2012-08-27 laurent Fix bug when closing canfestival extension generated master view
2012-08-25 laurent Update list of messages to be translated for internationalization and french translations
2012-08-25 laurent Fix bug when modifying configuration global variable in ProjectNodeEditor
2012-08-21 laurent Adding korean translation for interface texts
2012-08-09 laurent Fix bug segmentation fault while cleanup extensions
2012-07-31 laurent Adding support for checking that tab content is saved before closing it
2012-07-31 laurent Fix bug when opening File Editor
2012-07-29 laurent Fix bug debugger unable to restart after stopping PLC
2012-07-26 laurent Fix bug while renaming project file in FileManagementPanel
2012-07-25 laurent Fixing bug while loading recent projects open path with old configurations
2012-07-23 laurent Fix bug while closing specific file editors
2012-07-17 laurent Merged
2012-07-17 laurent Adding secure extraction of last edited project path to avoid crash if path is not well formatted
2012-07-17 laurent Adding support for saving editor choosen when editing project file for reloading project layout
2012-07-17 laurent Fixing bug with filesystem encoding on Windows
2012-07-06 Edouard Tisserant merge
2012-07-02 laurent Fix bug while opening project panel
2012-07-02 laurent Fix bug when opening deeper ConfTreeNode editors
2012-07-01 laurent Adding support for beremiz extensions to define custom file editors for project files
2012-06-28 laurent Fixing file explorer for Windows
2012-06-28 laurent Adding support for file explorer for project files
2012-06-25 laurent Adding support using plcopeneditor bitmap library for icon request
2012-06-25 laurent Fix bug when deleting conf tree node and conf tree node editor opened for this same node
2012-06-19 Edouard Tisserant Fixed typo
2012-06-19 Edouard Tisserant Updated CF bootup strategy.
2012-06-18 laurent Fix bug with Show Master functionality
2012-06-18 Edouard Tisserant Fixed generated CF code to match latest changes
2012-06-17 laurent Adding support for hiding node base params controls if needed
2012-06-15 laurent Fix bug when opening and closing confnode extra viewers
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant merge
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant Fixed import dependency order for POUlibrary and PLCControler
2012-06-14 laurent Moving ConfNode specific menu to end of EditMenu
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant Fixed loading projects with no libraries at all
2012-06-14 Edouard Tisserant Fixed crash when starting with no libraries at all
2012-06-11 laurent Merged
2012-06-10 laurent Adding support for push buttons (EVT_LEFT_DOWN is bind instead of EVT_BUTTON)
2012-06-10 laurent Fix bug in reorganization of toolbars after refreshing them
2012-06-10 laurent Add support for reorganizing toolbars when their size changed
2012-06-10 laurent Fix bug project not marked as modified when changing URI_Location using discovery dialog
2012-06-08 Edouard Tisserant Now, PYRO:// locations also accept MDNS service names
2012-06-08 laurent Modifying canfestival plugin to following the new Beremiz confnode paradigm
2012-06-06 Edouard Tisserant (none)
2012-06-06 laurent Replacing dialog asking for a name when adding confnode to project by automatically generated name
2012-06-05 laurent Fixed windows only bug caused by recent changes
2012-06-04 Edouard Tisserant Fixed typo in library management
2012-06-03 laurent Adding support for importing into project some files to be transfered with PLC
2012-06-03 laurent Integrating project properties panel into project window
2012-06-03 laurent Removing code related to Topology panel
2012-05-30 laurent Fix bug in StatusToolBar items state when close and opening another project
2012-05-30 laurent Fix bug with cut/copy/paste on PythonEditor
2012-05-23 laurent Merged
2012-05-23 laurent Fixing bug on ConfNodeEditors refresh
2012-05-23 Edouard Tisserant merge
2012-05-23 laurent Hiding Topology panel
2012-05-23 Edouard Tisserant fix svgui toggle buttons output, now reflect pressed state
2012-05-23 laurent Fix bug when begin editing item in project tree
2012-05-23 laurent Fix refresh of ConfTreeNodeEditors content when values change
2012-05-22 laurent Fixing Xenomai runtime specific parts to remove segmentation fault when stopping PLC
2012-05-22 Edouard Tisserant merge
2012-05-21 laurent Fix bugs with ConfigTreeNode
2012-05-22 Edouard Tisserant Fixed runtime problems with python 2.6 without wx installed
2012-05-21 Edouard Tisserant fixed uncaught exception dialog while displaying cought exception in log
2012-05-21 Edouard Tisserant fixed exception when launching discovery dialog without network
2012-05-21 laurent Fix bug with Properties menu entry
