--- a/VariablePanel.py Thu Sep 24 18:16:04 2009 +0200
+++ b/VariablePanel.py Thu Sep 24 18:18:04 2009 +0200
@@ -21,11 +21,15 @@
#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
import wx, wx.grid
from types import TupleType
from plcopen.structures import LOCATIONDATATYPES, TestIdentifier, IEC_KEYWORDS
+CWD = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
# Compatibility function for wx versions < 2.6
def AppendMenu(parent, help, id, kind, text):
@@ -168,7 +172,6 @@
Otherwise default to the default renderer.
for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()):
for col in range(self.GetNumberCols()):
editor = None
@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@
renderer = wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer()
elif colname == "Location":
if self.GetValueByName(row, "Class") in ["Local", "Global"]:
- editor = LocationCellEditor(self.Parent)
+ editor = LocationCellEditor(self, self.Parent.Controler)
renderer = wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer()
grid.SetReadOnly(row, col, True)
@@ -854,325 +857,311 @@
class LocationCellControl(wx.PyControl):
+ def _init_coll_MainSizer_Items(self, parent):
+ parent.AddWindow(self.Location, 0, border=0, flag=wx.GROW)
+ parent.AddWindow(self.BrowseButton, 0, border=0, flag=wx.GROW)
+ def _init_coll_MainSizer_Growables(self, parent):
+ parent.AddGrowableCol(0)
+ parent.AddGrowableRow(0)
+ def _init_sizers(self):
+ self.MainSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2, hgap=0, rows=1, vgap=0)
+ self._init_coll_MainSizer_Items(self.MainSizer)
+ self._init_coll_MainSizer_Growables(self.MainSizer)
+ self.SetSizer(self.MainSizer)
+ def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
+ wx.Control.__init__(self, id=-1,
+ name='LocationCellControl', parent=prnt,
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
+ # create location text control
+ self.Location = wx.TextCtrl(id=-1, name='Location', parent=self,
+ pos=wx.Point(0, 0), size=wx.Size(0, 0), style=0)
+ # create browse button
+ self.BrowseButton = wx.Button(id=-1, label='...',
+ name='staticText1', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
+ size=wx.Size(30, 0), style=0)
+ self.BrowseButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBrowseButtonClick)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self._init_sizers()
Custom cell editor control with a text box and a button that launches
the BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.
- def __init__(self, parent, var_panel):
- wx.Control.__init__(self, parent, -1)
- self.ParentWindow = parent
- self.VarPanel = var_panel
- self.Row = -1
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
- # create text control
- self.txt = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', size=wx.Size(0, 0))
- # create browse button
- self.btn = wx.Button(self, -1, label='...', size=wx.Size(30, 0))
- self.btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBtnBrowseClick)
- self.Sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2, hgap=0, rows=1, vgap=0)
- self.Sizer.AddWindow(self.txt, 0, border=0, flag=wx.ALL|wx.GROW)
- self.Sizer.AddWindow(self.btn, 0, border=0, flag=wx.ALL|wx.GROW)
- self.Sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)
- self.Sizer.AddGrowableRow(0)
- self.SetSizer(self.Sizer)
- def SetRow(self, row):
- '''set the grid row that we're working on'''
- self.Row = row
+ def __init__(self, parent, locations):
+ self._init_ctrls(parent)
+ self.Locations = locations
+ self.VarType = None
+ def SetVarType(self, vartype):
+ self.VarType = vartype
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ self.Location.SetValue(value)
+ def GetValue(self):
+ return self.Location.GetValue()
def OnSize(self, event):
- '''resize the button and text control to fit'''
- #overall_width = self.GetSize()[0]
- #btn_width, btn_height = self.btn.GetSize()
- #new_txt_width = overall_width - btn_width
- #self.txt.SetSize(wx.Size(new_txt_width, -1))
- #self.btn.SetDimensions(new_txt_width, -1, btn_width, btn_height)
- def OnBtnBrowseClick(self, event):
+ def OnBrowseButtonClick(self, event):
# pop up the location browser dialog
- dia = BrowseVariableLocationsDialog(self.ParentWindow, self.VarPanel)
- dia.ShowModal()
- if dia.Selection:
- loc, iec_type, doc = dia.Selection
+ dialog = BrowseLocationsDialog(self, self.VarType, self.Locations)
+ if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ infos = dialog.GetValues()
# set the location
- self.SetText(loc)
- # set the variable type and documentation
- # NOTE: this update won't be displayed until editing is complete
- # (when EndEdit is called).
