2009-10-26 laurent Adding support for asking for saving while trying to close a modified project in any case
2009-10-23 laurent Update internationalization for new functionalities.
2009-10-23 greg Check ProjectPath write permission
2009-10-22 laurent Bugs with TextCtrlAutoComplete on Windows fixed
2009-10-22 greg Add new target (Makefile)
2009-10-22 greg support for passing list command to ProcessLogger
2009-10-22 greg Fix some warnings during compilation
2009-10-19 laurent Bug when importing Beremiz without wx.App declared fixed
2009-10-19 laurent Bugs with logger and stand-alone PluginRoot fixed
2009-10-16 'Laurent Bessard Greg changes merged
2009-10-16 laurent Warning in c_ext compiling fixed
2009-10-15 greg Fix relative matiec path problem
2009-10-15 laurent Adding support for declaring PluginRoot outside of Beremiz
2009-10-09 laurent Orthographic mistake in french internationalization fixed
2009-10-09 laurent improved english spelling and grammar and internationalization updated
2009-10-08 laurent Move Debug message disabled message at the right place
2009-10-08 laurent Removing superfluous event.Skip() in MenuEvent callback functions
2009-10-08 laurent Bug on canopen tests (not being multi-platform) fixed
2009-10-08 laurent Bug on Debug trying to start (and stop) before PLC started fixed.
2009-10-08 laurent Remove testing printings in svgui module of python plugin
2009-10-08 laurent Allowing multiple Beremiz_service instances to run on same target.
2009-10-08 laurent Bug on DebugVariablePanel when opening project at start fixed
2009-10-07 laurent Bug while trying to import SVG file fixed
2009-10-06 laurent Bug when expanded and collapsing plugin tree fixed
2009-10-06 laurent Bugs when expanded and collapsing plugin tree and location tree fixed
2009-10-06 laurent Bugs when expanded and collapsing location tree fixed
2009-10-02 laurent Removing memory leak while closing PluginsRoot
2009-09-26 laurent Bugs on displaying plugin available variables in PluginTree fixed
2009-09-24 laurent Adding support for displaying plugins available variable into Beremiz plugin tree
2009-09-24 laurent Bug on return debug tick test fixed
2009-09-24 laurent Merging some improvements from BCT
2009-09-21 'Laurent Bessard Changes merged
2009-09-21 laurent Adding support for forcing tick count to return to zero as the same time than all tasks firing are synchronized
2009-09-21 laurent Many bugs on PLCOpenEditor integration fixed
2009-09-16 laurent Integrate PLCOpenEditor into Beremiz frame
2009-09-16 laurent Bug on debug buffer test resulting in not transmitting debug data under specific conditions fixed
2009-09-16 laurent Remove dirtylibs test while freeing plc libs in PLCObject.py
2009-09-04 laurent Redesign DiscoveryDialog class to conform to others dialogs
2009-09-18 greg fix runtime.py filename case to avoid problem on multi-platform
2009-09-18 greg Fix defaults compiler and linker names for win32
2009-09-04 laurent Bug wrong control state while refreshing interface fixed
2009-09-03 laurent Bug with creating or opening a project not closing windows of current opened project fixed
2009-09-03 laurent Clean test_svgui removing useless buttons and drawing and choosing universal fonts
2009-09-02 laurent Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions
2009-09-01 laurent Updating windows test for new python plugin and svgui module
2009-09-01 laurent Bug on windows when trying to open wxglade generated 'hmi.py' file fixed
2009-09-01 laurent Fix non-destroyed dialog in 'OnOpenProject' if 'Cancel' selected
2009-08-27 laurent Close PLC editing and PLC debugging frames while closing project
2009-08-14 laurent Improving support for svgui, separating setting end getting attributes functions from creating function.
2009-08-13 edouard Merge with 35cc4c6a29363d0a89f3e1096832cf14bb79f3de
2009-08-13 edouard Merge with 75ae46b66315975b49ec48574befa094be583fdd
2009-08-12 b taylor merged greg's recent commits
2009-08-12 b taylor remove code that i was using for testing.
2009-08-12 b taylor merged in cherry-picked service discovery changes
2009-08-12 b taylor fix discovery dialog sorting, remove services from the discovery dialog when they go offline cherry-pick
2009-08-12 b taylor bugfix: On Windows, sometimes the the wrong line in the service discovery list control is updated when multiple services are displayed and a new service is discovered. cherry-pick
2009-08-12 b taylor fix pyZeroconf bug where getServiceInfo returns None. cherry-pick
2009-08-10 edouard Added ShowMaster button icon for Canfestival plugin
2009-08-12 laurent Adding new svgui support using twisted website HMI
2009-08-12 laurent Removing old svgui support using wxsvg
2009-08-12 laurent Adding support for twisted website HMI
2009-08-10 laurent Adding support for twisted website HMI
2009-08-07 laurent Adding support for python plugin wxglade_hmi allowing creation of PLC HMI using wxglade
2009-07-29 laurent Move python evaluator to create a python plugin containing any related python module
2009-07-29 laurent Bug extra_files deletion in working directory fixed
2009-07-29 laurent Bug extra_files deletion in working directory fixed
2009-07-29 laurent Adding support for recursively generate STLibrary and BlockLibrary according to plugin tree
2009-07-29 laurent Adding support for internationalization
2009-07-28 laurent Adding support for internationalization
2009-07-20 greg update cf_runtime.c (now call TimerInit and TimerCleanup on win32 platform)
2009-07-10 'Gr?gory Tr?lat prevent eclipse to push .project with .hgignore
2009-07-10 'Gr?gory Tr?lat removed dead hidden files
2009-07-06 btaylor close ZeroConf object when exiting the Service Discovery window.
2009-06-09 lbessard Adding support for printing lines where matiec failed in Log console (thanks to Brendan)
2009-05-30 greg Fix refresh of Beremiz button when connection lost
2009-05-30 greg Fix refresh of Beremiz button when connection lost
2009-05-30 greg Adding Lock around C code called by Debug thread
2009-05-28 greg fixed bug : Lock _FreePLC until _stopPLC finish
2009-05-28 lbessard Adding support for matiec new command line syntax
2009-05-28 greg - now call load, start, free PLC from the python Thread
2009-05-28 greg add "\n" to logger when pyro fall in error
2009-05-28 lbessard Bug while parsing long located variables in GetLocations fixed
2009-05-22 greg remove french comment in python_gear block
2009-05-19 greg add python_gear block (to execute python command each given cycle interval)
2009-05-18 greg get the WaitPythonCommands return (semaphore error code) to quit python_iterator loop when semaphore is destroyed
2009-05-18 greg Wait the debug thread has terminated before freeing PLC to avoid random segmentation fault.
2009-05-18 greg Add try/except in wx_evaluator to get and print exception when command failed and unlock in all cases to not block the python thread
2009-05-04 greg Replacing Debug rt_sem by rt_pipe
2009-05-04 greg Get PDOmapping exception from canfestival plugin
2009-05-04 greg Adding support for using only PDO define in EDS file and not configured for adding mapping in node
2009-05-04 greg Adding support for updating PLC status when stopping
2009-05-04 greg Adding support for enable/Disable plugins
2009-04-29 greg Add LoliTech phone number in bug report
2009-04-10 greg Fixed bug : Segmentation fault or locks when stop PLC if no CAN network.
2009-04-10 greg fixed bug : buffer overflow when debugging PLC with python blocks
2009-04-09 lbessard Adding support for unsubscribe all variables while transferring
2009-04-08 lbessard fixed wrong pthread initialisation
2009-04-04 greg add utf-8 and save shortcut support in PythonST
2009-03-31 greg remove print messages
2009-03-31 greg add autostart plc feature for beremiz_service (bug fixed)
2009-03-30 greg add autostart plc feature for beremiz_service
2009-03-24 lbessard Close Debug Window when program transfered
2009-03-24 lbessard Register the current watched variable in Debug Window before starting
2009-03-23 lbessard Bug opening Auto complete frame when not expected fixed
2009-03-23 lbessard Bug preventing loading STLibrary when adding a plugin fixed
2009-03-23 lbessard Invalid minimizebutton state when reload PLCParams fixed
2009-03-23 lbessard Fix bug preventing library to re-compiled when dependant files changed.
2009-03-23 lbessard Make 'runtime.py' and 'hmi.py' executed independantly
2009-03-16 lbessard Adding support for Xenomai targets.
2009-03-11 etisserant Restored splash with new lolitech logo
2009-03-06 etisserant Fixed non-wx runtime python evaluation stuff.
2009-03-02 greg updated : debian package scripts
2009-02-25 lbessard Fix size of ComboBoxes
2009-02-19 greg change splashscreen beremiz version to 2009.0 Beta
2009-02-16 greg Dispatch wxGlade tests in linux and win32 folders
2009-02-13 lbessard Bug with fonts on some systems fixed
2009-01-20 lbessard Bug when try to launch wxGlade on Windows fixed
2009-01-20 lbessard Bug when try to launch wxGlade on Windows fixed
2009-01-20 lbessard Bug on Windows fixed
2009-01-20 lbessard Bug when try to launch wxGlade on Windows fixed
2009-01-19 lbessard Adding support for cancelling code generation of function with no input connected
2009-01-19 greg remove arg : self.runtime when create pluginroot instance in OnOpenProject and OnNewProject method from beremiz class
2009-01-19 etisserant Updated config_utils so that command line tests work.
2009-01-19 etisserant Enahced python_cwiid test with a wxGlade GUI
2009-01-19 etisserant Added wxGlade test
2009-01-19 etisserant Removed lost print
2009-01-19 etisserant Added wxInspector feature to play with wxGlade GUI more easily.
2009-01-19 etisserant Enhanced wxGlade GUI creation.
2009-01-17 etisserant Added support for wxglade GUIs.
2009-01-17 etisserant Added python_poll FB, to poll python variable without waiting ack
2009-01-16 etisserant Enhanced the way "runtime.py" is executed,
2009-01-16 etisserant Fixed the way LOCAL:// connector detects X11 poisoned plugins to avoid launching tray-icon enabled runtime (-x1)
2009-01-16 etisserant Fixed typo in (LD/C)FLAGS hendling in toolchain_gcc.py
2009-01-16 lbessard Replacing wx.Choice by wx.ComboBox
2009-01-16 lbessard Rewrite TestCtrlAutoComplete to fix all bugs
2009-01-15 lbessard Fix problem with embeddedimage module not present in wx versions older than
2009-01-14 lbessard Adding example of path generator program
2009-01-14 lbessard Adding support for Graphic for variable in Debug mode
2009-01-14 etisserant Added systematic stdout.flush runtime side, so that results appear in log window
2009-01-14 etisserant Local Runtime (LOCAL://) now launched "on demand"
2009-01-09 lbessard Bug on __DEBUG no present fixed
2009-01-09 lbessard Warning on modulo by zero fixed
2009-01-04 etisserant The must-have test : using wiimote sensors !
2009-01-04 etisserant Minor changes to get better cleanup of debug and python_eval threads, accross multiple debug sessions and PLC runs.
2009-01-04 etisserant Added local C dependency dicovery and changes checking, to speed up build.
2008-12-30 etisserant Fixed problem with re-use of Pyro connector proxy copy across debug sessions
2008-12-30 etisserant Added "runtime.py", a file that is executed in python thread in runtime, before handling python_eval FBs requests. Added small python editor taken from wxPython demo, and appropriate icon and button to launch it.
2008-12-23 etisserant fixed plc_python.c to assure data coherancy from the PLC point of view. Also fix non work multiple python_eval FB instance case.
2008-12-23 etisserant fixed plc_python.c to assure data coherancy from the PLC point of view. Also fix non work multiple python_eval FB instance case.
2008-12-23 etisserant Added native (not a plugin) asynchronous python eval function block - Beta. Code cleanup in C code templates.
2008-12-23 etisserant Fixed minimize/maximize invertion
2008-12-23 etisserant Updated splash
2008-12-23 etisserant Local PYRO connection is designated by LOCAL://, not PYRO://localhost:3000 anymore
2008-12-15 greg fixed : MAX_SEM_COUNT to 1 instead of 10
2008-12-12 lbessard Adding Function Blocks in VARIABLES.csv
2008-12-10 greg Adding support for defining plugin library as a plcopen xml file in plugin folder
2008-11-26 greg Bug with debug mode when displaying code fixed
2008-11-26 greg Bug on Exception handling fixed
2008-11-24 greg add the possibility to enable or disable wxTaskbarIcon for Beremiz_service
2008-11-20 lbessard Bug on bit mapping in CanFestival plugin fixed
2008-11-04 greg add a TaskBarIcon to configure beremiz_service and display plc states (started, stopped)
2008-11-04 greg add autocomplete support for beremiz's textctrl
2008-10-31 greg fix bad parameters in plugin.xml for test_master on linux
2008-10-27 greg update test_master and test_slave examples for win32
2008-10-27 greg update test_master and test_slave examples for win32
2008-10-27 greg Update test_master and test_slave examples for linux
2008-10-24 greg fix bug in beremiz_service with the MainLoop
2008-10-24 greg add taskbaricon to beremiz_service.
