author Claudio Luck <>
Tue, 04 Sep 2018 16:52:30 +0200
changeset 53 b94d4c5b9496
parent 0 76005e62091d
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepare to move body code into main function
include homepage.en.yhtml2

page "Using YML 2" {
    p   >>
        YML 2 is a smart ¬ template language¬ and
        ¬ DSL concept¬. This guide will give
        you a feeling, for what it's worth.

    h2 id=wiki > Creating a Wiki like language for writing documentation

    p   >>
        Let's say, we want to define a small Wiki system, which should be translated from a Wiki
        like language into HTML. This guide is written in one using YML 2. I call it ƒYHTML. You can
        view the ¬homepage.en.yhtml2 source code of what you're reading now¬. It's about writing
        web pages like that:

    Code {
        page "Hello, world" {
            p   ¬features#blockquote >>¬
                Hello, world! I can link here, say:
        ] ¬ to Wikipedia¬
        > \n
                ¬features#blockquote >>¬

            p   ¬features#blockquote >>¬
        ] This is ƒemphasized. And this is «code».
        > \n
                ¬features#blockquote >>¬
    p   >>
        Prerequisite: knowing how ¬ HTML¬ works.

    h2 id=how > How does that work?

    p   >>
        YML 2 is a template language. That means, you can define ¬ recursive¬
        templates of what's to be generated. This is ¬homepage.en.yhtml2 the code¬; just click on underlined things
        to get an explanation:

    Code {
        ¬features#quotethrough <¬?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?¬features#quotethrough >¬
        ¬features#quotethrough <¬!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
            ""¬features#quotethrough >¬

        ¬features#decl decl¬ pageContent ¬features#alias alias¬ body ¬features#defaultbody {¬
            a name¬features#named =¬"top";
            ¬features#including include¬ ¬heading.en.yhtml2 heading.en.yhtml2¬;
            div id¬features#named =¬"entries"
                ¬features#contentfc content¬;
        ¬features#defaultbody }¬;

        ¬features#decl decl¬ page(¬features#pointer *title¬, lang¬features#defaultattr =¬"en", xml:lang¬features#defaultattr =¬"en", xmlns¬features#defaultattr =¬"")
            ¬features#alias alias¬ html ¬features#defaultbody {¬
            head ¬features#subtree {¬
                title ¬features#pointer *title¬;
                meta http-equiv¬features#named =¬"Content-Type", content¬features#named =¬"text/html;charset=UTF-8";
                link rel¬features#named =¬"stylesheet", type¬features#named =¬"text/css", href¬features#named =¬"format.css";
            ¬features#subtree }¬

                ¬features#contentfc content¬;
        ¬features#defaultbody }¬;

        br; > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"¬\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*¬"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ a href¬features#named =¬"%1" ¬features#quote >¬ %2

        br; > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"«(.*?)»"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ code ¬features#quote >¬ %1

        br; > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"ƒ(\S+)"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ em ¬features#quote >¬ %1

    h2 id=details > Details, please!

    h3 > Starting with XHTML headers

    p   >>
        Because HTML headers are boring and annoying, I'm copying them from document to document. And at last,
        they ended here ;-) If you already have things in angle brackets, you can just add them to your YML 2
        document “as is”, because everything which starts with an opening angle bracket will be a “give through”
        for the YML 2 toolchain. So our first two lines are:

        ¬features#quotethrough <¬?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?¬features#quotethrough >¬
        ¬features#quotethrough <¬!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
            ""¬features#quotethrough >¬

    h3 > Defining the document structure

    p   >>
        A Webpage usually has a structure: it has a specific title and content. Beside that, technical things
        have to be encoded. A Webpage in XHTML is XML text, setting xmlns to the right name space. That's how we
        do that in YML 2:
        ¬features#decl decl¬ page(¬features#pointer *title¬, lang¬features#defaultattr =¬"en", xml:lang¬features#defaultattr =¬"en", xmlns¬features#defaultattr =¬"")
            ¬features#alias alias¬ html ¬features#defaultbody {¬

    p   >>
        First we ¬features#decl declare¬ the «page» function. It's ¬features#alias aliased to¬ «html», so it will
        generate a «html» tag, not a «page» tag.

    p   >>
        The first parameter, «*title», is a placeholder for the title of the document. The content of what we give
        here later will be repeated at any place we're putting «*title» into our template. This technique is called
        ¬features#pointer Pointers¬.

    p   >>
        The two other attributes have ¬features#defaultattr Default Values¬, so they're generated each time the
        «page» function will be called.

    h3 > The Document content

    p   >>
        The document content is what is in the «{ ... }» block:

        ¬features#defaultbody {¬
            head ¬features#subtree {¬
                title ¬features#pointer *title¬;
                meta http-equiv¬features#named =¬"Content-Type", content¬features#named =¬"text/html;charset=UTF-8";
                link rel¬features#named =¬"stylesheet", type¬features#named =¬"text/css", href¬features#named =¬"format.css";
            ¬features#subtree }¬

                ¬features#contentfc content¬;
        ¬features#defaultbody }¬;

    p   >>
        This reflects, that each HTML document has a «head» and a «body» section. Of course, we insert the «*title»
        pointer value in the «title» tag. Then some meta data and a link to a nice
        ¬ CSS¬ ;-)

    p   >>
        For the «body» section, we have a little helper function, «pageContent». The function named «content» is
        a ¬features#contentfc placeholder¬, where the content of the page will be placed, when our «page» function
        will be called.

    h3 > Generating the «body» with the «pageContent» function

    p   >>
        The «pageContent» function is used for generating the «body» with standard elements; therefore, it's
        ¬features#alias aliased¬ to «body»:

        ¬features#decl decl¬ pageContent ¬features#alias alias¬ body ¬features#defaultbody {¬
            a name¬features#named =¬"top";
            ¬features#including include¬ ¬heading.en.yhtml2 heading.en.yhtml2¬;
            div id¬features#named =¬"entries"
                ¬features#contentfc content¬;
        ¬features#defaultbody }¬;

    p   >>
        It first sets an HTML anchor, so links can reference the top of the page:

    Code | a name¬features#named =¬"top";
    p   >>
        Then a file with heading and navigation (the menu to the right on the page here) is being
        ¬features#including included¬:

    Code | ¬features#including include¬ ¬heading.en.yhtml2 heading.en.yhtml2¬;

    p   >>
        At last, the page content is being put in, surrounded by a «div» named «entries», so it can be referenced
        later, too:

    Code    ||
            div id¬features#named =¬"entries"
                ¬features#contentfc content¬;

    p   >>
        If you'll have a look on the included ¬heading.en.yhtml2 heading.en.yhtml2¬ file, then you'll see the 
        the static head and navigation sections hard coded. With the ¬format.css CSS file¬ everything is brought
        to the right place.

    h3 > Defining some operators for the Wiki like language

    p   >>
        The trick with a Wiki like language is, that one can write plain text, and adding structural things
        to it, like links i.e.

    p   >>
        So we need language constructs, which let us structure. In YML 2 these are called
        ¬features#userop User defined in-text Operators¬:

    Code {
        > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"¬\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*¬"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ a href¬features#named =¬"%1" ¬features#quote >¬ %2

        br; > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"«(.*?)»"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ code ¬features#quote >¬ %1

        br; > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"ƒ(\S+)"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ em ¬features#quote >¬ %1

    p   >>
        They look somewhat disturbing, if you're not familiar with
        ¬ Regex¬, so I will explain.

    p   >>
        First we define a link:

    Code {
        > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"¬\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*¬"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ a href¬features#named =¬"%1" ¬features#quote >¬ %2

    p   >>
        The keyword «define operator» starts the definition. Then there is the Regex:

    Code | "¬\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*¬"

    p {
        "I decided I want to have the special character " "¬" " surrounding each link like this: "
        code ] ¬ go to Wikipedia¬
        ". This is just like what ¬ MediaWiki¬ does with brackets; here the "
        "same would read: «[ go to Wikipedia]»."

    p   >>
        I like using such special characters. This is because I'm using a
        ¬ Mac¬ and ¬ GNU/Linux¬.
        If you're using ¬ Windows¬, I really can recommend
        ¬ AutoHotkey¬. It's a great piece of software to expand the
        keyboard capabilities of Windows (and much more).

    p {
        > How does this Regex stuff work? It's a ¬ pattern matching¬ language consuming characters with each 
        > command. Well, we want to have the following: The first thing between the 
        ] ¬
        >  markers shell be the link target URL. All other things shell be the name of the link shown. 
        For that case, we're first consuming whitespace with «\s*» – the «\s» means “an arbitrary whitespace
        character” (like blank, newline, etc.). The asterisk «*» means “some of them or none”, so this
        consumes all whitespace which is there (and gives no error if there is none).

    p   >>
        Second, we open a group with parentheses «( )» This first group we can later reference as «%1»
        when substituting.

    p   >>
        Inside this group, we're telling that we want anything in it, no matter what it is. For this case,
        we're using a dot «.» which means “any character”, followed by asterisk questionmark «*?», which is 
        the code for “consume as much as you can, but only up to the next code in the Regex”. The total
        «(.*?)» consumes the target URL (without checking it).

    p   >>
        Then we're consuming some whitespace again, this time with «\s+». Using a plus «+» instead of an 
        asterisk «*» or asterisk questionmark «*?» means: there has to be at least one whitespace character.
        And we want whitespace between the URL and the name, right? ;-)

    p   >>
        Now we're consuming the second group. We're consuming whatever is there – it's the name of the
        link. We're using another «(.*?)» group for it. It will be group 2, and we can reference it with
        this in the substitution: «%2».

    p {
        > At last we're consuming redundant whitespace with «\s*», and our Regex is closed by another 
        ] ¬
        >  character. And that makes the total Regex:

    Code ] "¬\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*¬"

    p   >>
        So what can we do with it? What we want are «<a href="..." />» tags. And that means, we want to
        call a function like this: «a href="..." > ...»

    p   >>
        As «href» we want to have the result of group 1,
        because this is the link target. After the ¬features#quote Quote operator¬ «>» we want to have
        what is the name of the link, that is the result of group 2. That we can write literally:

    Code | a href="%1" > %2

    p   >>
        Our first User defined in-text Operator is ready :-)

    p   >>
        Maybe you would prefer using brackets. So just do it ;-) Change the Regex to this, and you
        can use brackets for links like in MediaWiki; we have to escape the brackets «[ ]» with a
        backslash «\\», because brackets are also codes in Regex, and we don't want the code, we really
        want brackets:

    Code | "\[\s*(.*?)\s+(.*?)\s*\]"

    p   >>
        The other two operators should now be easy to understand:

    Code {
        > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"«(.*?)»"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ code ¬features#quote >¬ %1

        br; > ¬features#userop define operator¬ 
        ] <a href="">"ƒ(\S+)"</a>
        >  ¬features#userop as¬ em ¬features#quote >¬ %1

    p   >>
        A tip: the code with an upper case letter S «\S» means, that only non-whitespace characters shell
        be consumed.

    h2 id=using > Using it

    p   >>
        How to write a new web page with our templates? Here's a ¬hello.en.yhtml2 hello world¬. We can use
        ¬features#blockquote Block Quotes¬ for entering text, and our new self defined operators:

    Code {
        ¬features#including include¬ homepage.en.yhtml2

        page "Hello, world" {
            p   ¬features#blockquote >>¬
                Hello, world! I can link here, say:
        ] ¬ to Wikipedia¬
        > \n
                ¬features#blockquote >>¬

            p   ¬features#blockquote >>¬
        ] This is ƒemphasized. And this is «code».
        > \n
                ¬features#blockquote >>¬

    p   >>
        The result you can ¬hello see here¬:

    iframe src="hello", width="100%", height=300 > ¬hello see here¬

    div id=bottom {
        > ¬index << back to Introduction¬ 
        > ¬#top ^Top^¬ 
        > ¬features >> The Features¬ 
        > ¬programming.en.yhtml2 (source)¬