime/PLCObject : move call to PreStartPLC right after call to the "start" method of all python extensions, and then just before the start of the python loop executing python_* blocks.
2020-08-13 Mario de Sousa Modbus plugin: reformat code, and add comment.
2020-08-13 Mario de Sousa Modbus plugin: fix runtime periodic timer (don't use POSIX timer)