2012-02-27 laurent Fix bug in killing debug thread when closing Beremiz window
2012-02-23 Edouard Tisserant Fixed stopping crash in some cases
2012-02-21 laurent Inverting order of plugin calls in retrieve and publish
2012-02-19 Edouard Tisserant Added support for object files as a result of PlugGenerate_C
2012-02-16 laurent Adding support for not closing debug tabs and remove variable in variable debug panel if instance still exist in newly transfered program
2012-02-16 smarteh-dev Fix bug with "Transfer" button
2012-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Added a semaphore when starting runtime's python thread to make sure startPLC doesn't return before PLC is really initialized.
2012-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Updated logger calls in debugthread.
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Even more robust logger, up to the really last line that comes after the rush
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Fixed Logger redraw problem on Windows created in previous commit
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant More robust Logger, now resist to flooding.
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Fixed Win32 timer up to 1ms
2012-02-14 laurent Merge with Edouard's Modifications
2012-02-14 laurent Fix wrong panel size making strange background in topology plugin element
2012-02-10 smarteh-dev Adding support for integrating CanFestival plugin panels in Beremiz main frame
2012-02-14 Edouard Tisserant commented out noisy printf in Win32 target
2012-02-09 smarteh-dev Adding support for integrating CanFestival plugin panels in Beremiz main frame
2012-02-07 laurent Fix recent projects list not updated when creating new project
2012-02-03 laurent Fix bug list of recent projects opened not updated when open project with command line
2012-02-02 laurent Fix 'Transfer" button state according to last build result
2012-02-01 laurent Disable 'Transfer' button when build failed
2012-01-31 laurent Adding support for quickly open recent projects in file menu
2012-01-30 Edouard Tisserant Changed GetTraceVariables results unpack to something more robust in debug thread proc.
2012-01-30 edouard reverted temporary fix, fixed in PLCopenEditor now.
2012-01-30 Edouard Tisserant temporary fix for debugger crash in case of high sampling rates
2009-08-12 beremiz forgoten branch now closed cherry-pick
2012-01-25 laurent Adding support for extracting Common_Ticktime from VARIABLES.csv
2012-01-24 laurent Adding support for loading datatypes defined in plugins to allow to use them in PLC program
2012-01-23 Edouard Tisserant Better name for python plugin
2012-01-17 laurent Merging with modifications from Edouard