2012-05-21 laurent refactoring
2012-05-21 Edouard Tisserant fixed typos
2012-05-21 Edouard Tisserant Fixed argument parsing error
2012-05-20 Edouard Tisserant Fixed extension loading too late causing features to be ignored
2012-05-20 Edouard Tisserant Moved LPC sources to a separate project
2012-05-19 Edouard Tisserant targets and connectors are nor extensible
2012-05-19 Edouard Tisserant Added reference to CTR in libraries
2012-05-19 Edouard Tisserant refecored library extension machanism
2012-05-18 laurent refactoring
2012-05-12 Edouard Tisserant refactoring - c_ext stripped first stage
2012-05-12 Edouard Tisserant refactoring - library support is not anymore attached to configtree nodes, but handles by project controller
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant fixed non-terminating process problem
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-08 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-07 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-07 Edouard Tisserant refactoring
2012-05-03 laurent Adding search field for finding function or function block in library tree
2012-04-27 laurent Adding support for automatically saving and restoring state of frame or project perspective
2012-04-05 Edouard Tisserant branch merge
2012-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Reflected recent changes in ProcessLogger changes in StartLocalRuntime
2012-04-02 laurent Fix bug when creating new projects
2012-04-01 Edouard Tisserant Version bump
2012-03-31 laurent Merged
2012-03-31 laurent Fixing bug in debugger sending wrong tick with values
2012-03-31 laurent Fixing menu toolbar icons on Windows
2012-03-27 laurent Fix bug in debugger when transfer without having build before and and opening debug view before running PLC
2012-03-27 laurent Adding ToolBar containing basic menu items
2012-03-28 Edouard Tisserant More gentle use of app.Yield in ProcessLogger
2012-03-28 Edouard Tisserant More stable ProcessLogger.spin()
2012-03-18 laurent Adding support for selecting plugin parameter value from a tree of available values
2012-03-18 Edouard Tisserant Added a few shortcuts in menus
2012-03-18 Edouard Tisserant Stripped dead code in bug report dialog.\nFixed error when log flooded while quitting
2012-03-11 laurent merge
2012-03-11 laurent Adding support for executing python scripts on remote runtime
2012-03-06 Edouard Tisserant merge
2012-03-05 laurent Adding support for not closing debug tabs and remove variable in variable debug panel if instance still exist in newly transfered program
2012-02-27 laurent Fix bug in killing debug thread when closing Beremiz window
2012-02-23 Edouard Tisserant Fixed stopping crash in some cases
2012-02-21 laurent Inverting order of plugin calls in retrieve and publish
2012-02-19 Edouard Tisserant Added support for object files as a result of PlugGenerate_C
2012-02-16 laurent Adding support for not closing debug tabs and remove variable in variable debug panel if instance still exist in newly transfered program
2012-02-16 smarteh-dev Fix bug with "Transfer" button
2012-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Added a semaphore when starting runtime's python thread to make sure startPLC doesn't return before PLC is really initialized.
2012-02-16 Edouard Tisserant Updated logger calls in debugthread.
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Even more robust logger, up to the really last line that comes after the rush
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Fixed Logger redraw problem on Windows created in previous commit
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant More robust Logger, now resist to flooding.
2012-02-15 Edouard Tisserant Fixed Win32 timer up to 1ms
2012-02-14 laurent Merge with Edouard's Modifications
2012-02-14 laurent Fix wrong panel size making strange background in topology plugin element
2012-02-10 smarteh-dev Adding support for integrating CanFestival plugin panels in Beremiz main frame
2012-02-14 Edouard Tisserant commented out noisy printf in Win32 target
2012-02-09 smarteh-dev Adding support for integrating CanFestival plugin panels in Beremiz main frame
2012-02-07 laurent Fix recent projects list not updated when creating new project
2012-02-03 laurent Fix bug list of recent projects opened not updated when open project with command line
2012-02-02 laurent Fix 'Transfer" button state according to last build result
2012-02-01 laurent Disable 'Transfer' button when build failed
2012-01-31 laurent Adding support for quickly open recent projects in file menu
2012-01-30 Edouard Tisserant Changed GetTraceVariables results unpack to something more robust in debug thread proc.
2012-01-30 edouard reverted temporary fix, fixed in PLCopenEditor now.
