Edouard Tisserant [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 14:01:20 +0100] rev 1931
Unclutter graphics package scope.
Moved some import statements from "graphics" package to "viewer" module.
It also avoid systematic import of everything in graphics when we only need one submodule.
Edouard Tisserant [Tue, 13 Feb 2018 13:57:53 +0100] rev 1930
Removed dead code
Edouard Tisserant [Mon, 12 Feb 2018 13:18:53 +0100] rev 1929
Fixed pyro timeout for runtime, was set too short and runtime was disconnecting when building PLC
Edouard Tisserant [Mon, 12 Feb 2018 11:34:07 +0100] rev 1928
Ask to stop PLC before transfer if it is running