2008-10-22 greg fix bug in methods.py
2008-10-20 greg add docutils in svgui plugins to launch inkscape
2008-10-17 greg changes CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS for svgui plugin on win32 platform
2008-10-17 greg fixed bug with config
2008-10-17 greg remove workspace test
2008-10-16 greg add buildpath parameter for beremiz
2008-10-14 etisserant Fixed rmll examples
2008-09-10 etisserant Updated splash for beta
2008-09-10 greg fixed : findiecchannel call
2008-09-10 lbessard Bug with FBDPanel fixed
2008-09-08 greg change default linker (ld ) to g++ in XSD for gcc toolchain
2008-09-08 lbessard Bug with return value of nodelist saving fixed
2008-09-07 lbessard Bug with Open, Reopen and Close Project fixed
2008-09-07 lbessard Bug with Open, Reopen and Close Project fixed
2008-09-07 greg add __DEBUG variable
2008-09-07 lbessard Adding support for Debugging in PLCOpenEditor
2008-09-07 etisserant Added __DEBUG global var to eventually change PLC code execution gehavior
2008-09-07 greg fixed : bug in debugthreadproc (plugger.py)
2008-09-05 lbessard Adding support for Debugging with PLCOpenEditor
2008-09-05 lbessard Bug closing project in Beremiz when closing tab in PLCOpenEditor fixed
2008-09-05 lbessard Problem with multi-connection on block in LD fixed
2008-09-05 greg fixed : bug when stop plc and previously svguiapp closed
2008-09-05 etisserant Fixed bad IPC choice for debugger/PLC/control thread collaboration
2008-09-04 etisserant Debugger now reports BOOL as booleans
2008-09-04 etisserant Some scenario may block debugger.
2008-09-04 etisserant Now debug all ticks, not only odd ones :-)
2008-09-03 etisserant Improved debug data feedback.
2008-09-02 greg fixed : bug when launch beremiz_service on windows
2008-09-02 greg add start inkscape methods for svgui plugin
2008-09-01 greg add call to join method for stdout/stderr threads
2008-08-30 etisserant Re-organized pyro connector proxy members mascarading
2008-08-30 etisserant Some GUI enhancement. Beremiz now comes with its own GenBitmapTextButton
2008-08-28 greg add tests for win32
2008-08-28 greg fixed : init_level bug
2008-08-28 etisserant - Some improovements in debug data feedback data
2008-08-28 etisserant Fixed typo in discovery.py
2008-08-28 lbessard Some instance type test improved
2008-08-26 greg remove import signal in beremiz.py
2008-08-26 etisserant Fixed bad bahavior when zeroconf bindaddress unspecified.
2008-08-25 etisserant Added lock to avoid variable subsciption concurrent to transmission to PLC
2008-08-25 etisserant Rewritten horrible discovery.py.
2008-08-25 etisserant Fixed local PLC runtime kill on aborted quit attempt.
2008-08-25 etisserant Fixed problem with first PLC argument (argv)
2008-08-22 greg remove old code and fix typo
2008-08-22 etisserant Now, Beremiz launch Beremiz_service at startup, with a one-time workin dir
2008-08-22 etisserant Fixed typo in PLCObject.py
2008-08-22 lbessard Bugs on Opening PLCOpenEditor fixed
2008-08-22 lbessard Modification in catched wxTextCtrl events
2008-08-22 lbessard Change in layout from AuiMDIParentFrame to AuiNotebook
2008-08-22 lbessard .cvsignore files updated
2008-08-21 etisserant Made autom_ihm_rmll test work again.
2008-08-21 etisserant Fixed oddities in arguments/options parsing and passing to plugins initialization...
2008-08-21 etisserant Moved template C code to targets dir. Cleaned up some forgotten print.
2008-08-21 greg remove print message
2008-08-21 greg add address ip params
2008-08-21 greg fix bug in plugger.py to get URI_Location
2008-08-20 greg move specific target runtimes to their targets directory
2008-08-20 greg remove URI_location from XSD targets and add to pluginroot XSD
2008-08-19 etisserant Added concepts :
2008-08-12 lbessard Adding support for highlighing compiling errors into PLCOpenEditor
2008-08-12 lbessard Adding support for highlighing compiling errors into PLCOpenEditor
2008-07-30 etisserant Change shortcut for wx-inspector now ctrl-alt-i
2008-07-15 etisserant minor gui improvements :
2008-07-15 lbessard Bug while while changing name of SVGUI plugin node fixed
2008-07-15 etisserant SVG/Inkscape based icon generation script + SVG drawing.
2008-07-07 greg changes in plc_Win32_main to match with new api (alignment feature)
2008-07-07 etisserant *** empty log message ***
2008-07-01 lbessard Disable some components
2008-07-01 lbessard Warning with StaticBoxSizer fixed
2008-07-01 lbessard Problem with files when launching created program from another directory fixed
2008-07-01 lbessard Bug with float window size fixed
2008-06-30 lbessard Bug with folder path ending by '/' or '\' fixed