2012-09-11 laurent Fix restore project tab layout with transition and action debug tabs
2012-09-11 laurent Adding transition and action in list of instances of SFC POU in PouInstanceVariablesPanel
2012-09-11 laurent Fix bug in Viewer when dragging element group with control down and group contains wires connected to blocks not in group
2012-09-11 laurent Fix bug in SFC function block declarations from transition and action not removed when transition or action is deleted
2012-09-11 laurent Remove restriction of function block usage in SFC transitions body
2012-09-11 laurent Fix bug in PLCGenerator connection types not computed for SFC actions and transitions body
2012-09-11 laurent Fix bug debug instance button not visible in PouInstanceVariablesPanel when instance path is too long
2012-09-10 laurent Fix bug when Dclick on step and actionBlock in debug mode
2012-09-10 laurent Fix bug missing dialog import statements
2012-09-09 Laurent Bessard Merged
2012-09-09 laurent Update chinese and german translation catalogs
2012-09-07 laurent Fix bug in canfestivel extension when Show Master Generated on Windows
2012-09-07 laurent Adding support for extending internationalization to extensions
2012-09-07 Laurent Bessard Integration of PLCOpenEditor into Beremiz
2012-09-05 laurent Adding support for printing matiec warnings report in log console