changeset 0 76005e62091d
child 14 d937e9d7c4fe
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:76005e62091d
     1 # 2.5.0 backend
     3 # written by VB.
     5 import re, codecs
     6 import fileinput
     7 import sys, traceback, exceptions, os
     8 from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr
     9 from copy import deepcopy
    10 from glob import glob
    11 from pyPEG import code, parse, parseLine, u, Symbol
    12 from yml2 import ymlCStyle, comment, _inner
    14 ymlFunc, pointers, pythonFunc = {}, {}, {}
    15 in_ns = u""
    16 operator = []
    17 included = u""
    18 includePath = []
    19 emitlinenumbers = False
    20 encoding = "utf-8"
    22 first = True
    23 enable_tracing = False
    25 ymlFunc["decl"] = "#error"
    26 ymlFunc["define"] = "#error"
    27 ymlFunc["operator"] = "#error"
    29 def clearAll():
    30     global ymlFunc, pointers, pythonFunc, in_ns, operator, included
    31     ymlFunc, pointers, pythonFunc = {}, {}, {}
    32     in_ns = u""
    33     operator = []
    34     included = u""
    36 lq = re.compile(r"\|(\>*)(.*)")
    37 sq = re.compile(r"(\d*)\>(.*)")
    38 ts = re.compile(r'(\|\|(?P<inds>\>*)\s*\n(?P<text1>.*?)\n(?P<base>\s*)\|\|)|("""(?P<text2>.*?)""")|(\>\>(?P<text3>.*?)\>\>)', re.S)
    39 tq = re.compile(r"(\]|\<)\s*(.*)")
    40 bq = re.compile(r"\`(.*?)\`", re.S)
    41 bqq = re.compile(r"\s*\`\`(.*)")
    42 all = re.compile(r".*", re.S)
    44 line = 1
    46 def pointer(name):
    47     try:
    48         return u(pointers[name[1:]])
    49     except:
    50         if name == "*_trace_info":
    51             return u'""'
    52         if included:
    53             raise LookupError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": pointer " + name)
    54         else:
    55             raise LookupError(u"in " + u(line) + u": pointer " + name)
    57 def evalPython(expr):
    58     try:
    59         result = eval(u(expr), pythonFunc)
    60         if type(result) is str:
    61             return codecs.decode(result, encoding)
    62         else:
    63             return result
    64     except:
    65         name, parm, tb = sys.exc_info()
    66         msg = u"in python expression: " + u(parm)
    67         if name is exceptions.SyntaxError:
    68             tbl = traceback.format_exception(name, parm, tb)
    69             msg += u"\n" + tbl[-3] + tbl[-2]
    70         else:
    71             msg += u": " + expr + u"\n"
    72         if included:
    73             raise name(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + msg)
    74         else:
    75             raise name(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + msg)
    77 def execPython(script):
    78     try:
    79         if type(script) is unicode:
    80             exec script in pythonFunc
    81         else:
    82             exec codecs.decode(script, encoding) in pythonFunc
    83     except:
    84         name, parm, tb = sys.exc_info()
    85         msg = u"in python script: " + u(parm)
    86         if name is exceptions.SyntaxError:
    87             tbl = traceback.format_exception(name, parm, tb)
    88             msg += u"\n" + tbl[-3] + tbl[-2]
    89         else:
    90             msg += u": " + expr + u"\n"
    91         if included:
    92             raise name(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + msg)
    93         else:
    94             raise name(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + msg)
    96 def textOut(text):
    97     if not text:
    98         return u""
    99     if type(text) is not unicode:
   100         text = codecs.decode(text, encoding)
   101     text = text.replace(r'\"', r'\\"')
   102     text = u'u"""' + text.replace('"', r'\"') + u'"""'
   103     try:
   104         textFunc = ymlFunc["text"]
   105         parms = ['text', ('parm', [text])]
   106         c, result = textFunc(parms)
   107         if c:
   108             if type(textFunc.alias) is unicode:
   109                 result += u"</" + textFunc.alias + u">"
   110             else:
   111                 result += u"</" + codecs.decode(textFunc.alias, encoding) + u">"
   112         return result
   113     except:
   114         return escape(eval(text))
   116 def strRepl(text):
   117     if not text:
   118         return u""
   119     if type(text) is not unicode:
   120         text = codecs.decode(text, encoding)
   121     text = text.replace(r'\"', r'\\"')
   122     text = u'u"""' + text.replace('"', r'\"') + u'"""'
   123     if type(text) is unicode:
   124         return escape(eval(text))
   126 def applyMacros(macros, text):
   127     result = text
   128     for key, value in macros.iteritems():
   129         result = result.replace(key, value)
   130     return result
   132 class YF:
   133     def __init__(self, name):
   134 = name
   135         self.parms = []
   136         self.descends = []
   137         self.values = {}
   138         self.content = None
   139         self.pointers = {}
   140         self.macros = {}
   141         if in_ns:
   142             self.alias = in_ns + u":" + name.replace("_", "-")
   143         else:
   144             self.alias = name.replace("_", "-")
   145         pythonFunc["yml_" + name] = self
   146         if emitlinenumbers:
   147             self.values["yml:declared"] = u(line)
   149     def copy(self, newName):
   150         yf = YF(newName)
   151         yf.parms.extend(self.parms)
   152         yf.descends.extend(self.descends)
   153         yf.values = self.values.copy()
   154         yf.content = self.content
   155         yf.pointers = self.pointers.copy()
   156         yf.macros = self.macros.copy()
   157         yf.alias = self.alias
   158         return yf
   160     def patch(self, second):
   161         self.parms.extend(second.parms)
   162         self.descends.extend(second.descends)
   163         self.values.update(second.values)
   164         if second.content:
   165             self.content = second.content
   166         self.pointers.update(second.pointers)
   167         self.macros.update(second.macros)
   169     def __call__(self, called_with, hasContent = False, avoidTag = False):
   170         global pointers
   171         parms = []
   172         vals = {}
   173         if self.pointers:
   174             pointers.update(self.pointers)
   176         for data in called_with:
   177             if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is Symbol:
   178                 if data[0] == "parm":
   179                     l = data[1]
   180                     parm = l[0]
   181                     if parm[0] == "*":
   182                         parm = pointer(parm)
   183                     if len(l) == 1:
   184                         if type(parm) is tuple or type(parm) is Symbol:
   185                             if parm[0] == "pyExp":
   186                                 val = evalPython(parm[1][0])
   187                                 parms.append(val)
   188                         else:
   189                             parms.append(evalPython((parm)))
   190                     else:
   191                         if type(parm) is tuple or type(parm) is Symbol:
   192                             if parm[0] == "pyExp":
   193                                 parm = evalPython(parm[1][0])
   194                         val = l[1]
   195                         if type(val) is tuple or type(val) is Symbol:
   196                             if val[0] == "pyExp":
   197                                 val = evalPython(val[1][0])
   198                         if val[0] == "*":
   199                             val = pointer(val)
   200                         if u(val)[0] == '"' or u(val)[0] == "'":
   201                             vals[parm] = evalPython(u(val))
   202                         else:
   203                             vals[parm] = u(val)
   204                 elif data[0] == "content":
   205                     hasContent = True
   207         if enable_tracing:
   208             text = u(parms) + u", " + u(vals)
   209             pointers["_trace_info"] = u'"' + u(line) + u": " + u( + u" " + text.replace(u'"', u'#') + u'"'
   211         if emitlinenumbers:
   212             global first
   213             if first:
   214                 vals["xmlns:yml"] = u""
   215                 first = False
   216             vals["yml:called"] = u(line)
   217         return self.xml(parms, vals, hasContent, avoidTag)
   219     def addParm(self, parm):
   220         if parm[0] == "%":
   221             for i in range(len(self.parms)):
   222                 if self.parms[i][0] != "%":
   223                     self.parms.insert(i, parm)
   224                     return
   225         self.parms.append(parm)
   227     def addDescend(self, desc):
   228         if desc[0] == "+" or desc[0] == "@":
   229             self.descends.append(desc[1:])
   230         else:
   231             self.descends.append(desc)
   233     def addValue(self, parm, value):
   234         if type(value) is str or type(value) is unicode:
   235             self.values[parm] = u(evalPython(value))
   236         else:
   237             self.values[parm] = u(evalPython(u(value)))
   239     def xml(self, callParms, callValues, hasContent, avoidTag = False):
   240         global pointers
   241         extraContent = u""
   242         if self.content:
   243             hasContent = True
   244         resultParms = self.values.copy()
   245         macros = self.macros.copy()
   246         toDelete = resultParms.keys()
   247         for key in toDelete:
   248             if key[0] == "*":
   249                 del resultParms[key]
   250         for key, value in callValues.iteritems():
   251             if key[0] == "%":
   252                 macros[key] = value
   253             else:
   254                 resultParms[key] = value
   255         i = 0
   256         for cp in callParms:
   257             if i < len(self.parms):
   258                 if self.parms[i][0] == "*":
   259                     cp = u(cp)
   260                     if "'" in cp:
   261                         pointers[self.parms[i][1:]] = u'"' + cp + u'"'
   262                     else:
   263                         pointers[self.parms[i][1:]] = u"'" + cp + u"'"
   264                 elif self.parms[i][0] == "%":
   265                     macros[self.parms[i]] = u(cp)
   266                 else:
   267                     resultParms[self.parms[i]] = cp
   268             else:
   269                 extraContent += u(cp)
   270                 hasContent = True
