- Fix bug when drag'n dropping location with undefined direction on Windows default tip 2012-09-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when restoring perspective with internationalization 2012-09-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug DClick not active on Transition condition or Jump label 2012-09-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for resetting DebugVariablePanel when closing project 2012-09-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix ActionBlockDialog layout 2012-09-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when trying to open ForceVariableDialog from DebugVariablePanel 2012-09-05, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when trying to launch Inkscape and not installed. No error message was displayed on Windows. 2012-09-04, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in ST code generated for in-out variables in Function and FunctionBlock interface 2012-09-02, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in SearchResultPanel when search result is the name of a project POU 2012-08-29, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in GraphicViewer in ToolTip of ResetZoomOffsetButton 2012-08-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when opening PouActionDialog while trying to add action to a POU in SFC 2012-08-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Merge Minyoung Sung and Reinhard Lee korean translations and update with latest messages.pot 2012-08-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Update Korean translations 2012-08-27, by Minyoung Sung
- Update Korean translations 2012-08-27, by Reinhard Lee
- Update list of messages to be translated for internationalization and french translations 2012-08-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug name kept when changing a function block to a function 2012-08-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with Clipboard that generated segmentation fault when closing dialogs 2012-08-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding korean translation for interface texts 2012-08-21, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bugs with Viewer objects dialogs 2012-08-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug while generating code with structured_variables as Standard Function inputs (enable to compute function return type in some cases) 2012-08-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bugs with Viewer objects dialogs 2012-08-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix many bugs in control layout in LDElementDialog 2012-08-13, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix FindInPouDialog background colour on Windows 2012-08-13, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for in POU graphical and textual editor 2012-08-10, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix resize bug with SearchInProjectDialog 2012-08-01, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with SFC Divergence while loading a POU 2012-08-01, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix block connection with wire problems 2012-08-01, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix segmentation fault when manipulating tabs 2012-07-31, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for checking that tab content is saved before closing it 2012-07-31, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with dialogs inherited from TextEntryDialog 2012-07-30, by Laurent Bessard
- Disabling capability to define inout variable initial value according to IEC 61131-3 grammar 2012-07-27, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in modifying array dimensions in DataTypeEditor 2012-07-26, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in BrowseLocationsDialog on Windows 2012-07-19, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with 'projects' entry in configuration file 2012-07-18, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing bug with filesystem encoding on Windows 2012-07-17, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing bug with wheel mouse on GraphicViewer 2012-07-17, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with FBDBlockDialog on Beremiz 2012-07-13, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for using middle button for moving debug graph 2012-07-13, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug browse button in special cell editors on Windows 2012-07-13, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with graphic viewer and zoom 2012-07-08, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when loading output variable 2012-07-07, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug no title bar on wx.SingleChoiceDialogs 2012-07-07, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding functions in EditorPanel API to let panels to define custom save methods 2012-07-01, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix various bugs 2012-06-28, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug variable and connection size not updated when name or expression is too long 2012-06-28, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for drag'n dropping constant values 2012-06-28, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bugs on Debug Variable Panel after splitting it from PLCOpenEditor.py 2012-06-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Replacing buttons with text by buttons with icons 2012-06-25, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for drag'n dropping location without direction defined 2012-06-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding Paste POU to project node contextual menu 2012-06-15, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for exporting graph value to csv formatted string to clipboard 2012-06-14, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support: when a connector's or continuation's name changed, modify names of related connections and continuations. 2012-06-11, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug editor toolbar wrong size after restoring perspective 2012-06-11, by Laurent Bessard
- Add support for hiding Editor toolbar when not needed 2012-06-10, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in SetProjectProperties function when asking to not buffering project 2012-06-08, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug graphic values range not reinitialized when graphic reseted 2012-06-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Replacing dialog asking for a name when adding datatype, configuration and resource by automatically generated name 2012-06-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Replacing dialog asking for a name when drag'n drop function block to viewer by automatically generated name 2012-06-06, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when reloading project layout, PouIntanceVariablesPanel not updated 2012-06-04, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing bugs with properties panel when resetting optional value and saving project 2012-06-04, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in POUinstanceVariablesPanel when no tagname defined 2012-06-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Separating ProjectDialog from PLCOpenEditor for integration of panel into Beremiz project window 2012-06-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with cut/copy/paste on PythonEditor 2012-05-30, by Laurent Bessard
- fixing unicode in xmlclass 2012-05-29, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing opening block debug view directly from parent debug view 2012-05-24, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when starting debugging POU blocks 2012-05-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for preventing perspective to be saved with tabs maximized 2012-05-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for opening block debug view directly from parent debug view by double clicking on block 2012-05-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug on PouInstanceVariablesPanel 2012-05-22, by laurent
- Fix bugs on PouInstanceVariablesPanel 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fixing semantics 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fix bug with Properties menu entry 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Merged 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fixed bug when registering debugged variables after transferring new PLC 2012-05-15, by laurent
- refactoring 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fixed instances treecontrol display 2012-05-19, by Edouard Tisserant
- Removed references to old wx without AUI 2012-05-19, by Edouard Tisserant
- refactoring 2012-05-18, by laurent
- fixed on quit exception dialog 2012-05-12, by Edouard Tisserant
- refactoring 2012-05-09, by Edouard Tisserant
- beremiz 'plugins' refactoring to 'confnode' 2012-05-07, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing bugs with latest changesets on Windows 2012-05-04, by laurent
- Adding support for not removing connection of blocks when changing block type 2012-05-04, by laurent
- Removing commented code added for debugging 2012-05-04, by laurent
- Fix bug in create POU dialog 2012-05-03, by laurent
- Adding search field for finding function or function block in library tree 2012-05-03, by laurent
- Adding support for saving and restoring zoom and position of editors through closing and opening tab of the same POU or POU instance 2012-05-02, by laurent
- Fix bug in xmlclass with multiple choices in sequence 2012-04-30, by laurent
- Adding support for automatically saving and restoring state of frame or project perspective 2012-04-27, by laurent
- Fix bug when closing project and one editor is opened 2012-04-27, by laurent
- Fix bug with highlighting in pragma and drag'n drop of function in TextViewer 2012-04-23, by laurent
- Fix bug with contextual menu of group of elements 2012-04-16, by laurent
- Fix bug on Windows with srollbars in Viewer 2012-04-06, by laurent
- Fix cursor refresh when GraphicViewer canvas is resized 2012-04-01, by laurent
- Improving move of elements using arrow keys in Viewer 2012-04-01, by laurent
- Improving contextual menu in Viewer and fixing menu toolbar icons on Windows 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bugs in GraphicViewer with selection and navigation 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug in FBDBlock when testing types of connections 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug with DurationCellEditor value not saved when modified 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug when grid is reset and a CellEditor is still active 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug in debugger when transfer without having build before and and opening debug view before running PLC 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Adding zoom and navigation in GraphicViewer and ToolBar containing basic menu items 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Improving HitTest on Function Blocks with long names so that they only answer to click on visible parts instead of on the whole bounding box 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Fix bug scrollbars disappear on Linux when Viewer client size is reduced 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Fix issue losing focus on Windows when closing custom grid cell editors 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Added a few shortcuts in menus 2012-03-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing issues regarding control navigation in EditorPanel and CustomGrid 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug when undo just after creating a new project element 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug with testing data type consistency of EXPT function connections 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug with moving and removing divergence branch 2012-03-07, by laurent
- Fix bug variables in Debug Variable List unregistered even if they still exist in transfered program 2012-02-21, by laurent
- Fix bug in LDViewer with MouseEvents 2012-02-20, by laurent
- Enable RTC in standard FB lib 2012-02-20, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug in GraphicViewer when changing range while no data received 2012-02-17, by laurent
- Adding support for not closing debug tabs and remove variable in variable debug panel if instance still exist in newly transfered program 2012-02-16, by laurent
