2013-06-03 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when closing debug tab or beremiz frame with variable debugged and PLC is running
2013-06-02 Laurent Bessard Rewrite DebugVariablePanel and fixed bugs
2013-06-02 Laurent Bessard Fixed support for drawing instance path at a fixed position in Viewer debug mode on Windows
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Rewrite DebugVariableTablePanel
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when closing graph in Debug Variable Panel
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug Viewer not refreshed when debugging
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed support for drawing instance path at a fixed position in Viewer debug mode on Windows
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Added support for drawing instance path at a fixed position in Viewer debug mode
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when export all items values to clipboard in DebugVariablePanel
2013-05-31 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug Viewer not refreshed when debugging
2013-05-30 Laurent Bessard Splitted DebugVariableGraphicPanel.py into several files
2013-05-30 Laurent Bessard Move GraphButton from DebugVariableGraphicPanel to separate file
2013-05-30 Laurent Bessard Separated old table debug variable panel and new graphic debug variable panel
2013-05-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in when deleting row in CustomGrid
2013-05-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in when deleting row in CustomGrid
2013-05-30 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when collecting log messages from connector history for LogViewer
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with moving cursor with keyboard in DebugVariablePanel
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Moved and start to rewrite DebugVariablePanel splitting it into multiple files
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bugs in DebugVariablePanel with ticktime modifications
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed values in DebugVariablePanel range selection ComboBox
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug keyboard events not catch by graphs when trying to move cursor on Windows
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in PouInstanceVariablesPanel, exploring child FunctionBlock variables if no instance selected
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug two icons displayed for POU category item in Project Tree when adding a second POU
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Removed test that expression is not a keyword in FBDVariableDialog
2013-05-29 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when copy/paste element containing unicode characters
2013-05-29 Edouard Tisserant Updated wiimote example. Now include nunchuck accel, and buttons are on 16bits
2013-05-29 Edouard Tisserant Fixed non-tested bad code in VariablePanel
2013-05-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in PLC code generated with binary, octal and hexadecimal literals
2013-05-28 Laurent Bessard Improved FBDVariable dialog
2013-05-28 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in PLC code generated with binary, octal and hexadecimal literals