Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Thu, 07 Apr 2022 07:40:32 +0200] rev 3447
Tests: add HTML report generation and a workaround to bad exception handling in sikuli.
In case of exception in python code, and since a thread is running
to observe stdout, sikuli was never terminated after an exception.
Unfortunately sys.exepthook doesn't work in that version of jython/sikuli.
Test are now written inside functions witch are passed to run_test to deal
with exception.
Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Tue, 29 Mar 2022 08:50:01 +0200] rev 3446
Tests: refactored sikuli based test
Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Tue, 29 Mar 2022 08:30:03 +0200] rev 3445
IDE: Postpone execution of keyboard shortcut commands when given while previous command is still being executed, to prevent CTR/builder jamming.
Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Tue, 29 Mar 2022 08:19:46 +0200] rev 3444
IDE: in case of unhandled exception, write bug report to given log file, so that test report can have it.
Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:51:30 +0100] rev 3443
Merged default's changes in wxPython4 branch
Edouard Tisserant <edouard.tisserant@gmail.com> [Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:50:46 +0100] rev 3442
Tests: fix project edit test sikuli IDE test.
Background click based on bitmap matching doesn't work.
Grid dots are not good match candidates.
Rendering probably affected by virtual display's bpp or rasterizer approximations.
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 02 Mar 2022 11:23:50 +0100] rev 3441
runtime, retain: remove forgotten debug code.
Edouard Tisserant [Wed, 02 Mar 2022 11:22:55 +0100] rev 3440
Runtime: removing dead code