2012-07-01 laurent Adding support for beremiz extensions to define custom file editors for project files
2012-06-28 laurent Fixing file explorer for Windows
2012-06-28 laurent Adding support for file explorer for project files
2012-06-25 laurent Adding support using plcopeneditor bitmap library for icon request
2012-06-25 laurent Fix bug when deleting conf tree node and conf tree node editor opened for this same node
2012-06-19 Edouard Tisserant Fixed typo
2012-06-19 Edouard Tisserant Updated CF bootup strategy.
2012-06-18 laurent Fix bug with Show Master functionality
2012-06-18 Edouard Tisserant Fixed generated CF code to match latest changes
2012-06-17 laurent Adding support for hiding node base params controls if needed
2012-06-15 laurent Fix bug when opening and closing confnode extra viewers
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant merge
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant Fixed import dependency order for POUlibrary and PLCControler
2012-06-14 laurent Moving ConfNode specific menu to end of EditMenu
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant Fixed loading projects with no libraries at all
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant Fixed crash when starting with no libraries at all
2012-06-11 laurent Merged
2012-06-10 laurent Adding support for push buttons (EVT_LEFT_DOWN is bind instead of EVT_BUTTON)
2012-06-10 laurent Fix bug in reorganization of toolbars after refreshing them
2012-06-10 laurent Add support for reorganizing toolbars when their size changed
2012-06-10 laurent Fix bug project not marked as modified when changing URI_Location using discovery dialog
2012-06-08 Edouard Tisserant Now, PYRO:// locations also accept MDNS service names
2012-06-08 laurent Modifying canfestival plugin to following the new Beremiz confnode paradigm
2012-06-06 Edouard Tisserant (none)
2012-06-06 laurent Replacing dialog asking for a name when adding confnode to project by automatically generated name
2012-06-05 laurent Fixed windows only bug caused by recent changes
2012-06-04 Edouard Tisserant Fixed typo in library management
2012-06-03 laurent Adding support for importing into project some files to be transfered with PLC
2012-06-03 laurent Integrating project properties panel into project window
2012-06-03 laurent Removing code related to Topology panel