2013-09-18 Laurent Bessard Used OrderedDict for keeping of standard function blocks library defined
2013-09-18 Laurent Bessard Replaced old list of pou instance in project generating process by xslt stylesheet
2013-09-18 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when removing block
2013-09-13 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in pou variable list and variable tree xslt stylesheet
2013-09-13 Laurent Bessard Replaced old pou instance variable list generating process by xslt stylesheet
2013-09-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed Beremiz for working with new xmlclass support using lxml
2013-09-10 Laurent Bessard Fixed Additional Function Blocks Library
2013-09-10 Laurent Bessard Replaced standard function blocks library definition from dictionary to plcopen xml files
2013-09-10 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when printing program generating errors and warnings in PLCOpenEditor
2013-09-10 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with return type in elements that don't need return type tree and dimension
2013-09-10 Laurent Bessard Removed obsolete process for customizing block code generated in extensions
2013-09-09 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when modifying project properties
2013-09-09 Laurent Bessard Replaced old pou variable list and variable tree generating by xslt stylesheet
2013-09-08 Laurent Bessard Merged
2013-09-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with direct array variable type definition
2013-09-05 Laurent Bessard Fixed xmlclass and plcopen using precompile xpath where possible
2013-09-03 Laurent Bessard Fixed undo/redo with xmlclass refactoring
2013-09-03 Laurent Bessard Removed obsolete functions for extracting values for xml dom tree and generating xml string
2013-09-03 Laurent Bessard Removed dictionaries storing datatypes and pous defined in project and pou and datatype using tree from model
2013-09-02 Laurent Bessard Removed dictionaries storing enumerated datatypes values, subrange datatypes range and project datatype hierarchy from model
2013-09-02 Laurent Bessard Removed namespaces declaration in subtree elements xml description when copy/paste
2013-08-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed copy/paste with xmlclass refactoring
2013-08-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed SFC block edition and SFC to SFC_textual code generating
2013-08-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed ST program generating module
2013-08-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when adding a configuration
2013-08-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug no contextual menu displayed in left panel tree when creating new project
2013-08-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed datatype and configuration editing in xmlclass refactoring
2013-08-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed diagram editing in xmlclass refactoring
2013-08-28 Laurent Bessard Merged
2013-08-28 Laurent Bessard Second stage of xmlclass refactoring using lxml , project are loaded and displayed successfully