2012-10-18 Laurent Bessard Fix bug in TextViewer when starting text with '{' character
2012-10-18 Laurent Bessard Adding support for quickly changing variable and connection type
2012-10-18 Laurent Bessard Adding button in ConnectionDialog to propagate connection name modification to all connections with the same name in POU
2012-10-17 Laurent Bessard Adding support for selecting variable type filtering in BrowseLocationsDialog and modify variable type when validated
2012-10-16 Laurent Bessard Fixing bug in PLCGenerator with user defined functions and standard overloaded function
2012-10-16 Laurent Bessard Adding datatypes defined in ConfNode as possible function return type
2012-10-16 Laurent Bessard Fix support for adjusting block size to block minimum size and to Viewer scaling
2012-10-15 Edouard Tisserant Added FBID variable to PY_EVAL evaluation context. FBID does identify uniquely py_eval block instance triggering execution
2012-10-05 Edouard Tisserant Fixed error message occuring sometime when quitting runtime from tray menu
2012-10-04 Laurent Bessard Fix bug in RestoreLastLayout mechanism when last window size was default window size
2012-10-04 laurent Replacing text buttons by bitmap buttons for variable grid in CFileEditor
2012-10-04 laurent Fix bug in generated master panel in CanFestival extension
2012-10-04 laurent Fix ConfTreeNodeEditor parameters controls size on Windows
2012-10-01 laurent Fixing CanFestival master and slave nodeid when generating code for PLC
2012-10-01 laurent Fixing bug when spinctrl new value is changed by ConfTreeNode