2008-09-07 lbessard Adding support for Debugging in PLCOpenEditor
2008-09-07 etisserant Added __DEBUG global var to eventually change PLC code execution gehavior
2008-09-07 greg fixed : bug in debugthreadproc (plugger.py)
2008-09-05 lbessard Adding support for Debugging with PLCOpenEditor
2008-09-05 lbessard Bug closing project in Beremiz when closing tab in PLCOpenEditor fixed
2008-09-05 lbessard Problem with multi-connection on block in LD fixed
2008-09-05 greg fixed : bug when stop plc and previously svguiapp closed
2008-09-05 etisserant Fixed bad IPC choice for debugger/PLC/control thread collaboration
2008-09-04 etisserant Debugger now reports BOOL as booleans
2008-09-04 etisserant Some scenario may block debugger.
2008-09-04 etisserant Now debug all ticks, not only odd ones :-)
2008-09-03 etisserant Improved debug data feedback.
2008-09-02 greg fixed : bug when launch beremiz_service on windows
2008-09-02 greg add start inkscape methods for svgui plugin
2008-09-01 greg add call to join method for stdout/stderr threads
2008-08-30 etisserant Re-organized pyro connector proxy members mascarading
2008-08-30 etisserant Some GUI enhancement. Beremiz now comes with its own GenBitmapTextButton
2008-08-28 greg add tests for win32
2008-08-28 greg fixed : init_level bug
2008-08-28 etisserant - Some improovements in debug data feedback data
2008-08-28 etisserant Fixed typo in discovery.py
2008-08-28 lbessard Some instance type test improved
2008-08-26 greg remove import signal in beremiz.py
2008-08-26 etisserant Fixed bad bahavior when zeroconf bindaddress unspecified.
2008-08-25 etisserant Added lock to avoid variable subsciption concurrent to transmission to PLC
2008-08-25 etisserant Rewritten horrible discovery.py.
2008-08-25 etisserant Fixed local PLC runtime kill on aborted quit attempt.
2008-08-25 etisserant Fixed problem with first PLC argument (argv)
2008-08-22 greg remove old code and fix typo
2008-08-22 etisserant Now, Beremiz launch Beremiz_service at startup, with a one-time workin dir
2008-08-22 etisserant Fixed typo in PLCObject.py
2008-08-22 lbessard Bugs on Opening PLCOpenEditor fixed
2008-08-22 lbessard Modification in catched wxTextCtrl events
2008-08-22 lbessard Change in layout from AuiMDIParentFrame to AuiNotebook
2008-08-22 lbessard .cvsignore files updated
2008-08-21 etisserant Made autom_ihm_rmll test work again.
2008-08-21 etisserant Fixed oddities in arguments/options parsing and passing to plugins initialization...
2008-08-21 etisserant Moved template C code to targets dir. Cleaned up some forgotten print.
2008-08-21 greg remove print message
2008-08-21 greg add address ip params
2008-08-21 greg fix bug in plugger.py to get URI_Location
2008-08-20 greg move specific target runtimes to their targets directory
2008-08-20 greg remove URI_location from XSD targets and add to pluginroot XSD
2008-08-19 etisserant Added concepts :
2008-08-12 lbessard Adding support for highlighing compiling errors into PLCOpenEditor
2008-08-12 lbessard Adding support for highlighing compiling errors into PLCOpenEditor
2008-07-30 etisserant Change shortcut for wx-inspector now ctrl-alt-i
2008-07-15 etisserant minor gui improvements :
2008-07-15 lbessard Bug while while changing name of SVGUI plugin node fixed
2008-07-15 etisserant SVG/Inkscape based icon generation script + SVG drawing.
2008-07-07 greg changes in plc_Win32_main to match with new api (alignment feature)
2008-07-07 etisserant *** empty log message ***
2008-07-01 lbessard Disable some components
2008-07-01 lbessard Warning with StaticBoxSizer fixed
2008-07-01 lbessard Problem with files when launching created program from another directory fixed
2008-07-01 lbessard Bug with float window size fixed
2008-06-30 lbessard Bug with folder path ending by '/' or '\' fixed
2008-06-30 lbessard Adding support for calculate window size while C generating
2008-06-30 lbessard Removing empty choice when parameter isn't optional
2008-06-30 lbessard led_pump and led_sink inverted