2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Added support for drag'n dropping non-numeric variables
2013-02-26 Edouard Tisserant Introduce Beremiz Native POU library. Now LOGGER POU is part of Beremiz' native POU library
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed panels displaying non-numeric variables in DebugVariablePanel
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with LastRefreshTimer when closing debug viewer
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug ForceVariableDialog when forcing DATETIME variables
2013-02-23 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug PouInstancePanel not updated when drag'n dropping variable from extensions
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added missing images
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with 3D graphs in debug variable panel
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added support for changing graph size using handles like sash window
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added button for exporting individual graph values to clipboard
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added button in graph for changing graph size to minimum
2013-02-20 Laurent Bessard Fixed highlights for dropping graphs between the others
2013-02-20 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with LastRefreshTimer
2013-02-20 Laurent Bessard Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation
2013-02-19 Laurent Bessard Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation