--- a/plcopen/structures.py Tue Jun 19 08:43:41 2007 +0200
+++ b/plcopen/structures.py Wed Jun 20 15:25:08 2007 +0200
@@ -146,37 +146,37 @@
between type that permits to make a comparison of two types
TypeHierarchy_list = [
- ("ANY", None),
- ("ANY_REAL", "ANY_NUM"),
- ("ANY_INT", "ANY_NUM"),
- ("REAL", "ANY_REAL"),
- ("LREAL", "ANY_REAL"),
- ("SINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("INT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("DINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("LINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("USINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("UINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("UDINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("ULINT", "ANY_INT"),
- ("BOOL", "ANY_BIT"),
- ("BYTE", "ANY_BIT"),
- ("WORD", "ANY_BIT"),
- ("DWORD", "ANY_BIT"),
- ("LWORD", "ANY_BIT"),
- ("DATE", "ANY_DATE"),
- ("TOD", "ANY_DATE"),
- ("DT", "ANY_DATE")]
+ ("ANY", None),
+ ("ANY_REAL", "ANY_NUM"),
+ ("ANY_INT", "ANY_NUM"),
+ ("REAL", "ANY_REAL"),
+ ("LREAL", "ANY_REAL"),
+ ("SINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("INT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("DINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("LINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("USINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("UINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("UDINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("ULINT", "ANY_INT"),
+ ("BOOL", "ANY_BIT"),
+ ("BYTE", "ANY_BIT"),
+ ("WORD", "ANY_BIT"),
+ ("DWORD", "ANY_BIT"),
+ ("LWORD", "ANY_BIT"),
+ ("DATE", "ANY_DATE"),
+ ("TOD", "ANY_DATE"),
+ ("DT", "ANY_DATE")]
TypeHierarchy = dict(TypeHierarchy_list)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
returns list of all types that correspont to the ANY* meta type
def GetSubTypes(reference):
- return [ typename for typename in TypeHierarchy.iterkeys() if typename[:3] != "ANY" and IsOfType(typename, reference)]
+ return [ typename for typename, parenttype in TypeHierarchy_list if typename[:3] != "ANY" and IsOfType(typename, reference)]
@@ -281,107 +281,76 @@
take a .csv file and translate it it a "csv_table"
def csv_file_to_table(file):
- return [ map(string.strip,line.split(';')) for line in file.xreadlines()]
+ return [ map(string.strip,line.split(';')) for line in file.xreadlines()]
seek into the csv table to a section ( section_name match 1st field )
return the matching row without first field
def find_section(section_name, table):
- fields = [None]
- while(fields[0] != section_name):
- fields = table.pop(0)
- return fields[1:]
+ fields = [None]
+ while(fields[0] != section_name):
+ fields = table.pop(0)
+ return fields[1:]
extract the standard functions standard parameter names and types...
return a { ParameterName: Type, ...}
def get_standard_funtions_input_variables(table):
- variables = find_section("Standard_functions_variables_types", table)
- standard_funtions_input_variables = {}
- fields = [True,True]
- while(fields[1]):
- fields = table.pop(0)
- variable_from_csv = dict([(champ, val) for champ, val in zip(variables, fields[1:]) if champ!=''])
- standard_funtions_input_variables[variable_from_csv['name']] = variable_from_csv['type']
- return standard_funtions_input_variables
+ variables = find_section("Standard_functions_variables_types", table)
+ standard_funtions_input_variables = {}
+ fields = [True,True]
+ while(fields[1]):
+ fields = table.pop(0)
+ variable_from_csv = dict([(champ, val) for champ, val in zip(variables, fields[1:]) if champ!=''])
+ standard_funtions_input_variables[variable_from_csv['name']] = variable_from_csv['type']
+ return standard_funtions_input_variables
translate .csv file input declaration into PLCOpenEditor interessting values
in : "(ANY_NUM, ANY_NUM)" and { ParameterName: Type, ...}
return [("IN1","ANY_NUM","none"),("IN2","ANY_NUM","none")]
def csv_input_translate(str_decl, variables, base):
- decl = str_decl.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(' ','').split(',')
- param_types = []
- param_names = []
- modifiers = []
- len_of_not_predifined_variable = 0
- for param_type in decl:
- predifined_variable_param_type = variables.get(param_type,None)
- if not predifined_variable_param_type :
- len_of_not_predifined_variable += 1
- if len_of_not_predifined_variable>1 : suffix = str(base)
- else: suffix = ''
- for param_type in decl:
- predifined_variable_param_type = variables.get(param_type,None)
- if predifined_variable_param_type :
- param_types.append(predifined_variable_param_type)
- param_names.append(param_type)
- else:
- param_types.append(param_type)
- param_names.append("IN"+suffix)
- base+=1
- suffix = str(base)
- modifiers = ["none"]*len(param_types)
- return zip(param_names,param_types,modifiers)
-Fillin the PLCOpenEditor standard function dictionnary
-translate input and output declaration to something more pythonesque
-and add interface description to comment
-def decl_function(dico_from_table, variables):
- Function_decl = { "type" : "function" }
- for field, val in dico_from_table:
- translate = {
- "baseinputnumber" : lambda x:int(x),
- "extensible" : lambda x: {"yes":True, "no":False}[x],
- "inputs" : lambda x:csv_input_translate(x,variables,Function_decl.get("baseinputnumber",1)),
- "outputs":lambda x:[("OUT",x,"none")]}
- Function_decl[field] = translate.get(field,lambda x:x)(val)
- return Function_decl
+ decl = str_decl.replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(' ','').split(',')
+ params = []
+ len_of_not_predifined_variable = len([True for param_type in decl if param_type not in variables])
+ for param_type in decl:
+ if param_type in variables.keys():
+ param_name = param_type
+ param_type = variables[param_type]
+ elif len_of_not_predifined_variable > 1:
+ param_name = "IN%d"%base
+ base += 1
+ else:
+ param_name = "IN"
+ params.append((param_name, param_type, "none"))
+ return params
+ (("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"),("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"), "(%(return_type)s)%(IN_value)s"),
+ (("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"),("ANY_DATE","TIME"), "(%(return_type)s)real_to_time(%(IN_value)s)"),
+ (("ANY_DATE","TIME"), ("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"), "(%(return_type)s)time_to_real(%(IN_value)s)"),
+ (("ANY_DATE","TIME"), ("ANY_STRING",), "(%(return_type)s)time_to_string(%(IN_value)s)"),
+ (("ANY_STRING",), ("ANY_DATE","TIME"), "(%(return_type)s)string_to_time(%(IN_value)s)"),
+ (("ANY_BIT",), ("ANY_STRING",), "(%(return_type)s)int_to_string(%(IN_value)s, 16)"),
+ (("ANY_NUM",), ("ANY_STRING",), "(%(return_type)s)int_to_string(%(IN_value)s, 10)"),
+ (("ANY_STRING",), ("ANY_BIT",), "(%(return_type)s)string_to_int(%(IN_value)s, 16)"),
+ (("ANY_STRING",), ("ANY_NUM",), "(%(return_type)s)string_to_int(%(IN_value)s, 10)")]
- (("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"),("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"), "(%(return_type)s)%(IN_value)s"),
- (("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"),("ANY_DATE","TIME"), "(%(return_type)s)real_to_time(%(IN_value)s)"),
- (("ANY_DATE","TIME"), ("ANY_NUM","ANY_BIT"), "(%(return_type)s)time_to_real(%(IN_value)s)"),
- (("ANY_DATE","TIME"), ("ANY_STRING",), "(%(return_type)s)time_to_string(%(IN_value)s)"),
- (("ANY_STRING",), ("ANY_DATE","TIME"), "(%(return_type)s)string_to_time(%(IN_value)s)"),
- (("ANY_BIT",), ("ANY_STRING",), "(%(return_type)s)int_to_string(%(IN_value)s, 16)"),
- (("ANY_NUM",), ("ANY_STRING",), "(%(return_type)s)int_to_string(%(IN_value)s, 10)"),
- (("ANY_STRING",), ("ANY_BIT",), "(%(return_type)s)string_to_int(%(IN_value)s, 16)"),
- (("ANY_STRING",), ("ANY_NUM",), "(%(return_type)s)string_to_int(%(IN_value)s, 10)")]
- for (InTypes, OutTypes, Format) in ANY_T0_ANY_LIST:
- inps = reduce(lambda a,b: a or b, map(lambda testtype : IsOfType(fdecl["outputs"][0][1],testtype), InTypes))
- #print "IN ",inps , fdecl["outputs"][0][1], InTypes
- outs = reduce(lambda a,b: a or b, map(lambda testtype : IsOfType(fdecl["inputs"][0][1],testtype), OutTypes))
- #print "OUT ",outs , fdecl["inputs"][0][1], OutTypes
- if (inps and outs ):
- return Format
- #print "IN:", fdecl["outputs"][0][1], " OUT:", fdecl["inputs"][0][1]
- return "#error %s_TO_%s not implemented!"%(fdecl["inputs"][0][1],fdecl["outputs"][0][1])
+ for (InTypes, OutTypes, Format) in ANY_T0_ANY_LIST:
+ outs = reduce(lambda a,b: a or b, map(lambda testtype : IsOfType(fdecl["outputs"][0][1],testtype), OutTypes))
+ inps = reduce(lambda a,b: a or b, map(lambda testtype : IsOfType(fdecl["inputs"][0][1],testtype), InTypes))
+ if inps and outs and fdecl["outputs"][0][1] != fdecl["inputs"][0][1]:
+ return Format
+ return None
@@ -398,217 +367,224 @@
'type': 'function'}, ...... ] },.....]
def get_standard_funtions(table):
- variables = get_standard_funtions_input_variables(table)
- fonctions = find_section("Standard_functions_type",table)
- Standard_Functions_Decl = []
- Current_section = None
- for fields in table:
- if fields[1]:
- # If function section name given
- if fields[0] :
- if Current_section:
- Standard_Functions_Decl.append(Current_section)
- Current_section = { "name" : fields[0], "list" : [] }
- Function_decl_list = []
- dico_from_table = [ (champ,val) for champ,val in zip(fonctions, fields[1:]) if champ ]
- Function_decl = decl_function(dico_from_table,variables)
- if Function_decl["name"].startswith('*') :
- input_types = [ GetSubTypes(inpdecl[1]) for inpdecl in Function_decl["inputs"] ]
- input_ovrloading_types = input_types[map(len,input_types).index(max(map(len,input_types)))]
- else:
- input_ovrloading_types = [None]
- if Function_decl["name"].endswith('*') :
- output_types = GetSubTypes(Function_decl["outputs"][0][1])
- else:
- output_types = [None]
- funcdeclname_orig = Function_decl["name"]
- funcdeclname = Function_decl["name"].strip('*_')
- fdc = Function_decl["inputs"][:]
- for intype in input_ovrloading_types:
- if intype != None:
- Function_decl["inputs"] = []
- for decl_tpl in fdc:
- if IsOfType(intype, decl_tpl[1]):
- Function_decl["inputs"] += [(decl_tpl[0], intype, decl_tpl[2])]
- else:
- Function_decl["inputs"] += [(decl_tpl)]
- if funcdeclname_orig.startswith('*'):
- funcdeclin = intype + '_' + funcdeclname
- else:
- funcdeclin = funcdeclname
- else:
- funcdeclin = funcdeclname
- if Function_decl["return_type_rule"] == "copy_input":
- output_types = [intype]
- elif Function_decl["return_type_rule"] == "defined":
- pass
- for outype in output_types:
- if outype != None:
- decl_tpl = Function_decl["outputs"][0]
- Function_decl["outputs"] = [ (decl_tpl[0] , outype, decl_tpl[2])]
- if funcdeclname_orig.endswith('*'):
- funcdeclout = funcdeclin + '_' + outype
- else:
- funcdeclout = funcdeclin
- else:
- funcdeclout = funcdeclin
- Function_decl["name"] = funcdeclout
- try:
- fdecl = Function_decl
- res = eval(Function_decl["python_eval_c_code_format"])
- except Exception,e:
- res = None
- if res != None :
- # create the copy of decl dict to be appended to section
- Function_decl_copy = Function_decl.copy()
- # Have to generate type description in comment with freshly redefined types
- Function_decl_copy["comment"] += (
- "\n (" +
- str([ " " + fctdecl[1]+":"+fctdecl[0] for fctdecl in Function_decl["inputs"]]).strip("[]").replace("'",'') +
- " ) => (" +
- str([ " " + fctdecl[1]+":"+fctdecl[0] for fctdecl in Function_decl["outputs"]]).strip("[]").replace("'",'') +
- " )")
- Current_section["list"].append(Function_decl_copy)
- #pp.pprint(Function_decl_copy)
- Standard_Functions_Decl.append(Current_section)
- return Standard_Functions_Decl
+ variables = get_standard_funtions_input_variables(table)
+ fonctions = find_section("Standard_functions_type",table)
+ Standard_Functions_Decl = []
+ Current_section = None
+ translate = {
+ "extensible" : lambda x: {"yes":True, "no":False}[x],
+ "inputs" : lambda x:csv_input_translate(x,variables,baseinputnumber),
+ "outputs":lambda x:[("OUT",x,"none")]}
+ for fields in table:
+ if fields[1]:
+ # If function section name given
+ if fields[0]:
+ Current_section = {"name" : fields[0], "list" : []}
+ Standard_Functions_Decl.append(Current_section)
+ Function_decl_list = []
+ if Current_section:
+ Function_decl = dict([(champ, val) for champ, val in zip(fonctions, fields[1:]) if champ])
+ baseinputnumber = int(Function_decl.get("baseinputnumber",1))
+ Function_decl["baseinputnumber"] = baseinputnumber
+ for param, value in Function_decl.iteritems():
+ if param in translate:
+ Function_decl[param] = translate[param](value)
+ Function_decl["type"] = "function"
+ if Function_decl["name"].startswith('*') :
+ input_ovrloading_types = GetSubTypes(Function_decl["inputs"][0][1])
+ else:
+ input_ovrloading_types = [None]
+ if Function_decl["name"].endswith('*') :
+ output_types = GetSubTypes(Function_decl["outputs"][0][1])
+ else:
+ output_types = [None]
+ funcdeclname_orig = Function_decl["name"]
+ funcdeclname = Function_decl["name"].strip('*_')
+ fdc = Function_decl["inputs"][:]
+ for intype in input_ovrloading_types:
+ if intype != None:
+ Function_decl["inputs"] = []
+ for decl_tpl in fdc:
+ if IsOfType(intype, decl_tpl[1]):
+ Function_decl["inputs"] += [(decl_tpl[0], intype, decl_tpl[2])]
+ else:
+ Function_decl["inputs"] += [(decl_tpl)]
+ if funcdeclname_orig.startswith('*'):
+ funcdeclin = intype + '_' + funcdeclname
+ else:
+ funcdeclin = funcdeclname
+ else:
+ funcdeclin = funcdeclname
+ for outype in output_types:
+ if outype != None:
+ decl_tpl = Function_decl["outputs"][0]
+ Function_decl["outputs"] = [ (decl_tpl[0] , outype, decl_tpl[2])]
+ if funcdeclname_orig.endswith('*'):
+ funcdeclout = funcdeclin + '_' + outype
+ else:
+ funcdeclout = funcdeclin
+ else:
+ funcdeclout = funcdeclin
+ Function_decl["name"] = funcdeclout
+ fdecl = Function_decl
+ res = eval(Function_decl["python_eval_c_code_format"])
+ if res != None :
+ # create the copy of decl dict to be appended to section
+ Function_decl_copy = Function_decl.copy()
+ # Have to generate type description in comment with freshly redefined types
+ Function_decl_copy["comment"] += (
+ "\n (" +
+ str([ " " + fctdecl[1]+":"+fctdecl[0] for fctdecl in Function_decl["inputs"]]).strip("[]").replace("'",'') +
+ " ) => (" +
+ str([ " " + fctdecl[1]+":"+fctdecl[0] for fctdecl in Function_decl["outputs"]]).strip("[]").replace("'",'') +
+ " )")
+ Current_section["list"].append(Function_decl_copy)
+ #pp.pprint(Function_decl_copy)
+ else:
+ raise "First function must be in a category"
+ return Standard_Functions_Decl
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import pprint
- pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
- def ANY_to_compiler_test_type_GEN(typename, paramname):
- return {"ANY" : "",
- "ANY_BIT" : "if(search_expression_type->is_binary_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))",
- "ANY_NUM" : "if(search_expression_type->is_num_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))",
- "ANY_REAL" : "if(search_expression_type->is_real_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))",
- "ANY_INT" : "if(search_expression_type->is_integer_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))"
- }.get(typename,
- "if (typeid(*last_type_symbol) == typeid(%(typename)s_type_name_c))")%{
- "paramname" : paramname, "typename": typename.lower()}
- def recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent, do_type_search_only = False):
- if type(fdecls) != type(tuple()):
- res = ""
- for Paramname, ParamTypes in fdecls.iteritems():
- res += ("""
+ import pprint
+ pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+ def ANY_to_compiler_test_type_GEN(typename, paramname):
+ return {"ANY" : "",
+ "ANY_BIT" : "if(search_expression_type->is_binary_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))",
+ "ANY_NUM" : "if(search_expression_type->is_num_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))",
+ "ANY_REAL" : "if(search_expression_type->is_real_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))",
+ "ANY_INT" : "if(search_expression_type->is_integer_type(%(paramname)s_type_symbol))"
+ }.get(typename,
+ "if (typeid(*last_type_symbol) == typeid(%(typename)s_type_name_c))")%{
+ "paramname" : paramname, "typename": typename.lower()}
+ def recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent, do_type_search_only = False, do_il = False):
+ if type(fdecls) != type(tuple()):
+ res = ""
+ for Paramname, ParamTypes in fdecls.iteritems():
+ if do_il:
+ res += """
- identifier_c param_name("%(input_name)s");
- /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
- symbol_c *%(input_name)s_param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search(¶m_name);
- /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
- if (%(input_name)s_param_value == NULL)
- %(input_name)s_param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next();
- symbol_c *%(input_name)s_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(%(input_name)s_param_value);
- last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(%(input_name)s_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(%(input_name)s_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : %(input_name)s_type_symbol ;
- for ParamType,NextParamDecl in ParamTypes.iteritems():
- res += ("""
- %(type_test)s
- {
+ /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+ symbol_c *%(input_name)s_param_value = &this->default_variable_name;
+ last_type_symbol = param_data_type;
+ else:
+ res += """
+ identifier_c param_name("%(input_name)s");
+ /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+ symbol_c *%(input_name)s_param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search(¶m_name);
+ /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
+ if (%(input_name)s_param_value == NULL)
+ %(input_name)s_param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next();
+ symbol_c *%(input_name)s_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(%(input_name)s_param_value);
+ last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(%(input_name)s_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(%(input_name)s_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : %(input_name)s_type_symbol ;
+ for ParamType,NextParamDecl in ParamTypes.iteritems():
+ res += """
+ %(type_test)s
+ {
- }
+ }
- "type_test":ANY_to_compiler_test_type_GEN(ParamType,Paramname),
- "if_good_type_code":recurse_and_indent(NextParamDecl,indent,do_type_search_only).replace('\n','\n ')})
- res += """
+ "type_test":ANY_to_compiler_test_type_GEN(ParamType,Paramname),
+ "if_good_type_code":recurse_and_indent(NextParamDecl,indent,do_type_search_only).replace('\n','\n ')}
+ res += """
- return res.replace('\n','\n'+indent)
- else:
- res = "\n"
- fdecl=fdecls[0]
- result_type_rule = fdecl["return_type_rule"]
- res += {
- "copy_input" : "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = last_type_symbol;\n",
- "defined" : "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = &search_constant_type_c::%s_type_name;\n"%fdecl["outputs"][0][1].lower(),
- }.get(result_type_rule, "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = %s;\n"%result_type_rule)
- if not do_type_search_only:
- try:
- code_gen = eval(fdecl["python_eval_c_code_format"])
- except Exception:
- code_gen = "#error in eval of " + fdecl["name"]
- code_gen_dic_decl = {}
- for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
- code_gen_dic_decl[paramname+"_value"] = '");\n%s_param_value->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'%(paramname)
- code_gen_dic_decl[paramname+"_type"] = '");\n%s_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'%(paramname)
- code_gen_dic_decl["return_type"] = '");\nreturn_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'
- code_gen_dic_decl["param_count"] = '");\ns4o.print_integer(nb_param);\ns4o.print("'
- code_gen_dic_decl["start_bool_filter"] = '");\nif (search_expression_type->is_bool_type(last_type_symbol))\n s4o.print("('
- code_gen_dic_decl["end_bool_filter"] = '");\nif (search_expression_type->is_bool_type(last_type_symbol)) {\n s4o.print("&1");\n s4o.print(")");\n}\ns4o.print("'
+ return res.replace('\n','\n'+indent)
+ else:
+ res = "\n"
+ fdecl=fdecls[0]
+ result_type_rule = fdecl["return_type_rule"]
+ res += {
+ "copy_input" : "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = last_type_symbol;\n",
+ "defined" : "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = &search_constant_type_c::%s_type_name;\n"%fdecl["outputs"][0][1].lower(),
+ }.get(result_type_rule, "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = %s;\n"%result_type_rule)
+ if not do_type_search_only:
+ code_gen = eval(fdecl["python_eval_c_code_format"])
+ code_gen_dic_decl = {}
+ for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
+ code_gen_dic_decl[paramname+"_value"] = '");\n%s_param_value->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'%(paramname)
+ code_gen_dic_decl[paramname+"_type"] = '");\n%s_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'%(paramname)
+ code_gen_dic_decl["return_type"] = '");\nreturn_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'
+ code_gen_dic_decl["param_count"] = '");\ns4o.print_integer(nb_param);\ns4o.print("'
+ code_gen_dic_decl["start_bool_filter"] = '");\nif (search_expression_type->is_bool_type(last_type_symbol))\n s4o.print("('
+ code_gen_dic_decl["end_bool_filter"] = '");\nif (search_expression_type->is_bool_type(last_type_symbol)) {\n s4o.print("&1");\n s4o.print(")");\n}\ns4o.print("'
- if type(code_gen) == type(tuple()):
- res += 's4o.print("%s");\n'%(code_gen[0]%code_gen_dic_decl)
- static_param_accept_list = []
- for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
- static_param_accept_list.append("%s_param_value->accept(*this);\n"%(paramname))
- res += ('s4o.print("%s");\n'%(code_gen[1])).join(static_param_accept_list)
- code = 's4o.print("%s");\nparam_value->accept(*this);\n'%(code_gen[1])
- end_code = 's4o.print("%s");\nreturn NULL;\n'%(code_gen[2]%code_gen_dic_decl)
- else:
- code = ''
- end_code = ('s4o.print("' + code_gen%code_gen_dic_decl + '");\nreturn NULL;\n').replace('s4o.print("");\n','')
- if fdecl["extensible"]:
- res += ("""
+ if type(code_gen) == type(tuple()):
+ res += 's4o.print("%s");\n'%(code_gen[0]%code_gen_dic_decl)
+ static_param_accept_list = []
+ for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
+ static_param_accept_list.append("%s_param_value->accept(*this);\n"%(paramname))
+ res += ('s4o.print("%s");\n'%(code_gen[1])).join(static_param_accept_list)
+ code = 's4o.print("%s");\nparam_value->accept(*this);\n'%(code_gen[1])
+ end_code = 's4o.print("%s");\nreturn NULL;\n'%(code_gen[2]%code_gen_dic_decl)
+ else:
+ code = ''
+ end_code = ('s4o.print("' + code_gen%code_gen_dic_decl + '");\nreturn NULL;\n').replace('s4o.print("");\n','')
+ if fdecl["extensible"]:
+ res += ("""
int base_num = %d;
symbol_c *param_value = NULL;
- char my_name[10];
- sprintf(my_name, "IN%%d", base_num++);
- identifier_c param_name(my_name);
- /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
- param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search(¶m_name);
- /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
- if (param_value == NULL)
- param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next();
- if (param_value != NULL){
- symbol_c *current_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(param_value);
- last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : current_type_symbol ;
- /*Function specific CODE */
- %s
- }
+ char my_name[10];
+ sprintf(my_name, "IN%%d", base_num++);
+ identifier_c param_name(my_name);
+ /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+ param_value = function_call_param_iterator.search(¶m_name);
+ /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
+ if (param_value == NULL)
+ param_value = function_call_param_iterator.next();
+ if (param_value != NULL){
+ symbol_c *current_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(param_value);
+ last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : current_type_symbol ;
+ /*Function specific CODE */
+ %s
+ }
}while(param_value != NULL);
-"""%(fdecl["baseinputnumber"]+2, code.replace('\n','\n '), end_code))
- else:
- #res += code + end_code
- res += end_code
- else:
- res += "return return_type_symbol;\n"
- return res.replace('\n','\n'+indent)
+"""%(fdecl["baseinputnumber"]+2, code.replace('\n','\n '), end_code))
+ else:
+ #res += code + end_code
+ res += end_code
+ else:
+ res += "return return_type_symbol;\n"
+ return res.replace('\n','\n'+indent)
### ###
@@ -616,145 +592,180 @@
### ###
- # Get definitions
- std_decl = get_standard_funtions(csv_file_to_table(open("iec_std.csv")))#, True)
- # Reorganize into a dict of dict, according
- # fname : paramname : paramtype : paraname : paramtype...
- # Keep ptrack of original order in a separated list
- std_fdecls = {}
- official_order = []
- for section in std_decl:
- for fdecl in section["list"]:
- if len(official_order)==0 or official_order[-1] != fdecl["name"]:
- official_order.append(fdecl["name"])
- # store all func by name in a dict
- std_fdecls_fdecl_name = std_fdecls.get(fdecl["name"], {})
- current = std_fdecls_fdecl_name
- for i in fdecl["inputs"]:
- current[i[0]] = current.get(i[0], {})
- current = current[i[0]]
- last = current
- current[i[1]] = current.get(i[1], {})
- current = current[i[1]]
- last[i[1]]=(fdecl,)
- std_fdecls[fdecl["name"]] = std_fdecls_fdecl_name
- # Generate the long enumeration of std function types
- function_type_decl = """
+ # Get definitions
+ std_decl = get_standard_funtions(csv_file_to_table(open("iec_std.csv")))#, True)
+ # Reorganize into a dict of dict, according
+ # fname : paramname : paramtype : paraname : paramtype...
+ # Keep ptrack of original order in a separated list
+ std_fdecls = {}
+ official_order = []
+ for section in std_decl:
+ for fdecl in section["list"]:
+ if len(official_order)==0 or official_order[-1] != fdecl["name"]:
+ official_order.append(fdecl["name"])
+ # store all func by name in a dict
+ std_fdecls_fdecl_name = std_fdecls.get(fdecl["name"], {})
+ current = std_fdecls_fdecl_name
+ for i in fdecl["inputs"]:
+ current[i[0]] = current.get(i[0], {})
+ current = current[i[0]]
+ last = current
+ current[i[1]] = current.get(i[1], {})
+ current = current[i[1]]
+ last[i[1]]=(fdecl,)
+ std_fdecls[fdecl["name"]] = std_fdecls_fdecl_name
+ # Generate the long enumeration of std function types
+ function_type_decl = """
* IEC 61131-3 standard function lib
* generated code, do not edit by hand
typedef enum {
- for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
- function_type_decl += " function_"+fname.lower()+",\n"
- function_type_decl += """ function_none
+ for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
+ function_type_decl += " function_"+fname.lower()+",\n"
+ function_type_decl += """ function_none
} function_type_t;
- # Generate the funct thaat return enumerated according function name
- get_function_type_decl = """
+ # Generate the funct thaat return enumerated according function name
+ get_function_type_decl = """
* IEC 61131-3 standard function lib
* generated code, do not edit by hand
function_type_t get_function_type(identifier_c *function_name) {
- for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
- get_function_type_decl += """
- if (!strcasecmp(function_name->value, "%s"))
- return function_%s;
+ for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
+ get_function_type_decl += """
+ if (!strcasecmp(function_name->value, "%s"))
+ return function_%s;
- get_function_type_decl += """
- else return function_none;
+ get_function_type_decl += """
+ else return function_none;
- # Generate the part of generate_cc_st_c::visit(function_invocation)
- # that is responsible to generate C code for std lib calls.
- st_code_gen = """
+ # Generate the part of generate_cc_st_c::visit(function_invocation)
+ # that is responsible to generate C code for std lib calls.
+ st_code_gen = """
* IEC 61131-3 standard function lib
* generated code, do not edit by hand
- for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
- st_code_gen += """
+ for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
+ st_code_gen += """
- case function_%s :
- {
- symbol_c *last_type_symbol = NULL;
-""" %(fname, fname.lower())
- indent = " "
- st_code_gen += recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent).replace('\n','\n ')
- st_code_gen += """
- }/*function_%s*/
- break;
-""" %(fname.lower())
- st_code_gen += """
- case function_none :
+ case function_%s :
+ {
+ symbol_c *last_type_symbol = NULL;
+""" %(fname, fname.lower())
+ indent = " "
+ st_code_gen += recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent).replace('\n','\n ')
+ st_code_gen += """
+ }/*function_%s*/
+ break;
+""" %(fname.lower())
+ st_code_gen += """
+ case function_none :
return NULL;
- # Generate the part of search_expression_type_c::visit(function_invocation)
- # that is responsible of returning type symbol for function invocation.
- search_type_code = """
+ # Generate the part of generate_cc_il_c::visit(il_function_call)
+ # that is responsible to generate C code for std lib calls.
+ il_code_gen = """
* IEC 61131-3 standard function lib
* generated code, do not edit by hand
- for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
- search_type_code += """
+ for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
+ il_code_gen += """
- case function_%s :
- {
- symbol_c *last_type_symbol = NULL;
-""" %(fname, fname.lower())
- indent = " "
- search_type_code += recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent, True).replace('\n','\n ')
- search_type_code += """
- }/*function_%s*/
- break;
-""" %(fname.lower())
- search_type_code += """
- case function_none :
+ case function_%s :
+ {
+ symbol_c *last_type_symbol = NULL;
+""" %(fname, fname.lower())
+ indent = " "
+ il_code_gen += recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent).replace('\n','\n ')
+ il_code_gen += """
+ }/*function_%s*/
+ break;
+""" %(fname.lower())
+ st_code_gen += """
+ case function_none :
return NULL;
- # Now, print that out, or write to files from sys.argv
- for name, ext in [
- ('function_type_decl','h'),
- ('get_function_type_decl','c'),
- ('st_code_gen','c'),
- ('search_type_code','c')]:
- fd = open(os.path.join(sys.argv[1],name+'.'+ext),'w')
- fd.write(eval(name))
- fd.close()
+ # Generate the part of search_expression_type_c::visit(function_invocation)
+ # that is responsible of returning type symbol for function invocation.
+ search_type_code = """
+ * IEC 61131-3 standard function lib
+ * generated code, do not edit by hand
+ */
+ for fname, fdecls in [ (fname,std_fdecls[fname]) for fname in official_order ]:
+ search_type_code += """
+ *%s
+ */
+ case function_%s :
+ {
+ symbol_c *last_type_symbol = NULL;
+""" %(fname, fname.lower())
+ indent = " "
+ search_type_code += recurse_and_indent(fdecls, indent, True).replace('\n','\n ')
+ search_type_code += """
+ }/*function_%s*/
+ break;
+""" %(fname.lower())
+ search_type_code += """
+ case function_none :
+return NULL;
+ # Now, print that out, or write to files from sys.argv
+ for name, ext in [
+ ('function_type_decl','h'),
+ ('get_function_type_decl','c'),
+ ('st_code_gen','c'),
+ ('il_code_gen','c'),
+ ('search_type_code','c')]:
+ fd = open(os.path.join(sys.argv[1],name+'.'+ext),'w')
+ fd.write(eval(name))
+ fd.close()
- # Put standard functions declaration in Bloktypes
- BlockTypes.extend(get_standard_funtions(csv_file_to_table(open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "plcopen/iec_std.csv")))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ # Put standard functions declaration in Bloktypes
+ BlockTypes.extend(get_standard_funtions(csv_file_to_table(open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "plcopen/iec_std.csv")))))
\ No newline at end of file