- python3 support: pylint, W1619 #(old-division) division w/o __future__ statement 2018-10-05, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Make easier to run pytest on local X-server 2018-10-05, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup pyc files between running pytest 2018-10-05, by Andrey Skvortsov
- python3 support: pylint, W1612 # (unicode-builtin) unicode built-in referenced 2018-10-04, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Use multiple processes to speed up pylint 2018-10-04, by Andrey Skvortsov
- python3 support: pylint, W1613 # (xrange-builtin) xrange built-in referenced 2018-10-04, by Andrey Skvortsov
- python3 support: pylint, W1648 # (bad-python3-import) Module moved in Python 3 2018-10-04, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fixed regression in connecting to LOCAL:// targets 2018-11-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merge, with surprizingly little conflicts 2018-11-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- IDManager : finished Import/Export. Added merging capability to import (asks if particular ID is replaced during import). Added ESC as closing shortcut to IDManager dialog, and adjusted its size. 2018-11-22, by Edouard Tisserant
- merge 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Update localization template 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix 'msgid' format string with unnamed arguments cannot be properly localized 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add automatic check for localization strings with multiple unnamed arguments 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Improve localization support in etherlab (mostly) 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pylint, W0602 (global-variable-not-assigned) Using global for 'X' but no assignment is done 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, W0109 # (duplicate-key) Duplicate key 'X' in dictionary 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add python3 syntax checking to CI 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix old style exception raise and exec syntax 2018-10-03, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Use python 3 compatible exception syntax everywhere 2018-10-02, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, R0123 # (literal-comparison) Comparison to literal 2018-10-02, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Use predefined constants for PlcStatus instead of string literals 2018-10-02, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, R1704 # (redefined-argument-from-local) Redefining argument with the local name 'Y' 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, R1701 # (consider-merging-isinstance) Consider merging these isinstance calls to isinstance(CTNLDFLAGS, (str, unicode)) 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, E1304 # (missing-format-string-key) Missing key 'X_name' in format string dictionary 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, E1300 # (bad-format-character) Unsupported format character '"' (0x22) at index 17 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, W0111 # (assign-to-new-keyword) Name async will become a keyword in Python 3.7 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup: pylint, E1310 (bad-str-strip-call) Suspicious argument in str.strip call 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix segmentation fault when last lines in text POUs should be highlighted 2018-10-01, by Andrey Skvortsov
- enable etherlab checks 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, C0330 # (bad-continuation) Wrong hanging indentation before block 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W0612 # (unused-variable) Unused variable 'X' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W1618 # (no-absolute-import) import missing `from __future__ import absolute_import` 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint,E0602 # (undefined-variable) Undefined variable 'X' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, E1136 # (unsubscriptable-object) Value 'X' is unsubscriptable 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- ignore missing MotionLibrary 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, E0611 # (no-name-in-module) No name 'X' in module 'Y' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, C0123 # (unidiomatic-typecheck) Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W0104 # (pointless-statement) Statement seems to have no effect 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W0631 # (undefined-loop-variable) Using possibly undefined loop variable 'X' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, C1001 # (old-style-class) Old-style class defined. 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W0611 # (unused-import) Unused import X 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, E0102 # (function-redefined) method already defined 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W0105 # (pointless-string-statement) String statement has no effect 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint,W0231 # (super-init-not-called) __init__ method from base class is not called 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, C0412 # (ungrouped-imports) Imports from package X are not grouped 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint,W0108 # (unnecessary-lambda) Lambda may not be necessary 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, C0411 # (wrong-import-order) standard import "import x" comes before "import y" 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pylint, W0404 # reimported module 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- check_source.sh: add E301 check to the list of selected PEP8 errors 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E301 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, W503 line break before binary operator 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E266 too many leading '#' for block comment 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, W191 indentation contains tabs 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E211 whitespace before '[' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical line 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E129 visually indented line with same indent as next logical line 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, W602 deprecated form of raising exception 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, W601 .