- Fix bug when modifying Function Block instance type without changing name 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Adding support for preventing too much call to refresh flooding wx call stack while debugging 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Adding error message when SFC Transition body is not well formatted (no reference to transition name) 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Fix bug ToolTip stay on screen when double click on FunctionBlock 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Fixed wrong time scale in debug graph display when some samples are missed 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Fix bug with ToolTip staying on screen when compiling project with shortcut and mouse over a block 2012-02-07, by laurent
- Fixing segmentation fault in CustomEditableListBox on Windows when clicking on an header button while a value is being edited 2012-02-02, by laurent
- Fix issues with standard library definition of NE not extensible 2012-02-02, by laurent
- Fix issues with standard library definition 2012-02-02, by laurent
- Removing restriction on plugin datatypes 2012-02-01, by laurent
- Fix bug while adding new value to enumerated datatype list of values 2012-01-31, by laurent
- Fix bug while using 'Close project' menu and a few POUs are opened 2012-01-31, by laurent
- Fixing segmentation fault in debug 2012-01-31, by laurent
- Fixing ToolTip behavior and bug with INOUT interface variables in Function Blocks and adding support for display connection point between wire and connector when mouse passing over. 2012-01-30, by laurent
- Adding support for choosing graph range in duration instead of tick number when Common_Ticktime is available 2012-01-25, by laurent
- Fix segmentation fault happening when changing POU tab selection 2012-01-24, by laurent
- Adding support for loading datatypes defined in plugins to allow to use them in PLC program 2012-01-24, by laurent
- Fix bug when trying to paste POU containing utf-8 characters 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fix bug with multiline tooltip on Windows 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fixing bug in displaying variable panel header on Windows 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fix bug in xmlclass when allowing custom class attributes definition on inherited classes 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Adding support for defining a description for a user POU type, and displaying this information in library tree. 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fix bug in refreshing menu after tab selection changed 2012-01-12, by laurent
- Adding support for checking location validity when filled by user 2012-01-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug when building textual code containing comment with special characters 2012-01-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug on Windows with refresh when moving Viewer with scrollbars 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for using shift key with rubberband for adding a group of elements to the current selection 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug in autoindent when number of spaces at the beginning of line is odd 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for Drag'n dropping panels between notebooks 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug in highlighting in variable panel 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for drag'n dropping variable from global defined in configurations and resources to POU variable panel or body editor for declaring external variables 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for using ESC key for closing custom grid cell editors 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Disabling drag for modifying grid row size 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug conflict on tab selection between POU editor and Debug window of an instance of this same POU on Windows 2011-12-21, by laurent
- Fixing bug in Debug with ToolTip for wire value disappearing on Windows 2011-12-21, by laurent
- Fixing bug integrated plugin editors not closed when removing corresponding plugin 2011-12-20, by laurent
- Fixing bug in enumerated datatype editor. Initial value symbol not updated if changed in the list of values 2011-12-20, by laurent
- Fixing bug preventing enumerated datatype values to be saved 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Fixing bug while searching into documentation element 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Adding support for defining tag element without attributes or children as sequence element 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Moving definition of grids fonts and colours into CustomGrid 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Adding support for loading specific POUs library in LPCBeremiz 2011-12-14, by laurent
- Adding support for unifying grid table control elements 2011-12-14, by laurent
- Fixing bug in xmlclass with simple type elements containing #text node instead of cdata 2011-12-14, by laurent
- Adding support for unescape special character in #text node in formattedText 2011-12-12, by laurent
- Adding support for loading #text node in formattedText 2011-12-12, by laurent
- Making variable panel not editable when showing variables of debugging block 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Fixing standard functions library treectrl in library panel in order to make it similar on all platforms 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Removing wrong background colour on directly derived panel's base type choice control in DataTypeEditor 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug in PLCGenerator when generating global variables 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Fixing library treectrl in order to make it similar on all platforms 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug preventing drag'n drop of located variables in location cell of variable panel grid 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug when updating name of project elements in utf-8 formatted text 2011-12-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug in xmlclass with empty CDATA. Empty CDATA aren't present in xml tree and prompt error when trying to load empty ANY tag using CDATA 2011-11-24, by laurent
- Adding support in xmlclass for handling some not yet supported XML syntaxes 2011-11-23, by laurent