2012-01-30 Edouard Tisserant temporary fix for debugger crash in case of high sampling rates
2009-08-12 beremiz forgoten branch now closed cherry-pick
2012-01-25 laurent Adding support for extracting Common_Ticktime from VARIABLES.csv
2012-01-24 laurent Adding support for loading datatypes defined in plugins to allow to use them in PLC program
2012-01-23 Edouard Tisserant Better name for python plugin
2012-01-17 laurent Merging with modifications from Edouard
2012-01-17 laurent Fixing bug on Windows with expanding hidden root item in location tree ctrl
2012-01-17 laurent Fixing bug in c_ext plugin variable grid cells not editable
2012-01-12 Edouard Tisserant Version bump, 1.03, splah image
2012-01-12 Edouard Tisserant Version bump, 1.03
2012-01-09 laurent Fixing bug in scrollbars and content position in Topology panel when expand and collapse elements in treectrls
2012-01-08 laurent Fixing bug in displaying lines of code at the origin of matiec errors
2012-01-08 laurent Fixing inverted icons for button to Minimize/Maximize plugin parameters panel
2012-01-08 laurent Adding support for drag'n dropping located variables from topology panel to configurations and resources variable panel for declaring global located variables
2011-12-21 laurent Fixing some issues in c_ext plugin
2011-12-21 laurent Adding support for integrating Python code Editor into Beremiz frame.
2011-12-20 laurent Fixing bug integrated plugin editors not closed when removing corresponding plugin
2011-12-19 laurent Fixing bug when loading icons for plugin's editor tabs
2011-12-16 laurent Removing multiple definition of UndoBuffer
2011-12-16 laurent Moving definition of grids fonts and colours into CustomGrid
2011-12-14 laurent Adding support for loading specific POUs library in LPCBeremiz
2011-12-14 laurent Adding support for unifying grid table control elements
2011-12-09 laurent Replacing sizers structure for locations tree by a treectrl in Topology panel in order to make refreshing of this panel faster
2011-12-09 laurent Fixing bug in forcing variables in runtime debug thread
2011-11-28 Edouard Tisserant Avoid starting Zeroconf if ip unspecified or set to localhost. Pick one interface address when given IP is
2011-11-22 Edouard Tisserant converted ServicePublisher.py to unix line ending
2011-11-22 Edouard Tisserant added periodic retry for zeroconf, in case network interface is not ready
2011-11-21 Edouard Tisserant ServicePublisher.py was missing in previous commit
2011-11-21 Edouard Tisserant Better naming of IP address related variables in Beremiz_service.py, Ignore errors that occur on shutdown in Zeroconf.py, fixed discovery dialog crash due to asynchronous call from zeroconf
2011-11-20 Edouard Tisserant Fixed typo in /runtime/ServicePublisher
2011-11-19 Edouard Tisserant various cleanups in /targets
2011-11-18 Edouard Tisserant Fixed encoding of Beremiz_service.py
2011-11-18 Edouard Tisserant Fixed file attributes on Beremiz.py and Beremiz_service.py
2011-11-18 laurent Fixing bug that prevent to use global variables in configuration
2011-11-18 laurent Fixing python plugin function block code to follow new macros defined in matiec accessor.h for setting variables
2011-11-16 laurent Fixing bug preventing copy/cut/paste using shortcuts on CFileEditor text editors
2011-11-16 laurent Fixing refresh of notebook tab titles after project save
2011-11-16 Edouard Tisserant added -fPIC to satisfy X86_64 build
2011-11-16 Edouard Tisserant fixed redondant ldflag and a typo in xenomai build
2011-11-16 Edouard Tisserant Xenomai build now ignores xeno-config if not set
2011-11-08 laurent Merging with Edouard's modifications
2011-11-08 laurent Fixing bug in project modified state not well reported when modifications made in plugins informations
2011-11-08 laurent Including external tools for editing plugin informations into Beremiz window
2011-10-17 Edouard Tisserant fix unnecessary CanFestival plugin load in lpcberemiz
2011-10-17 laurent Merging with Edouard's modifications
2011-10-14 laurent Fix bug frame title not refreshed when the plugin attributes are modified
2011-10-14 laurent Adding support for using keyboard to edit cfile interface variables displayed in Grid
2011-10-13 Edouard Tisserant Fixed LPCBeremiz to refect recent root plugin build method name to change
2011-10-09 Edouard Tisserant Updated console messages for build and stop
2011-10-09 Edouard Tisserant A few new keyboard shortcuts : F4=stop, F5=run, F5=transfer, F7=connect
2011-10-06 Edouard Tisserant runtime's process cwd should now be the same as provided working dir, fixin permission problem on W7
2011-09-30 Edouard Tisserant Default gcc toolchain config now use 'gcc' for linking. Was left accidentally to g++ since old times of wxSVG based SVGUI. Cleaned up gcc parameters when linking