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E203 whitespace before ',' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E712 comparison to True should be 'if cond is True:' or 'if cond:' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E222 multiple spaces after operator 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- clean etherlab: pep8, E741 ambiguous variable name 'l' 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E306 expected 1 blank line before a nested definition, found X 2018-09-29, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition, found X 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E201 whitespace after '(' 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E202 whitespace before ')' 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E227 missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E225 missing whitespace around operator 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E303 too many blank lines (2) 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E231 missing whitespace after ',' 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E271 multiple spaces after keyword 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E261 at least two spaces before inline comment 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, W293 blank line contains whitespace 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E401 multiple imports on one line 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E265 block comment should start with '# ' 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, W291 trailing whitespace 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- convert some etherlab source files to unix format 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- cleanup etherlab: pep8, E722 do not use bare except 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Ignore cache files and generated test reports 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Update Beremiz translations and list of translators 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Use the list of supported by app translations instead of supported translations by wx 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Suppress message box in case current locale is unsupported or missing in wx 2018-09-28, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add commands to pull translation from transifex 2018-09-27, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Add custom dialog to add/edit comment block in graphical editors 2018-09-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Cleanup examples so they look clean, nice and almost the same on Windows and GNU/Linux 2018-09-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- use the same font size on Windows and GNU/Linux 2018-09-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- use nice and pretty mono font in graphical languages (SFC, FBD, LD) as well 2018-09-26, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Don't need to call extra _init_ 2018-09-25, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Fix black background in preview window 2018-09-25, by Andrey Skvortsov
- Avoid division by zero in case width or height for page are not specified 2018-09-25, by Andrey Skvortsov
- IDManager: added import/export plus little cosmetic enhancements. 2018-11-21, by Edouard Tisserant
- IDManager : refactored a bit, moved some code into PSKManagement.py. Now captures URI and PSK on new PYRO(S) and propose them when editing URI. Import/export still to be implemented. 2018-11-20, by Edouard Tisserant
- Renaming servicetype into scheme. 2018-11-19, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added toolbar button to launch ID Manager dialog. 2018-11-16, by Edouard Tisserant
- Renamed IDManager control into IDBrowser, because dialog will be named IDManager 2018-11-16, by Edouard Tisserant
- IDManager.py : finished selector mode. 2018-11-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added early implementation of IDManager.py. For now only used to select ID in URIEditor 2018-11-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- Path may contain spaces... sequel of d1359cb 2018-11-09, by Edouard Tisserant
- 'Merged' URI editor dialog and Discovery dialog, also clean up related code 2018-11-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- Cut more useless code from URI Editor 2018-11-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- URI Editor Dialog : moved it to /dialog, and fixed naming. 2018-11-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- URI editor : Rewrote most of it, cleaner. 2018-11-08, by Edouard Tisserant
- PSK : Stunnel and/or OpenSSL (undocumented) handles PSK better without special chars, apparently 2018-10-30, by Edouard Tisserant
- Prevent PLCObject to be imported from IDE as a side effect of importing runtime package 2018-10-30, by Edouard Tisserant
- WAMP : ensure that unicode string is passed for published events IDs 2018-10-30, by Edouard Tisserant
- PYRO PSK: adjusted cipher and key length to be usable with openSSL 1.0.2k. 2018-10-30, by Edouard Tisserant
- Automatically get PSK and ID when connecting to PYRO[S], so that future connection through PYROS can use that same key. Also fixed case to UPPER for *PSK. 2018-10-29, by Edouard Tisserant
- Runtime : Ensure that a random PSK secret compatible with stunnel is generated if -s commandline switch is used. Stunnel service is restarted after generation, using spawn_subprocess. TODO : give stunnel restart command as a commandline parameter. 2018-10-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added runtime/spawn_subprocess.py. Force use posix spawn instead of fork, with API similar to subprocess. Using fork in runtime is incompatible with Xenomai, because memory is locked and this can lead to out of memory error. 2018-10-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Small cosmetic change to enhance readability and avoid confusion. 2018-10-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Force Zeroconf to listen and answer only on interface specified with '-i' command line argument. 2018-10-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Useless __name__ == '__main__' tests. 2018-10-23, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed PYRO's PSK_Adapter : monkey patching was breaking non-PSK protocol, and import ssl was missing. 2018-10-22, by Edouard Tisserant