- Fixing bug that prevent to define a directly declared array type for a variable in VariablePanel 2011-11-18, by laurent
- Fixing bug when modifying the name of a derived data type 2011-11-18, by laurent
- Fixing bug that calls text styling in a loop while some highlighting is defined 2011-11-18, by laurent
- Fixing bug in RessourceEditor. Task reference in instance entries wan't updated after task name modification 2011-11-16, by laurent
- Fixing bug preventing copy/cut/paste using shortcuts on CFileEditor text editors 2011-11-16, by laurent
- Moving variable panel from bottom notebook panel to POU editor panel 2011-11-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug while editing PowerRail element in Viewer 2011-11-07, by laurent
- Adding support for directly defining microsecond value in DurationEditorDialog 2011-11-04, by laurent
- Fix bug in LDPowerRailDialog 2011-11-03, by laurent
- Adding support for folding/unfolding and auto-indentation in ST code editor 2011-10-24, by laurent
- Fix bug while matching pattern in the definition of resource elements like task or POU instance 2011-10-24, by laurent
- Fix bug with utf-8 string value in VariablePanel 2011-10-24, by laurent
- Fix bug with highlighting in ConfigurationEditor 2011-10-20, by laurent
- Fix bug with internationalization in ResourceEditor 2011-10-18, by laurent
- Adding support for giving keyboard focus to the first control of every dialogs 2011-10-14, by laurent
- Adding support for searching pattern in datatype elements 2011-10-12, by laurent
- Adding hand tool icon in Toolbar for moving the view 2011-10-12, by laurent
- Fix bug with usage of CustomTreeCtrl method unavailable on wx older versions 2011-10-11, by laurent
- Fixing bug in RessourceEditor with highlighting 2011-10-11, by laurent
- Fix search in project feature for latest version of wx on Windows 2011-10-10, by laurent
- Fixing search in project feature for Windows 2011-10-10, by laurent
- merge 2011-10-09, by Edouard Tisserant
- Changed F5 shortcut to CTRL+R for refresh 2011-10-09, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug when opening another project while current edited project has at least one tab opened 2011-10-09, by laurent
- Disable definition of location for directly declared array variables 2011-10-09, by laurent
- Adding support for searching text or regular expression in whole project 2011-10-09, by laurent
- Moving xmlclass and docutils into plcopeneditor 2011-09-30, by laurent
- Adding custom cell editor for interval value in task informations of ResourceEditor 2011-09-23, by laurent
- - Fixing editing graphic element (handles, rubberband and highlight) in graphic editor in order to make them keep the same size whatever the zoom factor applied to graphic editor 2011-09-22, by laurent
- Fix bug on Windows after removing "Enable Undo/Redo" menu item 2011-09-22, by laurent
- Fixing bug in Variable Panel when pressing Add,Delete,Up or Down button while a cell editor in variable grid is active 2011-09-20, by laurent
- Adding column for selecting task triggering in Resource Editor 2011-09-20, by laurent
- Fix PrintPreview behavior 2011-09-15, by laurent
- Fix bug while generating direct global array variables 2011-09-14, by laurent
- Fix bug in extraction and computation of array initial value 2011-09-14, by laurent
- Enabling support for direct array variable declaration 2011-09-14, by laurent
- Adding support for opening newly created project element 2011-09-13, by laurent
- Fix some bugs in driven drawing for LD viewer 2011-09-09, by laurent
- Fix bug in SFC Transition when using connection 2011-09-09, by laurent
- Disabling location definition for enumerated and structure variables 2011-09-07, by laurent
- Fix bugs in exponentiation 2011-09-02, by laurent
- Fix Driven drawing in LD editor 2011-08-12, by pizza
- Adding support for syntax highlighting for EN and ENO parameters in formal function and function blocs in textual editor 2011-07-04, by laurent
- Fix warnings when compiling matiec 2011-06-29, by laurent
- Fix bug in using STRING and WSTRING in user defined types 2011-06-28, by laurent
- Improve syntax highlighting in TextViewer 2011-06-14, by laurent
- Fix bug in UndoBuffer with TextViewer 2011-06-14, by laurent
- Adding support for selecting user data type for function return type 2011-06-09, by laurent
- Adding support for coloring following elements: 2011-06-08, by laurent
- Fix bug with TRUNC function and with type conversion functions called with constant as parameter 2011-06-08, by laurent
- Fixing REAL_TO_INT conversion (behaved like a trunc and not like a round) 2011-06-06, by laurent
- Fix bug when displaying errors when generating textual program in standalone mode 2011-05-24, by laurent
- Fix bug when compiling pou including user-defined blocks with unconnected input 2011-04-21, by laurent
- Fix Segmentation Fault occurring when trying to open a new editor tab 2011-04-21, by laurent
- Fix wire disappearing when wire tip and connector are not exactly at the same position fixed. 2011-04-21, by laurent
- Adding '0' and '1' as possible value to force boolean variables 2011-04-21, by laurent
- Adding support for saving frame size while closing and restore it at next launch 2011-04-21, by laurent
- Fix dialogs positions to stay on the same screen than parent frame 2011-04-21, by laurent
- Fix bounding box of Variable Block when variable name displaying size is bigger than block size 2011-04-19, by laurent
- Fix bug with Function Blocks input and output position on Windows 2011-04-19, by laurent
- Fix bug when buffering modifications on plain text languages 2011-04-19, by laurent
- Modifying data stored in UndoBuffer to get a quicker Undo/Redo 2011-04-19, by laurent
- Move position of debug value to avoid wire to cross text 2011-04-19, by laurent
- Fix bug in block with execution control generation fixed 2011-04-16, by laurent
- Fixed typo in PLCGenerator.py 2011-04-14, by Edouard Tisserant
- Bug when using arithmetic functions (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV) for TIME datatypes fixed. 2011-04-05, by laurent
- Adding support for debugging and forcing DATE, DT and TOD in Beremiz interface 2011-04-05, by laurent
- Dhu... Merged with myself... 2011-04-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added drag'n'drop of functions and function blocks 2011-04-05, by edouard
- Time funcs are now in Time categoryw 2011-04-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- Updated availables time realted function in standard lib, updated matiec code generator headers according matiec new licencing 2011-04-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- Bug on changing variable class fixed 2011-04-04, by laurent
- Adding support for displaying and forcing TIME variables according to IEC 61131 literal format 2011-04-01, by laurent
- Larger library hint text window 2011-04-01, by Edouard Tisserant
- Added POU interface description in library help text for standard function blocks too, not only in standard functions 2011-04-01, by Edouard Tisserant
- Initial TIME support in forcing 2011-03-31, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merged with Edouard's modifications 2011-03-31, by laurent
- Fix segmentation fault on opening and closing of editor tabs 2011-03-31, by laurent
- Adding support for disable language translation when default language not available in locale 2011-03-31, by laurent
- Fix unwanted translations in TypesTree 2011-03-31, by laurent
- Bug variable panel not refreshed when dropping located variables fixed 2011-03-30, by laurent
- Adding support for creating contact and coil in LD Viewer instead of variable blocks when dropping a variable 2011-03-30, by laurent
- Bug on variable panel row size in grid preventing readability of value inside cell editors fixed 2011-03-30, by laurent
- Bug on Contact Rising and Falling edge not displayed correctly while debugging fixed 2011-03-30, by laurent
- Adding support for direct array variable declaration in variable panel (still disable cause matiec doesn't support this feature) 2011-03-30, by laurent
- Solve "global name 'ID_TRANSITIONCONTENTDIALOGSPACER' is not defined" error on "Create a new divergence" in SFC editor. 2011-03-26, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixed exception when forcing LD contact. 2011-03-26, by Edouqrd Tisserant
- Forced variable now supported in GraphicViewer 2011-02-22, by edouard
- merge 2010-06-01, by lolitech
- Bug on FileMenu not refreshed when modifications fixed 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Bug in PLCGenerator when Coil is directly connected to LeftPowerRail fixed 2010-05-21, by pizza
- Adding message dialog for PLCOpen XML syntax errors. 2010-05-19, by laurent
- Bug when trying to generate SFC with unconnected connectors fixed 2010-05-10, by laurent
- Bug on FileMenu not refreshed when modifications fixed 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Disable buttons in DebugVariablePanel when they aren't useful 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Disable Up and Down buttons when not useful 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Bug on drawing coil fixed 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Bug on FileMenu not refreshed when modifications fixed 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Fix some errors in french translation 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Updating french translation with new string added by variable forcing 2009-12-16, by laurent
- Remove limitation on complex types in POU interface 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Bug when more than one tab are visible, only one tab is refreshed fixed 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Bug when more than one tab are visible, only one tab is refreshed fixed 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Bug not refreshing FileMenu when Undo/Redo fixed 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Bug not refreshing FileMenu when saving fixed 2009-12-14, by laurent
- Bug on standard functions called with literals fixed 2009-12-14, by laurent
- Bug on TextViewer fixed : FileMenu not refreshed when text modified 2009-12-12, by laurent
- Adding support for excluding option when not available according to IEC 61131 standard 2009-12-12, by laurent
- Replace Retain and Constant column in VariablePanel by Option and add the option Non-Retain 2009-12-10, by laurent
- Adding support for disable modification of mandatory parameters in ProjectDialog 2009-12-10, by laurent
- Bug on Delete one element from an empty DebugVariablePanel fixed 2009-12-10, by laurent
- One issue on SetDataProducer not handled fixed 2009-12-09, by laurent
- Adding support for getting current value in ForceVariableDialog default value and adding variable in DebugVariablePanel when forced 2009-12-09, by laurent
- Adding colour to graphic element that showing forced values 2009-12-08, by laurent
- Bug on SFC debugging fixed 2009-12-08, by laurent
- typo 2009-12-07, by Edouard TISSERANT
- ForceVariableDialog return a python value instead of string 2009-12-07, by laurent
- Bug on changing variable value text colour fixed 2009-12-07, by laurent
- Adding value colour change in DebugVariablePanel when variable is forced 2009-12-07, by laurent
- Adding support for forcing PLC variable in DebugVariablePanel 2009-12-07, by laurent
- Adding lock around access to NewDataRefreshRect to avoid concurrent access to this variable 2009-12-07, by laurent
- Bug on updateElementName fixed 2009-12-07, by laurent
- Adding support for forcing PLC variable in Viewer 2009-12-06, by laurent
- Changes merged 2009-12-04, by laurent
- Adding contextual menu in debug mode for forcing values 2009-12-04, by laurent
- Bug on opening LDPowerRail Dialog fixed 2009-12-04, by laurent
- merge 2009-12-02, by Edouard TISSERANT
- merge 2009-12-02, by Edouard TISSERANT
- more hgignore 2009-12-02, by Edouard TISSERANT
- Bug when trying to choose type of struture datatype element fixed 2009-12-02, by laurent
- Adding support for updating or removing located variables by their address or leading address numbers 2009-12-01, by laurent
- Bug on array dimensions bound test fixed 2009-12-01, by laurent
- added files to ignore in hgignore 2009-11-29, by Edouard TISSERANT
- Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros 2009-11-29, by laurent
- Fixed debian changelog 2009-11-02, by edouard
- Merge with 762497a95b7a0e2e500e428feb5008af98a6796c 2009-11-02, by edouard
- Wiped out references to Lolitech 2009-11-02, by edouard
- Replace \"lolitech\" contact by \"edouard\" contact 2009-11-02, by greg
- (no commit message) 2009-10-28, by greg
- Allowing unicode characters to be used in comments 2009-10-27, by laurent
- Bug while trying to open DataTypeEditor fixed 2009-10-26, by laurent
- Fix messages on DialogBox title while asking for project saving when closing project 2009-10-26, by laurent
- Bug while trying to refresh InstancesTree fixed 2009-10-23, by laurent
- Bug with location Drag'n Drop on TextViewer fixed 2009-10-19, by laurent
- Remove 'Create Pou From' option. Fix somme issues with Copy/Paste POU. 2009-10-12, by laurent
- Update internationalization 2009-10-09, by laurent
- Show edited panel when right click on TypesTree element 2009-10-09, by laurent
- Bug when Right Click on TypesTreeCtrl item doesn't update selection fixed 2009-10-08, by laurent
- Add support for leaving LocationControl when RETURN or TAB pressed 2009-10-08, by laurent
- Adding tests to avoid in DataConsumer to call DataProducer if not defined 2009-10-08, by laurent
- Bug when drag and drop tree variables fixed 2009-10-06, by laurent
- Changes from bct merged 2009-10-02, by 'Laurent Bessard
- remove several superfluous event.Skip()s (they caused double actions) 2009-09-30, by b taylor
- Bug when opening unknown file at starting fixed 2009-09-26, by laurent
- Adding support for dropping Beremiz plugin variable locations into PLCOpenEditor viewers and adding corresponding variable into POU interface 2009-09-24, by laurent
- Fix BrowseVariableDialog to be used in PLCOpenEditor without Beremiz plugins 2009-09-24, by laurent
- Adding support for individually adding variable to POU interface 2009-09-24, by laurent
- Bug on refreshing Variable Panel fixed 2009-09-24, by laurent
- BCT Changes merged 2009-09-22, by 'Laurent Bessard
- fix LD debug viewer (broken by 25ffba) 2009-09-21, by b taylor
- Changes merged 2009-09-22, by 'Laurent Bessard
- on Windows, make sure that Types tree items are selected when right-clicked. 2009-09-18, by b taylor
- remove an unneeded event.Skip() that was causing things to be pasted twice sometimes. 2009-09-18, by b taylor
- copy & paste for POUs 2009-09-18, by b taylor
- improved English spelling & grammar 2009-09-17, by b taylor
- fix an exception when pasting in the LD editor 2009-09-17, by b taylor
- set variable documentation when a location is selected from the VariableLocationBrowser 2009-09-16, by b taylor
- add a Documentation column to the VariablePanel 2009-09-15, by b taylor
- fix a crash when closing the debug window from the menu 2009-09-14, by b taylor
- introduced BrowseVariableLocationsDialog and the GridCellEditor that launches it. 2009-09-04, by b taylor
- fixed renaming configurations and resources 2009-09-03, by b taylor
- order the result of GetBaseTypes to make types easier to find in the UI 2009-09-03, by b taylor
- VariablePanel.py also depends on types.TupleType 2009-09-02, by b taylor
- split the variable editor panel into its own file 2009-09-02, by b taylor
- fix renaming variables (broken by pouInstance.type -> pouInstance.typeName) 2009-09-02, by b taylor
- merge 2009-09-02, by b taylor
- controler (PLCControler) and debug data producer (PluginsRoot) are no longer the same thing 2009-08-10, by b taylor
- merged with lolitech 2009-09-02, by b taylor
- merged with lolitech, my change is obsolete. 2009-08-20, by b taylor
- right-click actions in Types pane on Windows should be applied to the right-clicked item, instead of the selected one. 2009-07-06, by btaylor
- Many bugs on PLCOpenEditor integration fixed 2009-09-21, by laurent
- Bug when trying to use standard functions on literals only fixed 2009-09-21, by laurent
- Reorganization of Dialog classes by splitting Dialogs.py into several files, one for each Dialog class 2009-09-16, by laurent
- Bug on ST code generating for variables with the same name than POU when POU isn't a function fixed 2009-09-15, by laurent
- Adding support for integrating PLCOpenEditor in Beremiz frame 2009-09-15, by laurent
- Modify code generated to fit latest modifications in matiec 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug with type conversion not well generated fixed 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug with type conversion EN/ENO not evaluated fixed 2009-09-01, by laurent
- Adding test for avoiding closing Clipboard when not opened 2009-09-01, by laurent
- Adding test for avoiding Clipboard multiple opening 2009-09-01, by laurent
- Bug with TabsImageList wrong image size definition fixed 2009-09-01, by laurent
- Bug loading step with wrong input definition fixed 2009-08-27, by laurent
- Bug drawing element selection state on printed documents fixed 2009-08-27, by laurent
- Bug with wire not well designed generating unlimited loop fixed 2009-08-27, by laurent
- Bug with tabs images on Windows fixed 2009-08-26, by laurent
- Bug with Edit Menu Item 'Enable Undo/Redo' fixed 2009-08-26, by laurent
- Bug when aligning blocks on wire connectors without scaling defined fixed 2009-08-12, by laurent
- Bug when renaming POU fixed 2009-08-12, by laurent
- Merged changes 2009-08-07, by 'Laurent Bessard
- Adding connector test in example 2009-08-07, by laurent
- Adding support for internationalization 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Adding comments and code improvements 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Adding support for plcopen version 2.01 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Adding support for testing type between element connected with connector/continuation 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Bug when copying InVariable fixed 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Improving comment text drawing method 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Refresh module name conflict with datetime 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Changing Cut/Copy/Paste procedures for using wx.Clipboard with xml definition of copied elements 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Improving viewer loading instances procedure to faster 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Redefine cursor switching procedure in graphic viewers 2009-07-24, by laurent
- Redefine cursor switching procedure in graphic viewers 2009-07-23, by laurent
- Bug with scaling when one dimension not defined fixed 2009-07-23, by laurent
- Code rewritten, replacing all list containing tests by dict key defining tests 2009-07-23, by laurent
- fix wrong e-mail in changelog for debian package 2009-07-27, by greg
