Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Thu, 10 Dec 2020 11:37:27 +0100] rev 3087
Python Safe Globals now have more reliable triggering of OnChange call. Added "Onchange" object to accessible runtime variables that let user python code see count of changes and first and last values.
Edouard Tisserant [Mon, 07 Dec 2020 09:49:34 +0100] rev 3086
SVGHMI: cosmetic fixes in button widget
Edouard Tisserant [Sat, 05 Dec 2020 16:59:27 +0100] rev 3085
SVGHMI: Rewrote button widget.
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 02 Dec 2020 14:33:24 +0100] rev 3084
SVGHMI: update generated XSLT
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 02 Dec 2020 14:32:56 +0100] rev 3083
SVGHMI: stuff test so that it moves all the time, to have better chance to spot memory leaks...
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 02 Dec 2020 14:31:57 +0100] rev 3082
SVGHMI: prevent unwnted context menu and pinch zoom
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 02 Dec 2020 14:30:58 +0100] rev 3081
SVGHMI: more attempts to prevent losing memory in JS closure
Edouard Tisserant [Fri, 27 Nov 2020 18:06:34 +0100] rev 3080
SVGHMI: WIP trying to reduce memory usage : use .onclick onstead of SetAttribute, avoid useless closure and object creation when possible, etc.