1 # YML 2.5.3 language definition |
2 |
3 # written by VB. |
4 |
5 import re |
6 from pyPEG import keyword, _and, _not |
7 |
8 # pyPEG: |
9 # |
10 # basestring: terminal symbol (characters) |
11 # keyword: terminal symbol (keyword) |
12 # matchobj: terminal symbols (regex, use for scanning symbols) |
13 # function: named non-terminal symbol, recursive definition |
14 # if you don't want naming in output, precede name with an underscore |
15 # tuple: production sequence |
16 # integer: count in production sequence: |
17 # 0: following element is optional |
18 # -1: following element can be omitted or repeated endless |
19 # -2: following element is required and can be repeated endless |
20 # list: options, choose one of them |
21 # _not: next element in production sequence is matched only if this would not |
22 # _and: next element in production sequence is matched only if this would, too |
23 |
24 newSyntax = True |
25 |
26 def oldSyntax(): |
27 global newSyntax |
28 newSyntax = False |
29 |
30 def _if(cond, val): |
31 if cond: |
32 return val |
33 else: |
34 return () |
35 |
36 def listing(x): return x, -1, (",", x) |
37 r = re.compile |
38 |
39 comment = [r(r"//.*"), r(r"/\*.*?\*/", re.S)] |
40 _symbol = r"(?=\D)\w(\w|:)*" |
41 symbol = r(_symbol, re.U) |
42 pointer = r(r"\*" + _symbol, re.U) |
43 ppointer = r(r"\*\*" + _symbol, re.U) |
44 macro = r(r"\%" + _symbol, re.U) |
45 reference = r(r"\&" + _symbol, re.U) |
46 |
47 NameStartChar = ur''':|[A-Z]|_|[a-z]|[\u00C0-\u00D6]|[\u00D8-\u00F6]|[\u00F8-\u02FF]|[\u0370-\u037D]|[\u037F-\u1FFF]|[\u200C-\u200D]|[\u2070-\u218F]|[\u2C00-\u2FEF]|[\u3001-\uD7FF]|[\uF900-\uFDCF]|[\uFDF0-\uFFFD]''' |
48 NameChar = NameStartChar + ur'''|-|\.|[0-9]|\u00B7|[\u0300-\u036F]|[\u203F-\u2040]''' |
49 |
50 _xmlSymbol = u"(" + NameStartChar + u")(" + NameChar + u")*" |
51 xmlSymbol = r(_xmlSymbol) |
52 aliasSymbol = r(ur"-|(" + _xmlSymbol + ur")") |
53 |
54 literal = [r(r'""".*?"""', re.S), r(r"'''.*?'''", re.S), r(r"""-?\d+\.\d*|-?\.\d+|-?\d+|".*?"|'.*?'""")] |
55 filename = [("'", r(r"[^']*"), "'"), ('"', r(r'[^"]*'), '"'), r(r"[^\s;]+")] |
56 ws = r(r"\s+", re.U) |
57 |
58 def pyExp(): return "!", r(r"(!=|\\!|[^!])+"), "!" |
59 value = [literal, pyExp] |
60 |
61 def tagQuote(): return r(r"\].*|\<.*?\>") |
62 def lineQuote(): return r(r"\|.*") |
63 def quote(): return [r(r"\d*>.*"), (literal, 0, [";", "."])] |
64 def parm(): return [([xmlSymbol, pyExp, pointer, macro], "=", [value, pointer, symbol]), value, pointer] |
65 def parm_eq(): return [xmlSymbol, pyExp, pointer, macro], "=", [value, pointer, symbol] |
66 parm_eq.__name__ = "parm" |
67 _func = [symbol, ppointer, pointer, reference], _if(newSyntax, (-1, ("[", listing(parm), "]"))), 0, ("(", listing(parm), ")"), 0, listing(parm), -1, parm_eq |
68 def pythonCall(): return keyword("python"), _func, [";", "."] |
69 def declParm(): return [pointer, macro, xmlSymbol], 0, ("=", literal) |
70 def alias(): return keyword("alias"), aliasSymbol |
71 def descend(): return r(r"[+@*]" + _symbol, re.U) |
72 def base(): return keyword("is"), symbol |
73 def shape(): return symbol |
74 def decl(): return symbol, 0, base, 0, ("<", listing(shape), ">"), -1, descend, _if(newSyntax, (-1, ("[", 0, listing(declParm), "]"))), 0, ("(", 0, listing(declParm), ")"), 0, alias, 0, content |
75 def python(): return [r(r"!!.*?!!", re.S), r(r"!.*")] |
76 def operator(): return 0, keyword("define"), keyword("operator"), literal, keyword("as"), r(r".*") |
77 def constant(): return 0, keyword("define"), [pointer, symbol], "=", literal, 0, [";", "."] |
78 def in_ns(): return keyword("in"), xmlSymbol, [_decl, ("{", -2, _decl, "}")] |
79 _decl = keyword("decl"), listing(decl), [";", "."] |
80 def textsection(): return r(r'(\|\|(\>*).*?\|\|(\>*))|(\>\>.*?\>\>)', re.S) |
81 def include(): return keyword("include"), 0, reverse, 0, [ktext, kxml], filename, 0, [";", "."] |
82 def func(): return _func, 0, content |
83 def funclist(): return listing(func) |
84 _cmd = funclist, 0, [";", "."] |
85 _inner = [include, textsection, pythonCall, _cmd, quote, lineQuote, tagQuote, pyExp] |
86 _cc = "{", -1, _inner, "}" |
87 def content_plain(): return [ (_l, 0, _p, 0, _b, 0, _cc), (_p, 0, _b, 0, _cc), (_b, 0, _cc), _cc ] |
88 content_plain.__name__ = "content" |
89 def func_plain(): return _func, 0, content_plain |
90 func_plain.__name__ = "func" |
91 def flist_plain(): return -2, func_plain |
92 flist_plain.__name__ = "funclist" |
93 def xbase(): return flist_plain |
94 def generic(): return flist_plain |
95 def subscript(): return flist_plain |
96 def parentheses(): return "(", 0, funclist, ")" |
97 def fparm(): return flist_plain |
98 |
99 _l = _if(newSyntax, ("<", listing(generic), ">")) |
100 _p = _if(not newSyntax, parentheses), _if(newSyntax, ("(", 0, listing(fparm), ")")) |
101 _b = (":", listing(xbase)) |
102 _c = [_inner, _cc] |
103 |
104 def content(): return [ (_l, 0, _p, 0, _b, 0, _c), (_p, 0, _b, 0, _c), (_b, 0, _c), _c ] |
105 def reverse(): return keyword("reverse") |
106 def ktext(): return keyword("text") |
107 def kxml(): return keyword("xml") |
108 def ymlCStyle(): return -1, [_decl, in_ns, include, python, operator, constant, tagQuote, lineQuote, quote, _cmd] |