2020-03-19 Claudio Luck make main(), easier merge
2020-03-19 Claudio Luck Merge 2.6.3
2020-03-18 Claudio Luck pypackage: Merge 2.6.2
2018-09-04 Claudio Luck rename binaries but add compat symlinks (for prep for setup.py)
2020-03-19 Hartmut Goebel Update copyright year.
2020-03-17 Hartmut Goebel Move data files into the Python package.
2016-10-27 Hartmut Goebel Catch missing xml2yml.ysl2 early.
2020-03-17 Hartmut Goebel Convert yml2 into a Python package.
2019-11-04 Volker Birk date
2019-10-11 Volker Birk bug: textsectionu disappeared
2019-10-11 Volker Birk fixes
2019-09-23 Volker Birk adapting to Python 3
2019-02-15 Volker Birk feature: default function is used as a template
2019-01-25 Volker Birk ...
2018-11-20 Volker Birk allowing || in line quotes
2018-08-29 Volker Birk keywords as values in decl parameters
2017-06-08 Volker Birk workaround is harmful now, bug does not exist any more
2016-12-10 Volker Birk beginning with Python 3 compat
2016-08-24 Volker Birk Version 5.5
2016-07-11 Volker Birk initial commit