- # we can't call VarPanel.RefreshValues() here because it causes
- # an exception.
- self.VarPanel.Table.SetValueByName(self.Row, 'Type', iec_type)
- self.VarPanel.Table.SetValueByName(self.Row, 'Documentation', doc)
- self.txt.SetFocus()
- def SetText(self, text):
- self.txt.SetValue(text)
+ self.Location.SetValue(infos["location"])
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ self.Location.SetFocus()
def SetInsertionPoint(self, i):
- self.txt.SetInsertionPoint(i)
- def GetText(self):
- return self.txt.GetValue()
+ self.Location.SetInsertionPoint(i)
def SetFocus(self):
- self.txt.SetFocus()
+ self.Location.SetFocus()
class LocationCellEditor(wx.grid.PyGridCellEditor):
Grid cell editor that uses LocationCellControl to display a browse button.
- def __init__(self, var_panel):
+ def __init__(self, table, controler):
- self.VarPanel = var_panel
+ self.Table = table
+ self.Controler = controler
def Create(self, parent, id, evt_handler):
- self.text_browse = LocationCellControl(parent, self.VarPanel)
- self.SetControl(self.text_browse)
+ locations = self.Controler.GetVariableLocationTree()
+ if len(locations) > 0:
+ self.CellControl = LocationCellControl(parent, locations)
+ else:
+ self.CellControl = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1)
+ self.SetControl(self.CellControl)
if evt_handler:
- self.text_browse.PushEventHandler(evt_handler)
+ self.CellControl.PushEventHandler(evt_handler)
def BeginEdit(self, row, col, grid):
- loc = self.VarPanel.Table.GetValueByName(row, 'Location')
- self.text_browse.SetText(loc)
- self.text_browse.SetRow(row)
- self.text_browse.SetFocus()
+ self.CellControl.SetValue(self.Table.GetValueByName(row, 'Location'))
+ if isinstance(self.CellControl, LocationCellControl):
+ self.CellControl.SetVarType(self.Controler.GetBaseType(self.Table.GetValueByName(row, 'Type')))
+ self.CellControl.SetFocus()
def EndEdit(self, row, col, grid):
- loc = self.text_browse.GetText()
- old_loc = self.VarPanel.Table.GetValueByName(row, 'Location')
+ loc = self.CellControl.GetValue()
+ old_loc = self.Table.GetValueByName(row, 'Location')
if loc != old_loc:
- self.VarPanel.Table.SetValueByName(row, 'Location', loc)
- # NOTE: this is a really lame hack to force this row's
- # 'Type' cell to redraw (since it may have changed).
- # There's got to be a better way than this.
- self.VarPanel.VariablesGrid.AutoSizeRow(row)
+ self.Table.SetValueByName(row, 'Location', loc)
return True
+ return False
def SetSize(self, rect):
- self.text_browse.SetDimensions(rect.x + 1, rect.y,
+ self.CellControl.SetDimensions(rect.x + 1, rect.y,
rect.width, rect.height,
def Clone(self):
- return LocationCellEditor(self.VarPanel)
-class BrowseVariableLocationsDialog(wx.Dialog):
- # turn LOCATIONDATATYPES inside-out
- for size, types in LOCATIONDATATYPES.iteritems():
- for type in types:
- LOCATION_SIZES[type] = size
- class PluginData:
- '''contains a plugin's VariableLocationTree'''
- def __init__(self, plugin):
- self.subtree = plugin.GetVariableLocationTree()
- class SubtreeData:
- '''contains a subtree of a plugin's VariableLocationTree'''
- def __init__(self, subtree):
- self.subtree = subtree
- class VariableData:
- '''contains all the information about a valid variable location'''
- def __init__(self, type, dir, loc):
- self.type = type
- loc_suffix = '.'.join([str(x) for x in loc])
- size = BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.LOCATION_SIZES[type]
- self.loc = size + loc_suffix
- # if a direction was given, use it
- # (if not we'll prompt the user to select one)
- if dir:
- self.loc = '%' + dir + self.loc
- def __init__(self, parent, var_panel):
- self.VarPanel = var_panel
- self.Selection = None
- # create the dialog
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent=parent, title=_('Browse Variables'),
- size=(-1, 400))
- # create the root sizer
- sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self.SetSizer(sizer)
- # create the tree control
- self.tree = wx.TreeCtrl(self, style=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT)
- sizer.Add(self.tree, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, border=20)
- # create the Direction sizer and field
- dsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- sizer.Add(dsizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, border=20)
- # direction label
- ltext = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _('Direction:'))
- dsizer.Add(ltext, flag=wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, border=20)
- # direction choice
- self.DirChoice = wx.Choice(id=-1, parent=self, choices=[_('Input'), _('Output'), _('Memory')])
- dsizer.Add(self.DirChoice, flag=wx.EXPAND)
- # set a default for the choice
- self.SetSelectedDirection('I')
- # create the button sizer
- btsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- sizer.Add(btsizer, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, border=20)
- # add plugins to the tree
- root = self.tree.AddRoot(_('Plugins'))
- ctrl = self.VarPanel.Controler
- self.AddChildPluginsToTree(ctrl, root)
- # -- buttons --
- # ok button
- self.OkButton = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, _('Use Location'))
- self.OkButton.SetDefault()
- btsizer.Add(self.OkButton, flag=wx.RIGHT, border=5)
- # cancel button
- b = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _('Cancel'))
- btsizer.Add(b)
- # -- event handlers --
- # accept the location on doubleclick or clicking the Use Location button
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk, self.OkButton)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnOk, self.tree)
- # disable the Add button when we're not on a valid variable
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelChange, self.tree)
- # handle the Expand event. this lets us create the tree as it's expanded
- # (trying to create it all at once is slow since plugin variable location
- # trees can be big)
- wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING(self.tree, self.tree.GetId(), self.OnExpand)
- def OnExpand(self, event):
- item = event.GetItem()
- if not item.IsOk():
- item = self.tree.GetSelection()
- data = self.tree.GetPyData(item)
- self.ExpandTree(item, data.subtree)
- def AddChildPluginsToTree(self, plugin, root):
- for p in plugin.IECSortedChilds():
- plug_name = p.BaseParams.getName()
- new_item = self.tree.AppendItem(root, plug_name)
- # make it look like the tree item has children (since it doesn't yet)
- self.tree.SetItemHasChildren(new_item)
- # attach the plugin data to the tree item
- self.tree.SetPyData(new_item, BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.PluginData(p))
- # add child plugins recursively
- self.AddChildPluginsToTree(p, new_item)
- def ExpandTree(self, root, subtree):
- items = subtree.items()
- items.sort()
- for node_name, data in items:
- if isinstance(data, dict):
- # this is a new subtree
- new_item = self.tree.AppendItem(root, node_name)
- self.tree.SetItemHasChildren(new_item)
- # attach the new subtree's data to the tree item
- new_data = BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.SubtreeData(data)
- self.tree.SetPyData(new_item, new_data)
+ return LocationCellEditor(self.Table, self.Locations)
+def GetDirChoiceOptions():
+ _ = lambda x : x
+ (_("Input"), [LOCATION_VAR_INPUT]),
+ (_("Output"), [LOCATION_VAR_OUTPUT]),
+ (_("Memory"), [LOCATION_VAR_MEMORY])]
+DIRCHOICE_OPTIONS_FILTER = dict([(_(option), filter) for option, filter in GetDirChoiceOptions()])
+# turn LOCATIONDATATYPES inside-out
+for size, types in LOCATIONDATATYPES.iteritems():
+ for type in types:
+ LOCATION_SIZES[type] = size
+] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(5)]
+class BrowseLocationsDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ if wx.VERSION < (2, 6, 0):
+ def Bind(self, event, function, id = None):
+ if id is not None:
+ event(self, id, function)
+ else:
+ event(self, function)
+ def _init_coll_MainSizer_Items(self, parent):
+ parent.AddWindow(self.staticText1, 0, border=20, flag=wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.GROW)
+ parent.AddWindow(self.LocationsTree, 0, border=20, flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.GROW)
+ parent.AddSizer(self.ButtonGridSizer, 0, border=20, flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.GROW)
+ def _init_coll_MainSizer_Growables(self, parent):
+ parent.AddGrowableCol(0)
+ parent.AddGrowableRow(1)
+ def _init_coll_ButtonGridSizer_Items(self, parent):
+ parent.AddWindow(self.staticText2, 0, border=0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ parent.AddWindow(self.DirChoice, 0, border=0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ parent.AddSizer(self.ButtonSizer, 0, border=0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
+ def _init_coll_ButtonGridSizer_Growables(self, parent):
+ parent.AddGrowableCol(2)
+ parent.AddGrowableRow(0)
+ def _init_sizers(self):
+ self.MainSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=3, vgap=10)
+ self.ButtonGridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=3, hgap=5, rows=1, vgap=0)
+ self._init_coll_MainSizer_Items(self.MainSizer)
+ self._init_coll_MainSizer_Growables(self.MainSizer)
+ self._init_coll_ButtonGridSizer_Items(self.ButtonGridSizer)
+ self._init_coll_ButtonGridSizer_Growables(self.ButtonGridSizer)
+ self.SetSizer(self.MainSizer)
+ def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=ID_BROWSELOCATIONSDIALOG,
+ name='BrowseLocationsDialog', parent=prnt,
+ size=wx.Size(600, 400), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER,
+ title=_('Browse Locations'))
+ self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=ID_BROWSELOCATIONSDIALOGSTATICTEXT1,
+ label=_('Locations available:'), name='staticText1', parent=self,
+ pos=wx.Point(0, 0), size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ else:
+ name='LocationsTree', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
+ size=wx.Size(0, 0), style=treestyle)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnLocationsTreeItemActivated,
+ self.staticText2 = wx.StaticText(id=ID_BROWSELOCATIONSDIALOGSTATICTEXT2,
+ label=_('Direction:'), name='staticText2', parent=self,
+ pos=wx.Point(0, 0), size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0)
+ name='DirChoice', parent=self, pos=wx.Point(0, 0),
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.CB_READONLY)
+ self.ButtonSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.CENTRE)
+ if wx.VERSION >= (2, 5, 0):
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, id=self.ButtonSizer.GetAffirmativeButton().GetId())
+ else:
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, id=self.ButtonSizer.GetChildren()[0].GetSizer().GetChildren()[0].GetWindow().GetId())
+ self._init_sizers()
+ def __init__(self, parent, var_type, locations):
+ self._init_ctrls(parent)
+ self.VarType = var_type
+ self.Locations = locations
+ # Define Tree item icon list
+ self.TreeImageList = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
+ self.TreeImageDict = {}
+ # Icons for items
+ for imgname, itemtype in [
+ self.TreeImageDict[itemtype]=self.TreeImageList.Add(wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(CWD, 'Images', '%s.png'%imgname)))
+ # Assign icon list to TreeCtrls
+ self.LocationsTree.SetImageList(self.TreeImageList)
+ # Set a options for the choice
+ for option, filter in GetDirChoiceOptions():
+ self.DirChoice.Append(_(option))
+ self.DirChoice.SetStringSelection(_("All"))
+ self.RefreshFilter()
+ self.RefreshLocationsTree()
+ def RefreshFilter(self):
+ self.Filter = DIRCHOICE_OPTIONS_FILTER[self.DirChoice.GetStringSelection()]
+ def RefreshLocationsTree(self):
+ root = self.LocationsTree.GetRootItem()
+ if not root.IsOk():
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
+ root = self.LocationsTree.AddRoot(_('Plugins'))
+ else:
+ root = self.LocationsTree.AddRoot("")
+ self.GenerateLocationsTreeBranch(root, self.Locations)
+ self.LocationsTree.Expand(root)
+ def GenerateLocationsTreeBranch(self, root, locations):
+ to_delete = []
+ if wx.VERSION >= (2, 6, 0):
+ item, root_cookie = self.LocationsTree.GetFirstChild(root)
+ else:
+ item, root_cookie = self.LocationsTree.GetFirstChild(root, 0)
+ for loc_infos in locations:
+ infos = loc_infos.copy()
+ infos["type"] in self.Filter and (infos["IEC_type"] == self.VarType or
+ infos["IEC_type"] is None and LOCATION_SIZES[self.VarType] == infos["size"]):
+ children = [child for child in infos.pop("children")]
+ if not item.IsOk():
+ item = self.LocationsTree.AppendItem(root, infos["name"])
+ if wx.Platform != '__WXMSW__':
+ item, root_cookie = self.LocationsTree.GetNextChild(root, root_cookie)
- # this is a new leaf.
- # data is a tuple containing (IEC type, I/Q/M/None, IEC path tuple)
- type, dir, loc = data
- node_name = '%s (%s)' % (node_name, type)
- new_item = self.tree.AppendItem(root, node_name)
- vd = BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.VariableData(type, dir, loc)
- self.tree.SetPyData(new_item, vd)
- def OnSelChange(self, event):
- '''updates the text field and the "Use Location" button.'''
- item = self.tree.GetSelection()
- data = self.tree.GetPyData(item)
- if isinstance(data, BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.VariableData):
- self.OkButton.Enable()
- location = data.loc
- if location[0] == '%':
- # location has a fixed direction
- self.SetSelectedDirection(location[1])
- self.DirChoice.Disable()
- else:
- # this location can have any direction (user selects)
- self.DirChoice.Enable()
- else:
- self.OkButton.Disable()
- self.DirChoice.Disable()
- def GetSelectedDirection(self):
- selected = self.DirChoice.GetSelection()
- if selected == 0:
- return 'I'
- elif selected == 1:
- return 'Q'
- else:
- return 'M'
- def SetSelectedDirection(self, dir_letter):
- if dir_letter == 'I':
- self.DirChoice.SetSelection(0)
- elif dir_letter == 'Q':
- self.DirChoice.SetSelection(1)
- else:
- self.DirChoice.SetSelection(2)
- def OnOk(self, event):
- item = self.tree.GetSelection()
- data = self.tree.GetPyData(item)
- if not isinstance(data, BrowseVariableLocationsDialog.VariableData):
- return
- location = data.loc
- if location[0] != '%':
- # no direction was given, grab the one from the wxChoice
- dir = self.GetSelectedDirection()
- location = '%' + dir + location
- # walk up the tree, building documentation for the variable
- documentation = self.tree.GetItemText(item)
- parent = self.tree.GetItemParent(item)
- root = self.tree.GetRootItem()
- while parent != root:
- text = self.tree.GetItemText(parent)
- documentation = text + ":" + documentation
- parent = self.tree.GetItemParent(parent)
- self.Selection = (location, data.type, documentation)
- self.Destroy()
+ self.LocationsTree.SetItemText(item, infos["name"])
+ self.LocationsTree.SetPyData(item, infos)
+ self.LocationsTree.SetItemImage(item, self.TreeImageDict[infos["type"]])
+ self.GenerateLocationsTreeBranch(item, children)
+ item, root_cookie = self.LocationsTree.GetNextChild(root, root_cookie)
+ while item.IsOk():
+ to_delete.append(item)
+ item, root_cookie = self.LocationsTree.GetNextChild(root, root_cookie)
+ for item in to_delete:
+ self.LocationsTree.Delete(item)
+ def OnLocationsTreeItemActivated(self, event):
+ infos = self.LocationsTree.GetPyData(event.GetItem())
+ wx.CallAfter(self.EndModal, wx.ID_OK)
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnDirChoice(self, event):
+ self.RefreshFilter()
+ self.RefreshLocationsTree()
+ def GetValues(self):
+ selected = self.LocationsTree.GetSelection()
+ return self.LocationsTree.GetPyData(selected)
+ def OnOK(self, event):
+ selected = self.LocationsTree.GetSelection()
+ var_infos = None
+ if selected.IsOk():
+ var_infos = self.LocationsTree.GetPyData(selected)
+ if var_infos is None or var_infos["type"] in [LOCATION_PLUGIN, LOCATION_MODULE, LOCATION_GROUP]:
+ message = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("A location must be selected!"), _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
+ message.ShowModal()
+ message.Destroy()
+ else:
+ self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
\ No newline at end of file