- SVGHMI: re-indenting svghmi 2020-03-02, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: declares pages detachable requirements as an object, to find more efficiently common requirements svghmi 2020-03-02, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: fix some JS + add generation of detachable elements, to be continued svghmi 2020-03-02, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: now compute discardable elements first so that we can do better grouping of required elements when sumarizing. svghmi 2020-02-28, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : documentation for new geometry intersection computation code + little fixes... svghmi 2020-02-28, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: detachable and discardable elements sets, Reworked geometric intersection, toward more accurate page content detection. svghmi 2020-02-28, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : still trying to optimize. Added xslt code to identitfy minimum set of elements needed by a particular page. Plan is to remove unseen/unused elements from the DOM, and re-appending them later when used, on page switch. Disabled previous optimization. svghmi 2020-02-27, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: attempt to optimize for webkit, because of really slow style recompute in svg:use : "unlink clones" (as in inkscape) but stop deep-copy when meeting a widget, and create a new clone instead. svghmi 2020-02-21, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: optimize browser work by hiding (display:none) pages that are not displayed. svghmi 2020-02-21, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: Better and less verbose SVG namespace handling in XSLT transform svghmi 2020-02-21, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: Added mostly untested switch widget svghmi 2020-02-17, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: HMI:Page can now be a svg:g group or a svg:use clone, and included/linked widget are included in page. HMI:Jump was updated to be clickable through svg:use, to be generalized. svghmi 2020-02-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: ensure that coordinate in CSV file generated by inkscape are both matching svg default unit and in default reference frame svghmi 2020-02-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : still behave, even if important things are missing in SVG widget definitions (ex: needle missing for Meter widget) svghmi 2020-02-13, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : fix watchdog exception when timeout null svghmi 2020-02-13, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: be a bit more tolerant with missing HMI paths or missing elements in widgets : continue build (with warning) and fail silently at runtime. svghmi 2020-02-11, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : fixed bug happening when some SVG ids are containing dashes svghmi 2020-01-30, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : wait for initial timeout after watchdog is triggered, since it generaly induces HMI restart svghmi 2020-01-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : watchdog is now taking an initial and interval duration as CTN fields. svghmi 2020-01-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : avoid caching of xhtml file by forcing cache-control header in http response. svghmi 2020-01-21, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : HMI_STRING now also supported from HMI to PLC svghmi 2020-01-17, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : cosmetic svghmi 2020-01-15, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI non significant fixes svghmi 2020-01-15, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : support for HMI_STRING and HMI_BOOL svghmi 2020-01-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- plc_debug.c/var_acces.c : whitespace cleanup and other cosmetic changes svghmi 2020-01-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : Added python fomating {port} and {name} to commands so that command can build target URL svghmi 2020-01-13, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : add on Start, Stop and Watchdog command fields to configuration svghmi 2020-01-10, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI: added a watchdog. To ensure that the whole chain is checked, watchdog use a periodic echo of a hearteat variable. JS client code systematically register /HEARTBEAT at 1s update freq, and reacts on updates of /HEARTBEAT by systematically incrementing it. C code catch /HEARTBEAT update and feeds python-implemented watchdog. For now, watchdog does nothing when tiggered svghmi 2020-01-10, by Edouard Tisserant
- Add --on-plc-start --on-plc-stop and --status-change to runtime command line, calling given command respectively on start stop or any event. Command line string is python formated (to eventually include status with {}) before being split (supports quoted strings) and passed to Popen for non-blocking execution. svghmi 2019-12-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- SVGHMI : had to move the problem of wkaing up python thread from plc thread to platform specific code. svghmi 2019-12-09, by Edouard Tisserant