- CanFestival plugin now sends driver as extra file to runtime if matching target. Helps on windows to resolve DLL 2013-03-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed 'python shell' failure from runtime tray icon menu in some case, when PLC init failed 2013-03-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- More ignored files in .hgignore 2013-03-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Made logging compatible with windows API 2013-03-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed dead code in c_ext, and updated test accordingly 2013-03-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed bug when drag'n dropping variables from left panel 2013-02-28, by Laurent Bessard
- Extracted FolderTree control from FileManagementPanel to be able to use it anywhere else 2013-02-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug when closing Beremiz and grid editor is shown on Windows 2013-02-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed SFC keyword definition 2013-02-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix semantic error while compiling project including canfestival extension instances 2013-02-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bugs in DataTypeEditor 2013-02-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug on Windows with wxPaintDC 2013-02-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Added support for drag'n dropping non-numeric variables 2013-02-26, by Laurent Bessard
- Introduce Beremiz Native POU library. Now LOGGER POU is part of Beremiz' native POU library 2013-02-26, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed panels displaying non-numeric variables in DebugVariablePanel 2013-02-26, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug with LastRefreshTimer when closing debug viewer 2013-02-26, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug ForceVariableDialog when forcing DATETIME variables 2013-02-26, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug PouInstancePanel not updated when drag'n dropping variable from extensions 2013-02-24, by Laurent Bessard
- Added missing images 2013-02-22, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug with 3D graphs in debug variable panel 2013-02-22, by Laurent Bessard
- Added support for changing graph size using handles like sash window 2013-02-21, by Laurent Bessard
- Added button for exporting individual graph values to clipboard 2013-02-21, by Laurent Bessard
- Added button in graph for changing graph size to minimum 2013-02-21, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed highlights for dropping graphs between the others 2013-02-20, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug with LastRefreshTimer 2013-02-20, by Laurent Bessard
- Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation 2013-02-20, by Laurent Bessard
- Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation 2013-02-20, by Laurent Bessard
- Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation 2013-02-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation 2013-02-17, by Laurent Bessard
- Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation 2013-02-12, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when resetting graphs values 2013-02-07, by Laurent Bessard
- Merged 2013-02-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Added support for drag'n drop variable from one graph to another with visible graph 2013-02-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Added support for displaying string variables variations in a graph and cursor on graphs 2013-02-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed crash (segfault) when logging debug messages 2013-02-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- Better PLC log message time stamp display. Better console information when connecting. 2013-02-03, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added log messages time-stamping 2013-02-02, by Edouard Tisserant
- Replaced SplitterWindow in ConfTreeNodeEditor by Notebook 2013-01-30, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in DebugVariablePanel when manipulating graph layout and adding drag'n drop graph from parallel graphs and moving graphs order 2013-01-30, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with refresh PLC status tool bar 2013-01-30, by Laurent Bessard
- Now logging have 4 levels 2013-01-30, by Edouard Tisserant
- Improved matplotlib graphic debug panel implementation, adding force, release, split and delete graph buttons, replacing data grid by adding panel displaying non-numeric data between graphs 2013-01-29, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when closing project 2013-01-29, by Laurent Bessard
- More stable logging. Added small one-entry log for loading errors. Test now include python side concurrent logging 2013-01-29, by Edouard Tisserant
- merge 2013-01-29, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed bugs in support for change DebugVariablePanel 2D graphs layout using drag'n drop 2013-01-24, by Laurent Bessard
- Log redirected to console, dump of all available log to console when connecting to PLC 2013-01-29, by Edouard Tisserant
- Experimental logging feature in PLC debug 2013-01-24, by Edouard Tisserant
- Adding support for change DebugVariablePanel 2D graphs layout using drag'n drop 2013-01-24, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug with mouse capture not released in graphic Viewers in debug mode when drag'n dropping wire variable to DebugVariablePanel 2013-01-24, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed performance issue with matplotlib in DebugVariablePanel and hide 3D graphics when not needed 2013-01-22, by Laurent Bessard
- Python runtime now dlopens shared library immediatly after transfer, and release it only immediately before reloading a new one. This is probably going to reveal lot of dirty cleanups during start/stop cycles. 2013-01-22, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix DebugVariablePanel time range position 2013-01-17, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug debug slow interface when refresh time of a DebugViewer is longer than debug refresh period 2013-01-16, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in DebugVariablePanel graphics not reset when program is restart 2013-01-16, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for defining a time range for DebugVariablePanel graphics and navigating across the recording. 2013-01-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when compiling project containing non-ascii characters 2012-12-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug main configuration variables not displayed in lower left panel when project root element is selected 2012-12-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in resource search result highlighting 2012-12-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding drag'n drop of debug variable from DebugVariable grid and PouInstance variable list 2012-12-11, by Laurent Bessard
- Added support for defining extension file editor as DebugViewer 2012-12-11, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug when copying transition and connected FBD or LD diagram. Wire between the new transition and new FBD or LD diagram was not selected. 2012-12-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed boolean value displayed in debug variable panel 2012-12-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixed bug when indexing table in Pragma within ST/IL code 2012-12-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in PLC Generator preventing output type of standard function to be computed correctly 2012-12-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with representation of string variable value in DebugVariablePanel 2012-12-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when copying transition and the connected FBD or LD diagram 2012-12-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in LD_Viewer when selecting group of elements, wire selection was excluded in free drawing mode 2012-12-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when using feedback loop in SFC program instead of jump 2012-12-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for disabling 2D and 3D graphics in DebugVariablePanel when matplotlib is not installed 2012-11-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for displaying graphs of debugged numeric variables in 2D and 3D in DebugVariablePanel 2012-11-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug debug variables from standard and library function blocks unregistered when transferring program 2012-11-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug multiple graph viewer tab displaying values of the same variable can be opened 2012-11-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Add function block types as data types that are not locatable 2012-11-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for defining specific global variables for ConfTreeNodes 2012-11-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when double click while pressing CTRL on other elements than blocks 2012-11-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with concurrent access to LastRefreshTimer in LogPseudoFile for Log Console 2012-11-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in debug while stopping PLC 2012-11-13, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix resource task interval error highlighting 2012-11-08, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix display of string variables value in debug 2012-11-08, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug debug viewers are block when a Graphic Viewer in debug mode is hidden 2012-11-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug python thread blocked sometimes on Linux 2012-11-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in Debug refresh lock that, with too much data to debug, flooded GUI and blocked it 2012-11-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when Drag'n Dropping located variables on Windows 2012-10-31, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug Variable and Continuation BoundingBox not refreshed when using Type modification shortcuts 2012-10-31, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when adjusting block size, block informations was not saved when using control + shift + double click 2012-10-26, by Laurent Bessard
- Add support for double bracket pragma in syntax highlighting of TextViewer 2012-10-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in RestoreLayout when previously opened tab no more exist in project 2012-10-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when more than one block library add extra python file 2012-10-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug of PythonIterator signature in PLCObject when not using PythonLibrary 2012-10-25, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added caching for python eval (avoid compiling when same code called, but still execute). Cleaned up some evaluator related code. 2012-10-24, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merged 2012-10-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Merged 2012-10-22, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for direct array declaration in structure element declaration 2012-10-21, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in VariablePanel 'Type' cell editor menu entry 'User Data Types' containing ConfNodes data types 2012-10-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Introduced FBID in tests/python example. Fixed type error leading to segfault 2012-10-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Now test/python also demonstrate large C pragmas in ST, accessing complex types 2012-10-19, by Edouard Tisserant
- Even more pedagogical tests/python. Renaming will not help 2012-10-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- More pedagogical tests/python. Should be renamed python_ctypes_and_C_pragmas_in_ST or something 2012-10-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug in TextViewer when starting text with '{' character 2012-10-18, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for quickly changing variable and connection type 2012-10-18, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding button in ConnectionDialog to propagate connection name modification to all connections with the same name in POU 2012-10-18, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for selecting variable type filtering in BrowseLocationsDialog and modify variable type when validated 2012-10-18, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing bug in PLCGenerator with user defined functions and standard overloaded function 2012-10-16, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding datatypes defined in ConfNode as possible function return type 2012-10-16, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix support for adjusting block size to block minimum size and to Viewer scaling 2012-10-16, by Laurent Bessard
- Added FBID variable to PY_EVAL evaluation context. FBID does identify uniquely py_eval block instance triggering execution 2012-10-15, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed error message occuring sometime when quitting runtime from tray menu 2012-10-06, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug in RestoreLastLayout mechanism when last window size was default window size 2012-10-04, by Laurent Bessard
- Replacing text buttons by bitmap buttons for variable grid in CFileEditor 2012-10-04, by laurent
- Fix bug in generated master panel in CanFestival extension 2012-10-04, by laurent
- Fix ConfTreeNodeEditor parameters controls size on Windows 2012-10-04, by laurent
- Fixing CanFestival master and slave nodeid when generating code for PLC 2012-10-01, by laurent
- Fixing bug when spinctrl new value is changed by ConfTreeNode 2012-10-01, by laurent
- Fix description of menu entry for adding sub ConfNode to ConfNode in Project Tree 2012-10-01, by laurent
- Fix bug when modifying IEC_Channel 2012-09-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix unexpected warning message when adding extension to project 2012-09-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix scroll bug in ConfNode params panel when changing tab selection on Windows 2012-09-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for adding default configuration on opened project without any 2012-09-22, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with Print functionality 2012-09-22, by laurent