# HG changeset patch
# User lbessard
# Date 1244632722 -7200
# Node ID a69a5a72daa1cdcf363d5a5ddc5478425dde63bd
# Parent  23af12b5a9fbfcd6de0fc5d518d47fdff6bae788
Removing undefined standard function blocks

diff -r 23af12b5a9fb -r a69a5a72daa1 plcopen/structures.py
--- a/plcopen/structures.py	Tue Jun 09 11:00:23 2009 +0200
+++ b/plcopen/structures.py	Wed Jun 10 13:18:42 2009 +0200
@@ -216,11 +216,11 @@
                     "outputs" : [("Q","BOOL","none"),("ET","TIME","none")],
                     "comment" : "Off-delay timer\nThe off-delay timer can be used to delay setting an output false, for fixed period after input goes false.",
                     "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block},
-                {"name" : "RTC", "type" : "functionBlock", "extensible" : False, 
-                    "inputs" : [("EN","BOOL","none"),("PDT","DATE_AND_TIME","none")], 
-                    "outputs" : [("Q","BOOL","none"),("CDT","DATE_AND_TIME","none")],
-                    "comment" : "Real time clock\nThe real time clock has many uses including time stamping, setting dates and times of day in batch reports, in alarm messages and so on.",
-                    "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block},
+##                {"name" : "RTC", "type" : "functionBlock", "extensible" : False, 
+##                    "inputs" : [("EN","BOOL","none"),("PDT","DATE_AND_TIME","none")], 
+##                    "outputs" : [("Q","BOOL","none"),("CDT","DATE_AND_TIME","none")],
+##                    "comment" : "Real time clock\nThe real time clock has many uses including time stamping, setting dates and times of day in batch reports, in alarm messages and so on.",
+##                    "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block},
                 {"name" : "INTEGRAL", "type" : "functionBlock", "extensible" : False, 
                     "inputs" : [("RUN","BOOL","none"),("R1","BOOL","none"),("XIN","REAL","none"),("X0","REAL","none"),("CYCLE","TIME","none")], 
                     "outputs" : [("Q","BOOL","none"),("XOUT","REAL","none")],
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@
                     "outputs" : [("Q","BOOL","none")],
                     "comment" : "Hysteresis\nThe hysteresis function block provides a hysteresis boolean output driven by the difference of two floating point (REAL) inputs XIN1 and XIN2.",
                     "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block},
-                {"name" : "RATIO_MONITOR", "type" : "functionBlock", "extensible" : False, 
-                    "inputs" : [("PV1","REAL","none"),("PV2","REAL","none"),("RATIO","REAL","none"),("TIMON","TIME","none"),("TIMOFF","TIME","none"),("TOLERANCE","BOOL","none"),("RESET","BOOL","none"),("CYCLE","TIME","none")], 
-                    "outputs" : [("ALARM","BOOL","none"),("TOTAL_ERR","BOOL","none")],
-                    "comment" : "Ratio monitor\nThe ratio_monitor function block checks that one process value PV1 is always a given ratio (defined by input RATIO) of a second process value PV2.",
-                    "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block}
+##                {"name" : "RATIO_MONITOR", "type" : "functionBlock", "extensible" : False, 
+##                    "inputs" : [("PV1","REAL","none"),("PV2","REAL","none"),("RATIO","REAL","none"),("TIMON","TIME","none"),("TIMOFF","TIME","none"),("TOLERANCE","BOOL","none"),("RESET","BOOL","none"),("CYCLE","TIME","none")], 
+##                    "outputs" : [("ALARM","BOOL","none"),("TOTAL_ERR","BOOL","none")],
+##                    "comment" : "Ratio monitor\nThe ratio_monitor function block checks that one process value PV1 is always a given ratio (defined by input RATIO) of a second process value PV2.",
+##                    "generate" : generate_block, "initialise" : initialise_block}