Andrey Skvortsov <> [Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:53:49 +0300] rev 1810
use pytest for testing
Andrey Skvortsov <> [Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:51:31 +0300] rev 1809
run separate test on every project instead of one big long test all projects
Andrey Skvortsov <> [Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:45:41 +0300] rev 1808
move configuration for test environment into separate file
Andrey Skvortsov <> [Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:01:31 +0300] rev 1807
lazy initialization of highlight pens and brushes for DebugVariableViewer
Constructors wx.Pen() and wx.Brush() require wx.App to exist already.
That causes crash during import of the control,
because import is done before calling main application code.