- Fix problem with decreasing size of StatusToolBar when tools are removed from toolbar. 2018-07-30, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add BACnet example 2018-07-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Rework README.md, add examples section, add instructions for Modbus extension, more information about runtime. 2018-07-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add Modbus example 2018-07-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Disable source quality checking on ethercat plugin - will fix it later 2018-08-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- Passed bacnet*.py through autopep8, and attemped to fix manually what went wrong + fixed pylint complains 2018-08-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- More pylint+pep8 conformance 2018-08-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- autopep8 + hand made fixes on ProjectController.py runtime/WampClient.py wxglade_hmi/wxglade_hmi.py 2018-08-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- pylint on runtime/NevowServer.py 2018-08-07, by Edouard Tisserant
- pep8 on runtime/NevowServer.py 2018-08-06, by Edouard Tisserant
- merged 2018-08-06, by Edouard Tisserant
- Make some POU libraries selected by default or not. This changes structure of features.libraries, please check and update your extensions if they use libraries 2018-08-06, by Edouard Tisserant
- remove useless code 2018-07-04, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add full screen mode (menu and title are hidden) 2018-07-04, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add information how to make shelve command work with check_source.sh called from hg hook 2018-07-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Automatically increment IEC-location address if copy of the variable is created 2018-06-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Make information about translation to be in unicode 2018-06-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Take plcopen_icons.svg as source of png icons as well 2018-06-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add 256x256 and 64x64 Beremiz icons 2018-06-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add PLCOpenEditor icon to plcopen_icons.svg 2018-06-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix rounding of thousandths of microseconds in duration editor 2018-06-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add checking value in microseconds field in duration editor dialog 2018-06-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Catch 'clipboard already open' errors in editors 2018-06-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- If task type is changed from 'interrupt' to 'cyclic' init interval with T#20ms. 2018-06-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Explicitly enable required libraries in test projects 2018-06-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Disable by default unlisted in project beremiz.xml libraries 2018-06-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix 'DoGetTextExtent - invalid DC' error 2018-06-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix size of ProjectDialog used by PLCOpenEditor 2018-06-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix some compilation warnings for better ANSI C compliance 2018-06-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Customizable columns in VariableTables (i.e. can be monkey patched properly) 2018-07-20, by Edouard Tisserant