vb@0: include yslt.yml2 vb@0: vb@0: tstylesheet xmlns:uml="http://schema.omg.org/spec/UML/2.1", vb@0: xmlns:xmi="http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1" { vb@0: vb@0: template "/" apply "xmi:XMI/uml:Model/packagedElement", 0; vb@0: vb@0: template "packagedElement[@xmi:type='uml:Package']" { vb@0: param "name", "''"; vb@0: if "$name=''" apply "packagedElement", 0 { with "name", "@name"; } vb@0: if "$name!=''" apply "packagedElement", 0 { with "name", "concat($name, '_', @name)"; } vb@0: } vb@0: vb@0: template "packagedElement[@xmi:type='uml:Class']" { vb@0: param "name"; vb@0: vb@0: | CREATE TABLE «$name»_«@name» ( vb@0: apply "ownedAttribute"; vb@0: | ); vb@0: } vb@0: vb@0: template "ownedAttribute[@xmi:type='uml:Property' and type/@xmi:type='uml:PrimitiveType']" { vb@0: 0> «@name» vb@0: choose { vb@0: when "type/@href='http://schema.omg.org/spec/UML/2.1/uml.xml#String'" vb@0: > VARCHAR vb@0: vb@0: // [...] for other types, extend when clauses vb@0: } vb@0: if "position()!=last()" > , vb@0: text "\n"; vb@0: } vb@0: } vb@0: