- Fix untested code in worker.py... 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Addapt to Py3.11.5 in Stunnel.py 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- IDE: connect local runtime with '' instead of 'localhost' 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Runtime/MainWorker: fix blocking race condition 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- syntax error 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Update version.py 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Runtime/win32: no sys.stdout with pythonw.exe 18 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Tests: revert Teseract to less perforant legacy mode, but more repeatable. Compensate with zoom in edit_project and filter noise out of OCR text. 19 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Tests: align on requirements.txt 20 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Tests: Add minimal SVGHMI test 20 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Tests: use SID+KILL for sikuli subprocesses 20 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Strip now useless file. 20 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: add support of all IEC61131 interger types. 19 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Add testing status badge 20 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant
- Use requirements.txt and update doc accordingly. 20 months ago, by Edouard Tisserant