- prevent eclipse to push .project with .hgignore 2009-07-10, by 'Grégory Trélat
- removed dead hidden files 2009-07-10, by 'Grégory Trélat
- Bug with DebugViewer refresh fixed 2009-06-11, by greg
- Bug on GraphicViewer with latest modifications fixed 2009-06-10, by greg
- Removing undefined standard function blocks 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Bug that fixed Windows in Debug mode fixed 2009-06-10, by greg
- Removing undefined standard function blocks 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Bug that prevent to see errors in editor with double click fixed. 2009-06-09, by lbessard
- Bug that prevent to see errors in editor with double click fixed 2009-06-09, by greg
- Bug slowing Debug mode fixed 2009-06-03, by greg
- Bug when changing resource time period fixed 2009-06-03, by greg
- Bug while Drag n' Drop from LibraryTree without selection fixed 2009-06-03, by greg
- Bug on clear errors fixed 2009-06-03, by lbessard
- Bug when plcopeneditor without Beremiz fixed 2009-06-03, by greg
- Fix Bug with Zoom in Viewer 2009-06-02, by greg
- Fix bug preventing to copy block in SFC with SPACE key 2009-05-30, by greg
- Adding support for synchronize refreshing with tick and limit it to a defined period 2009-05-30, by greg
- Bug while dragging contact fixed 2009-05-28, by greg
- enable declared variables without name 2009-05-22, by greg
- little bug fixed for windows (SetBackgroundStyle) 2009-05-22, by greg
- Little bugs fixed 2009-05-22, by greg
- Adding support for finding character_string while computing connector types. Adding 'ANY' type on continuation by default. 2009-05-22, by greg
- Bugs on VariablePropertiesDialog fixed (output variable can be used as input) 2009-05-22, by greg
- Allow usage of FunctionBlock without output 2009-05-22, by greg
- Bug when comment to small for display any text fixed 2009-05-22, by greg
- fixed some bugs: 2009-05-22, by greg
- Adding support for Enable/Disable Undo/Redo 2009-05-04, by greg
- Adding support for Enable/Disable Undo/Redo 2009-05-04, by greg
- Adding support for Enable/Disable Undo/Redo 2009-05-04, by greg
- Bug preventing variable or datatype type name to change when POU or datatype name changed fixed 2009-05-04, by greg
- change LoliTech phone number for bug report 2009-04-29, by greg
- Fix ComboBox height for display in ubuntu 2009-04-10, by lbessard
- fix bug when ctrl + DoubleClick 2009-04-09, by greg
- Bug while closing GraphicViewer and PLC running generating errors fixed 2009-04-09, by lbessard
- Adding support for drag and drop wire, step and transition in debug mode 2009-04-09, by lbessard
- Bug with functions and transitions not recognizing their name in ST/IL fixed 2009-04-09, by lbessard
- Bug with AUINotebook double click 2009-04-09, by lbessard
- Adding support for: 2009-04-09, by lbessard
- Adding support for: 2009-04-09, by lbessard
- Adding support for ToolTip on wire when debugging 2009-03-24, by lbessard
- Bug with maximize on Tab Double Click fixed 2009-03-24, by lbessard
- Bug with wxRadioButton on Windows fixed 2009-03-24, by lbessard
- Fix bug with maximize on TabCtrl DoubleClick. 2009-03-23, by lbessard
- Adding support for preventing expending graphical element to have a negative position 2009-03-23, by lbessard
- Remove remaining print 2009-03-20, by lbessard
- Adding Display menu with Zoom item 2009-03-20, by lbessard
- Bug with Scaling, MiddleButton, Wire modifications fixed. 2009-03-19, by lbessard
- Adding Test when creating ConnectionBlock 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Adding support for contraining move to only one direction when control down 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Adding support for contraining move to only one direction when control down 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Adding support for contraining move to only one direction when control down 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Bugs with undefined functions fixed 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Adding Test when creating VariableBlock 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Bug with TypesTree Contextual Item Delete item disappear fixed 2009-03-18, by lbessard
- Adding support for scaling 2009-03-17, by lbessard
- Bug with drop located variable in empty grid fixed 2009-03-17, by lbessard
- Adding support for adding segments on only one segment wire 2009-03-17, by lbessard
- Modifications on divergence not buffered fixed 2009-03-13, by lbessard
- Adding extension of Viewer 2009-03-13, by lbessard
- Modifications on divergence not buffered fixed 2009-03-13, by lbessard
- Adding expand and collapse when DoubleClick on Types Tree items 2009-03-13, by lbessard
- Fix bug with wrong formed wires 2009-03-05, by lbessard
- Fix combo box size 2009-03-05, by lbessard
- updated : debian package scripts 2009-03-02, by greg
- Fix size of ComboBoxes 2009-02-25, by lbessard
- Adding filted in Auto-completion of TextViewer 2009-02-25, by lbessard
- Adding Rename item in TypesTree contextual menu 2009-02-25, by lbessard
- Bug with empty Action list in ActionBlockDialog fixed 2009-02-25, by lbessard
- Bug with undefined menu items in File and Edit menus in Debug mode fixed 2009-02-13, by lbessard
- Bug on TextViewer when no block types defined fixed 2009-01-19, by lbessard
- Adding support for cancelling code generation of function with no input connected 2009-01-19, by lbessard
- Bug on BlockProperties with extended functions not recognized fixed 2009-01-19, by lbessard
- Fixed bug structures.py crashing with non-connected blocks. 2009-01-19, by etisserant
- Replacing wx.Choice by wx.ComboBox 2009-01-16, by lbessard
- Bug on standard function not defined with EN/ENO fixed 2009-01-14, by lbessard
- Bug while drag and drop simple variables poping menu fixed 2009-01-14, by lbessard
- Adding support for Graphic for variable in Debug mode 2009-01-14, by lbessard
- Bug with variable tree generation fixed 2009-01-13, by lbessard
- Adding support for generating real array dimension in variable blocks 2009-01-12, by lbessard
- Bug while closing PLCOpenEditor with Beremiz fixed (closing Beremiz project) 2009-01-09, by lbessard
- Adding help menu for inserting complex variable in graphical viewer 2009-01-09, by lbessard
- Bug with wire error while loading diagram fixed 2008-12-19, by lbessard