2011-09-30 Edouard Tisserant Reverted win32 target default configuration to default gcc toolchain congig
2011-09-30 laurent Fixes after moving xmlclass and docutils into plcopeneditor
2011-09-27 Edouard Tisserant Fixed wrong bug report email
2011-09-25 Edouard Tisserant fixed debug with xenomai, fixed unprotected access to ___debug_tick
2011-09-25 Edouard Tisserant Xenomai Fix : runs, but still fail in debug
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant Xenomai Fix : build
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant added return type to suspendDebug
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant fixed warnings in plc_python.c
2011-09-22 Edouard Tisserant silence warnings while importing twisted
2011-09-08 laurent Fix debugger bug after merging matiec repositories
2011-09-07 laurent Disabling definition of enumerated and structure variables for interfacing with PLC in c_ext plug-in
2011-06-23 Edouard Tisserant changed bugreport address
2011-06-23 Edouard Tisserant Updated release : Summer 2011 - 1.02 bugfix release
2011-05-24 laurent Bug when changing parameters in TargetType section in Beremiz project configuration fixed
2011-05-23 Edouard Tisserant Fixed runtime with twisted but without Wx (-x 0 -t 1), made non-Zeroconf a default option, i.e when -n not specified
2011-05-18 Edouard Tisserant debugger : forcing %M and %Q variables on each cycle, and rework of code for optimization and concision
2011-05-18 Edouard Tisserant memory located variables no behave like outputs, when forced
2011-05-18 Edouard Tisserant added memory location support to C file pluguin
2011-05-16 laurent Merged with Edouard's modifications
2011-05-16 laurent Fix bug when debugging located variables of type memory (%M)
2011-04-26 Edouard Tisserant Print binary size only in LPCBeremiz
2011-04-21 laurent Adding save project before building on LPCBeremiz
2011-04-21 laurent Adding support for saving frame size while closing and restore it at next launch
2011-04-19 laurent Fix bug in LPCBeremiz marking any newly opened project as modified
2011-04-19 laurent Adding warning message on LPCBeremiz when closing frame and program not saved
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Added support for handling ANY_DATE types in debugger type translation
2011-04-01 laurent Bug in translation from timedelta to timespec fixed
2011-04-01 edouard fixed typo in latest debugger changes
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Initial TIME support in debugger
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant old typo
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Added build shortcut
2011-03-31 laurent Adding support for disable language translation when default language not available in locale
2011-03-28 Edouard Tisserant spring 2011 - 1.01 bugfix release
2011-03-28 Edouard Tisserant Restore RefreshFileMenu in CFileEditor
2011-03-27 laurent Merged with Edouard's modifications
2011-03-27 laurent Bug in CFileEditor calling refresh of not used FileMenu fixed
2011-03-26 Edouard Tisserant file menu with Save implementation in c_ext plugin
2011-03-26 Edouqrd Tisserant Fixed exception when adding variables in C_ext plugin
2011-03-25 Edouqrd Tisserant Fix typo in plc_debug.c
2011-03-16 edouard Also retain when debugger is stalled
2011-03-16 edouard More robust retain buffer validity management
2011-02-24 edouard Retain variable for LPC
2011-02-23 edouard Making debugger more stable with LPC
2011-02-22 edouard LPC : Completed initial debug support
2011-02-18 edouard Some typo fixes to make debug related methods in LPCAppOject stop throwing exceptions, less agressive error message when unplugging LPC
2011-02-17 edouard Removed status polling for LPC, as status cannot change by itself, fixed MD5 comparison in app mode
2011-02-17 edouard Prevent status polling to generate an error while PLC is being reset to bootloader mode
2011-02-17 edouard Fixed MD5 computation for makefile based toolchain, helps avoiding unnecessary builds - continued
2011-02-17 edouard Fixed MD5 computation for makefile based toolchain, helps avoiding unnecessary builds
2011-02-17 edouard Debug switch (file in CWD). LPC : better MD5 handling, Run button in boot mode, handling data feedback in boot protocol
2011-02-03 Edouqrd Tisserant LPC application mode IDLE comamnd is now the same as PLCID (0x07)
2011-02-03 Edouqrd Tisserant LPC program transfer more verbose, test code added in __main__ of LPCBootProto
2011-02-01 edouard Moved locales out of platform agnostic C template
2011-02-01 edouard keep LPC in boot mode to give a chance to ask for a transfer
2010-11-17 laurent Fix bug in LPCBeremiz that use input retrieve and publish code for ouput with the same location
2010-08-19 laurent Adding german translations (thanks to anonymous contributor)
2010-06-04 ed merge
2010-06-04 Lolitech Better serial comm handling in LPC connector