2009-03-23 lbessard Fix bug with maximize on TabCtrl DoubleClick.
2009-03-23 lbessard Adding support for preventing expending graphical element to have a negative position
2009-03-20 lbessard Remove remaining print
2009-03-20 lbessard Adding Display menu with Zoom item
2009-03-19 lbessard Bug with Scaling, MiddleButton, Wire modifications fixed.
2009-03-18 lbessard Adding Test when creating ConnectionBlock
2009-03-18 lbessard Adding support for contraining move to only one direction when control down
2009-03-18 lbessard Adding support for contraining move to only one direction when control down
2009-03-18 lbessard Adding support for contraining move to only one direction when control down
2009-03-18 lbessard Bugs with undefined functions fixed
2009-03-18 lbessard Adding Test when creating VariableBlock
2009-03-18 lbessard Bug with TypesTree Contextual Item Delete item disappear fixed
2009-03-17 lbessard Adding support for scaling
2009-03-17 lbessard Bug with drop located variable in empty grid fixed
2009-03-17 lbessard Adding support for adding segments on only one segment wire
2009-03-13 lbessard Modifications on divergence not buffered fixed
2009-03-13 lbessard Adding extension of Viewer
2009-03-13 lbessard Modifications on divergence not buffered fixed
2009-03-13 lbessard Adding expand and collapse when DoubleClick on Types Tree items
2009-03-05 lbessard Fix bug with wrong formed wires
2009-03-05 lbessard Fix combo box size
2009-03-02 greg updated : debian package scripts
2009-02-25 lbessard Fix size of ComboBoxes
2009-02-25 lbessard Adding filted in Auto-completion of TextViewer
2009-02-25 lbessard Adding Rename item in TypesTree contextual menu
2009-02-25 lbessard Bug with empty Action list in ActionBlockDialog fixed
2009-02-13 lbessard Bug with undefined menu items in File and Edit menus in Debug mode fixed
2009-01-19 lbessard Bug on TextViewer when no block types defined fixed
2009-01-19 lbessard Adding support for cancelling code generation of function with no input connected
2009-01-19 lbessard Bug on BlockProperties with extended functions not recognized fixed
2009-01-19 etisserant Fixed bug structures.py crashing with non-connected blocks.
2009-01-16 lbessard Replacing wx.Choice by wx.ComboBox
2009-01-14 lbessard Bug on standard function not defined with EN/ENO fixed
2009-01-14 lbessard Bug while drag and drop simple variables poping menu fixed
2009-01-14 lbessard Adding support for Graphic for variable in Debug mode
2009-01-13 lbessard Bug with variable tree generation fixed
2009-01-12 lbessard Adding support for generating real array dimension in variable blocks
2009-01-09 lbessard Bug while closing PLCOpenEditor with Beremiz fixed (closing Beremiz project)
2009-01-09 lbessard Adding help menu for inserting complex variable in graphical viewer
2008-12-19 lbessard Bug with wire error while loading diagram fixed
2008-12-19 lbessard Adding support for editing and using struct data types
2008-12-15 lbessard Two bugs fixed:
2008-12-11 greg Adding support for defining plugin library as a plcopen xml file in plugin folder
2008-12-09 lbessard Bug on Viewer ScrollBar with AUI fixed
2008-12-01 lbessard Bug with standard functions nb_params count on Windows fixed
2008-11-26 greg Bug when searching for EN/ENO on block without interface fixed
2008-11-26 greg Bug on Block bounding box fixed
2008-11-26 greg Modifying MOVE interface
2008-11-21 lbessard Bugs on Group copy fixed
2008-11-21 lbessard Bug on custom POU list in plcopen model fixed
2008-10-24 lbessard Enable EN/ENO support in plcopeneditor
2008-10-24 lbessard Adding support for EN/ENO in standard functions
2008-10-17 lbessard Adding support for copying a group of elements
2008-10-13 lbessard Bugs on pous without interface fixed
2008-10-01 lbessard Adding comments for deferencing set and reset
2008-10-01 lbessard Bug in coil and output element sorting function fixed
2008-09-25 lbessard Bug involving possible name conflict between return value and ouputs fixed
2008-09-25 lbessard Bug in return value and outputs order in functions informations generation fixed
2008-09-24 lbessard Bug in contact edition not allowing output referencing fixed
2008-09-24 lbessard Bug in function generation fixed