2013-03-21 Laurent Bessard Fixed pulling of PLC status and log count
2013-03-21 Edouard Tisserant Fixed cast in target code to remove void* arithmetic warning
2013-03-20 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug on variables with empty name in VariablePanel can't be edited
2013-03-17 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug editors empty after being opened
2013-03-15 Laurent Bessard Reduced flicker on LogViewer and DebugGraphPanel on Windows
2013-03-15 Laurent Bessard Improved graphics of LogViewer scrollbar to be anti-aliased
2013-03-15 Laurent Bessard Fixed LogViewer with improvements
2013-03-15 Edouard Tisserant Re-organized C code templates for plc_main. Moved logging out of plc_debug. Factorized redundant _common_ticktime external declaration
2013-03-14 Laurent Bessard Fixed bugs with new buttons on Windows
2013-03-14 Laurent Bessard Replaced left ugly buttons in LogViewer by custom buttons inside MessagePanel
2013-03-14 Laurent Bessard Added support in LogViewer for scrolling using relative timestamp
2013-03-14 Laurent Bessard Fixed LogViewer scrollbar and scroll methods
2013-03-14 Laurent Bessard Completely removed restore perspective and project layout process
2013-03-13 Laurent Bessard Fixed conflicting icon names on Windows
2013-03-13 Laurent Bessard Added LogViewer panel in bottom notebook
2013-03-13 Edouard Tisserant RC3 1.1 Korean release
2013-03-13 Edouard Tisserant re-fixed CanFestival support...
2013-03-11 Laurent Bessard Merged
2013-03-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed canfestival extension for LPCManager
2013-03-11 Laurent Bessard Disabled project layout saving and restoring
2013-03-11 Edouard Tisserant Redirect PyEval exceptions to logging
2013-03-11 Edouard Tisserant reverted PLCObject.py. ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8) != string
2013-03-10 Laurent Bessard Disabled project layout saving and restoring
2013-03-07 Laurent Bessard Fix warning with LogMessage function
2013-03-07 Edouard Tisserant RC2 1.1 Korean release
2013-03-06 Laurent Bessard Added support for extension custom contextual add menu
2013-03-06 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when ST/IL code contains non-ascii characters (in comment) and modifying variable name
2013-03-06 Laurent Bessard Fixed test identifier function
2013-03-06 Edouard Tisserant merge
2013-03-05 Laurent Bessard Merged
2013-03-05 Laurent Bessard Fix bug on Windows when drag'n dropping variable to DebugVariablePanel, panel not refreshed
2013-03-05 Laurent Bessard Fix row selection in CustomGrid
2013-03-06 Edouard Tisserant Cleanup in canfestival plugin. No more meaningless default values.
2013-03-06 Edouard Tisserant Python shell and wx inspector now both available even when PLC not started
2013-03-06 Edouard Tisserant Added CWD to ProcessLogger, and make sure local runtime have CWD setup correctly
2013-03-05 Edouard Tisserant CanFestival plugin now sends driver as extra file to runtime if matching target. Helps on windows to resolve DLL
2013-03-05 Edouard Tisserant Fixed 'python shell' failure from runtime tray icon menu in some case, when PLC init failed
2013-03-04 Edouard Tisserant More ignored files in .hgignore
2013-03-04 Edouard Tisserant Made logging compatible with windows API
2013-03-04 Edouard Tisserant Fixed dead code in c_ext, and updated test accordingly
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when drag'n dropping variables from left panel
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Extracted FolderTree control from FileManagementPanel to be able to use it anywhere else
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when closing Beremiz and grid editor is shown on Windows
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Fixed SFC keyword definition
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Fix semantic error while compiling project including canfestival extension instances
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Fix bugs in DataTypeEditor
2013-02-27 Laurent Bessard Fix bug on Windows with wxPaintDC
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Added support for drag'n dropping non-numeric variables
2013-02-26 Edouard Tisserant Introduce Beremiz Native POU library. Now LOGGER POU is part of Beremiz' native POU library
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed panels displaying non-numeric variables in DebugVariablePanel
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with LastRefreshTimer when closing debug viewer
2013-02-26 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug ForceVariableDialog when forcing DATETIME variables
2013-02-23 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug PouInstancePanel not updated when drag'n dropping variable from extensions
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added missing images
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with 3D graphs in debug variable panel
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added support for changing graph size using handles like sash window
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added button for exporting individual graph values to clipboard
2013-02-21 Laurent Bessard Added button in graph for changing graph size to minimum
2013-02-20 Laurent Bessard Fixed highlights for dropping graphs between the others
2013-02-20 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with LastRefreshTimer