Andrey Skvortsov <> [Fri, 22 Apr 2016 21:26:31 +0300] rev 1503
fix regression introduced by changeset: 1431:28e9d479aa65 [Use '-p' command line option when running matiec (iec2c)]
Variable matiec_flags in and is not
used for flags for matiec (IEC to C compiler) actually, but it's used
to compile C-code generated for extensions using normal C-compiler,
like gcc.
Andrey Skvortsov <> [Fri, 22 Apr 2016 19:49:10 +0300] rev 1502
fix display of ARRAY fields inside of structure data types.
Previously ARRAY fields in structures were displayed, for example,
like 'ARRAY [1..2] OF ARRAY' instead of 'ARRAY [1..2] OF INT'. Because
of this error the array type can be really edited.