2011-04-01 laurent Bug in translation from timedelta to timespec fixed
2011-04-01 edouard fixed typo in latest debugger changes
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Initial TIME support in debugger
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant old typo
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Added build shortcut
2011-03-31 laurent Adding support for disable language translation when default language not available in locale
2011-03-28 Edouard Tisserant spring 2011 - 1.01 bugfix release
2011-03-28 Edouard Tisserant Restore RefreshFileMenu in CFileEditor
2011-03-27 laurent Merged with Edouard's modifications
2011-03-27 laurent Bug in CFileEditor calling refresh of not used FileMenu fixed
2011-03-26 Edouard Tisserant file menu with Save implementation in c_ext plugin
2011-03-26 Edouqrd Tisserant Fixed exception when adding variables in C_ext plugin
2011-03-25 Edouqrd Tisserant Fix typo in plc_debug.c
2011-03-16 edouard Also retain when debugger is stalled
2011-03-16 edouard More robust retain buffer validity management
2011-02-24 edouard Retain variable for LPC
2011-02-23 edouard Making debugger more stable with LPC
2011-02-22 edouard LPC : Completed initial debug support
2011-02-18 edouard Some typo fixes to make debug related methods in LPCAppOject stop throwing exceptions, less agressive error message when unplugging LPC
2011-02-17 edouard Removed status polling for LPC, as status cannot change by itself, fixed MD5 comparison in app mode
2011-02-17 edouard Prevent status polling to generate an error while PLC is being reset to bootloader mode
2011-02-17 edouard Fixed MD5 computation for makefile based toolchain, helps avoiding unnecessary builds - continued
2011-02-17 edouard Fixed MD5 computation for makefile based toolchain, helps avoiding unnecessary builds
2011-02-17 edouard Debug switch (file in CWD). LPC : better MD5 handling, Run button in boot mode, handling data feedback in boot protocol
2011-02-03 Edouqrd Tisserant LPC application mode IDLE comamnd is now the same as PLCID (0x07)
2011-02-03 Edouqrd Tisserant LPC program transfer more verbose, test code added in __main__ of LPCBootProto
2011-02-01 edouard Moved locales out of platform agnostic C template
2011-02-01 edouard keep LPC in boot mode to give a chance to ask for a transfer
2010-11-17 laurent Fix bug in LPCBeremiz that use input retrieve and publish code for ouput with the same location
2010-08-19 laurent Adding german translations (thanks to anonymous contributor)