Wed, 05 Aug 2020 15:04:53 +0200Reworked button widget so it uses classes. svghmi
usveticic [Wed, 05 Aug 2020 15:04:53 +0200] rev 3009
Reworked button widget so it uses classes.

Thu, 06 Aug 2020 15:01:01 +0200SVGHMI: allow multiple variables and formatting in Display widget. Formatting is printf style and given as first argument. If no formating is given as widget argument, space separated. svghmi
Edouard Tisserant <> [Thu, 06 Aug 2020 15:01:01 +0200] rev 3008
SVGHMI: allow multiple variables and formatting in Display widget. Formatting is printf style and given as first argument. If no formating is given as widget argument, space separated.

Thu, 06 Aug 2020 14:59:04 +0200SVGHMI : have to move some JS declarations from "preamble" to "declarations" and others from "declarations" to "definitions" section to make room for JS libraries that would be used by widget classes. svghmi
Edouard Tisserant <> [Thu, 06 Aug 2020 14:59:04 +0200] rev 3007
SVGHMI : have to move some JS declarations from "preamble" to "declarations" and others from "declarations" to "definitions" section to make room for JS libraries that would be used by widget classes.