   271             i += 1
   272         result = u""
   273         for p, v in resultParms.iteritems():
   274             if p[0] == "'" or p[0] == '"':
   275                 p = eval(p)
   276             result += u" "+ p + u"=" + quoteattr(applyMacros(macros, u(v)))
   277         if hasContent:
   278             if avoidTag:
   279                 return True, strRepl(extraContent)
   280             else:
   281                 return True, u"<" + self.alias + result + u">" + strRepl(extraContent)
   282         else:
   283             if avoidTag:
   284                 return False, u""
   285             else:
   286                 return False, u"<" + self.alias + result + u"/>"
   288 def replaceContent(tree, subtree):
   289     n = 0
   290     while n < len(tree):
   291         obj = tree[n]
   292         if obj[0] == "func":
   293             l = obj[1]
   294             if l[0] == "content":
   295                 d = 1
   296                 if subtree:
   297                     for el in subtree:
   298                         tree.insert(n+d, el)
   299                         d += 1
   300                 del tree[n]
   301                 n += d
   302             else:
   303                 try:
   304                     if l[-1][0] == "content":
   305                         replaceContent(l[-1][1], subtree)
   306                 except: pass
   307         elif obj[0] == "funclist":
   308             replaceContent(obj[1], subtree)
   309         n += 1
   310     return tree
   312 def executeCmd(text):
   313     if type(text) is not unicode:
   314         text = codecs.decode(text, encoding)
   315     for (regex, pattern) in operator:
   316         match =, text)
   317         while match:
   318             cmd = pattern
   319             opt = match.groups()
   320             for i in range(len(opt)):
   321                 cmd = cmd.replace(u"%" + u(i+1), opt[i])
   322             text = text[:match.start()] + u"`" + cmd + u"`"+ text[match.end():]
   323             match =, text)
   325     result = u""
   326     m =, text)
   327     while text and m:
   328         cmd  =
   329         head = textOut(text[:m.start()])
   330         text = text[m.end():]
   331         try:
   332             r, rest = parseLine(cmd, _inner, [], True, comment)
   333             if rest: raise SyntaxError(cmd)
   334         except SyntaxError:
   335             if included:
   336                 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())
   337             else:
   338                 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())
   339         inner = _finish(r)
   340         result += head + inner
   341         m =, text)
   342     result += textOut(text)
   344     return result
   346 def codegen(obj):
   347     global in_ns, pointers, line, included
   348     ctype = obj[0]
   350     if type(obj) is code:
   351         return obj
   353     try:
   354         if ctype.line: line = ctype.line
   355     except: pass
   357     if ctype == "empty":
   358         return code(u"")
   360     if ctype == "in_ns":
   361         in_ns = obj[1][0]
   362         subtree = obj[1]
   363         for sel in subtree:
   364             codegen(sel)
   365         in_ns = u""
   366         return code(u"")
   368     elif ctype == "decl":
   369         name = u""
   370         for data in obj[1]:
   371             if type(data) is unicode or type(data) is str:
   372                 name = data
   373                 try:
   374                     yf = ymlFunc[name]
   375                     yf.alias
   376                 except:
   377                     ymlFunc[name] = YF(name)
   378                     yf = ymlFunc[name]
   379                     if in_ns:
   380                         yf.alias = in_ns + u":" + name
   381                         if not enable_tracing:
   382                             if in_ns == "xsl" and (name == "debug" or name=="assert" or name[:7]=="_trace_"):
   383                                 yf.alias = "-"
   384                                 yf.addParm("skip1")
   385                                 yf.addParm("skip2")
   386                                 break
   387             elif type(data) is tuple or type(data) is Symbol:
   388                 if data[0] == "base":
   389                     base = data[1][0]
   390                     try:
   391                         yf = ymlFunc[name] = ymlFunc[base].copy(name)
   392                     except KeyError:
   393                         if included:
   394                             raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as base for " + name)
   395                         else:
   396                             raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as base for " + name)
   397                 elif data[0] == "shape":
   398                     shape = ymlFunc[data[1]]
   399                     try:
   400                         yf = ymlFunc[name]
   401                         yf.patch(shape)
   402                     except KeyError:
   403                         if included:
   404                             raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as shape for " + name)
   405                         else:
   406                             raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as shape for " + name)
   407                 elif data[0] == "descend":
   408                     yf.addDescend(data[1])
   409                 elif data[0] == "declParm":
   410                     l = data[1]
   411                     parmName = l[0]
   412                     if len(l)==1:
   413                         yf.addParm(parmName)
   414                     else:
   415                         value = l[1]
   416                         if parmName[0] != "%":
   417                             yf.addValue(parmName, value)
   418                         if parmName[0] == "*":
   419                             yf.pointers[parmName[1:]] = value
   420                             yf.addParm(parmName)
   421                         elif parmName[0] == "%":
   422                             if type(value) is unicode or type(value) is str:
   423                                 yf.macros[parmName] = u(evalPython(value))
   424                             else:
   425                                 yf.macros[parmName] = u(evalPython(u(value)))
   426                             yf.addParm(parmName)
   427                 elif data[0] == "alias":
   428                     if in_ns:
   429                         yf.alias = in_ns + u":" + data[1][0]
   430                     else:
   431                         yf.alias = data[1][0]
   432                 elif data[0] == "content":
   433                     yf.content = data[1]
   435         return code(u"")
   437     elif ctype == "funclist":
   438         result = u""
   439         for f in obj[1]:
   440             result += codegen(f)
   441         return code(result)
   443     elif ctype == "parentheses":
   444         if len(obj[1]):
   445             return codegen(('func', ['_parentheses', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))
   446         else:
   447             return u""
   449     elif ctype == "fparm":
   450         if len(obj[1]):
   451             return codegen(('func', ['_parm', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))
   452         else:
   453             return u""
   455     elif ctype == "generic":
   456         return codegen(('func', ['_generic', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))
   458     elif ctype == "xbase":
   459         return codegen(('func', ['_base', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))
   461     elif ctype == "func":
   462         avoidTag = False
   463         name = obj[1][0]
   465         if name == "decl":
   466             if ymlFunc[name] == "#error":
   467                 if included:
   468                     raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in decl statement")
   469                 else:
   470                     raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in decl statement")
   471         if name == "define" or name == "operator":
   472             if ymlFunc[name] == "#error":
   473                 if included:
   474                     raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in define statement")
   475                 else:
   476                     raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in define statement")
   478         if name[0] == "&":
   479             avoidTag = True
   480             name = name[1:]
   481         hasContent = False
   483         if len(name) > 2:
   484             if name[0:2] == "**":
   485                 return code(eval('u'+pointer(name[1:])))
   487         if name[0] == "*":
   488             name = eval(pointer(name))
   489             if name[0] == "&":
   490                 avoidTag = True
   491                 name = name[1:]
   493         try:
   494             ymlFunc[name]
   495         except:
   496             try:
   497                 ymlFunc["_"]
   498                 return codegen(('func', ['_', ('content', [('funclist', [obj])])]))
   499             except:
   500                 ymlFunc[name] = YF(name)
   502         if ymlFunc[name].alias == "-": avoidTag = True
   504         to_add = []
   505         if len(ymlFunc[name].descends):
   506             if obj[1][-1][0] != 'content':
   507                 if included:
   508                     raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, but no descendants are following")
   509                 else:
   510                     raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, but no descendants are following")
   512             def first_func(obj):
   513                 if type(obj) is tuple or type(obj) is Symbol:
   514                     if obj[0] == 'func':
   515                         return obj
   516                     elif obj[0] == 'funclist':
   517                         return first_func(obj[1])
   518                     elif obj[0] == 'content':
   519                         return first_func(obj[1])
   520                     else:
   521                         return None
   522                 elif type(obj) == list:
   523                     for e in obj:
   524                         f = first_func(e)
   525                         if f: return f
   526                     return None
   528             def copy_without_first_func(o, found = False):
   529                 c = []
   530                 for obj in o:
   531                     if found:
   532                         c.append(obj)
   533                     else:
   534                         if obj[0] == 'func':
   535                             if obj[1][-1][0] == 'content':
   536                                 c.extend( obj[1][-1][1] )
   537                             found = True
   538                         else:
   539                             c.append( ( obj[0], copy_without_first_func(obj[1], False ) ) )
   540                 return c
   542             def get_parms(obj):
   543                 result = []
   544                 for e in obj[1]:
   545                     if type(e) is tuple or type(e) is Symbol:
   546                         if e[0] == "parm":
   547                             result.append( e )
   548                 return result
   550             try:
   551                 add_params = get_parms(obj)
   552                 for e in obj[1][-1][1]:
   553                     c = e[1]
   554                     for dname in ymlFunc[name].descends:
   555                         f, c = first_func(c), copy_without_first_func(c)
   556                         if dname[0] == "*":
   557                             pointers[dname[1:]] = "'" + f[1][0] + "'"
   558                         else:
   559                             add_params.append( ('parm', [dname, u"'" + f[1][0] + u"'"]) )
   560                         try:
   561                             add_params.extend( get_parms(f) )
   562                         except: pass
   564                     new_things = [ e[1][0] ]
   565                     new_things.extend( add_params )
   566                     new_things.append( ('content', c) )
   568                     to_add.append( ('func', new_things ) )
   569             except:
   570                 if included:
   571                     raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, and too less descendants are following")
   572                 else:
   573                     raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, and too less descendants are following")
   575         if not to_add:
   576             to_add = ( obj, )
   578         complete = u""
   580         for obj in to_add:
   581             subtree = None
   582             try:
   583                 if obj[1][-1][0] == "content":
   584                     subtree = obj[1][-1][1]
   585             except: pass
   587             if ymlFunc[name].content:
   588                 hasContent = True
   589                 treetemplate = deepcopy(ymlFunc[name].content)
   590                 subtree = replaceContent(treetemplate, subtree)
   592             if subtree:
   593                 hasContent = True
   595             hasContent, result = ymlFunc[name](obj[1], hasContent, avoidTag)
   597             if subtree:
   598                 for sel in subtree:
   599                     result += codegen(sel)
   601             if hasContent and not(avoidTag):
   602                 result += u"</" + ymlFunc[name].alias + u">"
   604             complete += result
   606         return code(complete)
   608     elif ctype == "textsection":
   609         result = u''
   610         ll = obj[1].splitlines()
   611         space = len(ll[-1]) - 2
   612         for l in ll[1:-1]:
   613             m = re.match(bqq, l)
   614             if m:
   615                 cmd =
   616                 try:
   617                     r, x = parseLine(cmd, _inner, [], True, comment)
   618                     if x: raise SyntaxError(cmd)
   619                     result += _finish(r)
   620                 except SyntaxError:
   621                     if included:
   622                         raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())
   623                     else:
   624                         raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())
   625             else:
   626                 result += codegen(Symbol(u'lineQuote', u'| ' + l[space:]))
   627         return code(result)
   629     elif ctype == "lineQuote" or ctype == "quote":
   630         m, text, base, inds = None, u"", 0, 0
   632         if ctype == "lineQuote":
   633             text = obj[1]
   634             m = lq.match(text)
   635             if m:
   636                 inds = len(
   637                 text =[1:]
   638             else: inds = 0
   639         elif ctype == "quote":
   640             inds = -1
   641             text = obj[1][0]
   642             m = sq.match(text)
   643             if m:
   644                 if
   645                     inds = int(
   646                 text =[1:]
   647             else:
   648                 if type(text) is unicode or type(text) is str:
   649                     text = u(evalPython(text))
   651         ind = u""
   652         if inds > -1:
   653             try:
   654                 cmd = evalPython(u"indent(" + u(inds) + u")")
   655                 result, rest = parseLine(u(cmd), _inner, [], True, comment)
   656                 if rest:
   657                     raise SyntaxError()
   658                 ind = _finish(result)
   659             except: pass
   661         if ctype == "lineQuote": text += u"\n"
   663         hasTextFunc = False
   664         try:
   665             ymlFunc["text"]
   666             hasTextFunc = True
   667         except: pass
   669         text = executeCmd(text)
   670         return code(ind + text) 
   672     elif ctype == "tagQuote":
   673         m = tq.match(obj[1])
   674         if == "<":
   675             return code(u"<" +
   676         else:
   677             return code(
   679     elif ctype == "operator":
   680         operator.append((re.compile(evalPython(obj[1][0])), obj[1][1]))
   681         return code(u"")
   683     elif ctype == "constant":
   684         name = obj[1][0]
   685         if name[0] == "*":
   686             name = name[1:]
   687         value = obj[1][1]
   688         pointers[name] = value
   689         return code(u"")
   691     elif ctype == "include":
   692         reverse = False
   693         ktext, kxml = False, False
   694         for arg in obj[1]:
   695             if type(arg) is tuple or type(arg) is Symbol:
   696                 if arg[0] == "reverse":
   697                     reverse = True
   698                 elif arg[0] == "ktext":
   699                     ktext = True
   700                 elif arg[0] == "kxml":
   701                     kxml = True
   702             elif type(arg) is unicode or type(arg) is str:
   703                 filemask = arg
   705         if filemask[0] == '/' or filemask[0] == '.':
   706             files = glob(filemask)
   707         else:
   708             files = []
   709             for directory in includePath:
   710                 path = os.path.join(directory, filemask)
   711                 files.extend(glob(path))
   713         if reverse:
   714             files = files[-1::-1]
   716         if not(files):
   717             if included:
   718                 raise IOError(u"in " + included + ":" + u(line) + u": include file(s) '" + filemask + u"' not found")
   719             else:
   720                 raise IOError(u"in " + u(line) + u": include file(s) '" + filemask + u"' not found")
   722         includeFile = fileinput.input(files, mode="rU", openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded(encoding))
   723         _included = included
   724         if ktext or kxml:
   725             text = u""
   726             for line in includeFile:
   727                 included = includeFile.filename()
   728                 if kxml:
   729                     if (not line[:6] == '<?xml ') and (not line[:6] == '<?XML '):
   730                         text += line
   731                 else:
   732                     text += executeCmd(line)
   733             included = _included
   734             return code(text)
   735         else:
   736             result = parse(ymlCStyle(), includeFile, True, comment)
   737             included = u(filemask)
   738             x = _finish(result)
   739             included = _included
   740             return code(x)
   742     elif ctype == "pyExp":
   743         exp = obj[1][0]
   744         cmd = evalPython(exp)
   745         result, rest = parseLine(u(cmd), _inner, [], True, comment)
   746         if rest:
   747             raise SyntaxError(cmd)
   748         return code(_finish(result))
   750     elif ctype == "pythonCall":
   751         parms = []
   752         data = obj[1]
   753         for p in data:
   754             if type(p) is unicode or type(p) is str:
   755                 name = p
   756             elif type(p) is tuple or type(p) is Symbol:
   757                 ptype = p[0]
   758                 if ptype == "parm":
   759                     if p[1][0][0] == "*":
   760                         parms.append(pointer(p[1][0]))
   761                     else:
   762                         parms.append(p[1][0])
   763         if len(parms) == 0:
   764             exp = name + u"()"
   765         elif len(parms) == 1:
   766             exp = name + u"(" + u(parms[0]) + u")"
   767         else:
   768             exp = name + u(tuple(parms))
   769         cmd = evalPython(exp)
   770         result, rest = parseLine(u(cmd), _inner, [], True, comment)
   771         if rest:
   772             raise SyntaxError()
   773         return code(_finish(result))
   775     else:
   776         return code(u"")
   778 def _finish(tree):
   779     result = u""
   780     python = u""
   782     for el in tree:
   783         if el[0] == "python":
   784             if el[1][0][:2] == "!!":
   785                 python += el[1][0][2:-2]
   786             else:
   787                 python += el[1][0][1:] + u"\n"
   788             continue
   789         else:
   790             if python:
   791                 execPython(python)
   792                 python = u""
   794         try:
   795             result += codegen(el)
   796         except RuntimeError:
   797             if included:
   798                 raise RuntimeError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line))
   799             else:
   800                 raise RuntimeError(u"in " + u(line))
   802     if python:
   803         execPython(python)
   805     return result
   807 def finish(tree):
   808     global first
   809     first = True
   810     return _finish(tree)
   812 ymlFunc["_parentheses"] = YF("parms")
   813 ymlFunc["_parm"] = YF("parm")
   814 ymlFunc["_generic"] = YF("generic")
   815 ymlFunc["_base"] = YF("base")