- Adding support for editing and using struct data types 2008-12-19, by lbessard
- Two bugs fixed: 2008-12-15, by lbessard
- Adding support for defining plugin library as a plcopen xml file in plugin folder 2008-12-11, by greg
- Bug on Viewer ScrollBar with AUI fixed 2008-12-09, by lbessard
- Bug with standard functions nb_params count on Windows fixed 2008-12-01, by lbessard
- Bug when searching for EN/ENO on block without interface fixed 2008-11-26, by greg
- Bug on Block bounding box fixed 2008-11-26, by greg
- Modifying MOVE interface 2008-11-26, by greg
- Bugs on Group copy fixed 2008-11-21, by lbessard
- Bug on custom POU list in plcopen model fixed 2008-11-21, by lbessard
- Enable EN/ENO support in plcopeneditor 2008-10-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for EN/ENO in standard functions 2008-10-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for copying a group of elements 2008-10-17, by lbessard
- Bugs on pous without interface fixed 2008-10-13, by lbessard
- Adding comments for deferencing set and reset 2008-10-01, by lbessard
- Bug in coil and output element sorting function fixed 2008-10-01, by lbessard
- Bug involving possible name conflict between return value and ouputs fixed 2008-09-25, by lbessard
- Bug in return value and outputs order in functions informations generation fixed 2008-09-25, by lbessard
- Bug in contact edition not allowing output referencing fixed 2008-09-24, by lbessard
- Bug in function generation fixed 2008-09-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for upgrading pou types 2008-09-22, by lbessard
- Adding support for copying a POU inside a same project 2008-09-18, by lbessard
- Support for unhandled factorization cases added by fixing bug 2008-09-17, by lbessard
- Bug with setting name of function block while opening new Dialog 2008-09-17, by lbessard
- Bug with setting name of function block while opening new Dialog 2008-09-17, by lbessard
- Adding support for EN/ENO variables (temporarily disabled, waiting for matiec support) 2008-09-15, by lbessard
- Adding support for EN/ENO variables (temporarily disabled, waiting for matiec support) 2008-09-12, by lbessard
- Bug on library Tree informations when changing block interface fixed 2008-09-11, by lbessard
- Bug on refresh in any Viewer fixed 2008-09-10, by lbessard
- Bug with location drag&drop fixed 2008-09-10, by lbessard
- Bug on refresh in SFC fixed 2008-09-10, by lbessard
- Bug on debug step without output fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Bug on debug step without output fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Bug with item selection on InstancesTree fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Bug on connector-continuation generation fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Bug with configutationEditor and ResourceEditor fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Bug with invisible created wires fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Bug on refreshing editor when return type changed fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Bug on connector-continuation generation fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Bug with FBD_Variable with return value fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Bug with output variable and transition test fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Bug with PowerRail resize fixed 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Adding support for Debugging in PLCOpenEditor 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Fix bug in popup menu and function block types in Variable Panel 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Fix bug in popup menu and function block types in Variable Panel 2008-09-07, by lbessard
- Adding support for Debugging in PLCOpenEditor 2008-09-06, by lbessard
- Adding support for Debugging in PLCOpenEditor 2008-09-05, by lbessard
- Problem with multi-connection on block in LD fixed 2008-09-05, by lbessard
- Inversion between TON and TOF comments and errors in IL keywords fixed 2008-09-01, by lbessard
- Bug with GetCustomFunctionBlockTypes without exclusion POU fixed 2008-09-01, by lbessard
- Bug when reopen files on Windows fixed 2008-08-31, by lbessard
- Adding sort in LD factorized paths to avoid combination problem 2008-08-28, by lbessard
- Adding support for allowing connections only between an input and an output connector 2008-08-27, by lbessard
- Adding optimisation on LD expression generated 2008-08-27, by lbessard
- Bug on Windows with LibraryTree fixed 2008-08-27, by lbessard
- Bug on Windows with LibraryTree fixed 2008-08-27, by lbessard
- Adding support for function and functionBlock (standard or user) library 2008-08-22, by lbessard
- Bug on GetCustomBlockTypes without exclusion or invalid pou fixed 2008-08-22, by lbessard
- Unable segment deletion on first and last segment 2008-08-22, by lbessard
- Adding support for Instances Tree 2008-08-22, by lbessard
- Change in layout from AuiMDIParentFrame to AuiNotebook 2008-08-22, by lbessard
- added icons for variable tree 2008-08-21, by etisserant
- Now generated global variable declaration is done in one separate block. Also "fixed" (masked?) problem when deleting blocks with invalid type 2008-08-19, by etisserant
- Fixed typos. 2008-08-19, by etisserant
- Adding support for highlighing compiling errors from matiec 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Moving Data types and POU types informations into project model 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Deprecated method removed and bug on chunk extract fixed 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Bug with indentation in textual languages while error display fixed 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Adding informations to program chunks to allow display of compiling errors from matiec 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Moving Data types and POU types informations into project model 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Moving Data types and POU types informations into project model 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Bug with AutoBufferedPaintDC and Background style fixed 2008-07-18, by lbessard
- Bug forbidding copy, cut, paste and F2 on grid cells fixed 2008-07-18, by lbessard
- Adding support for underlying type incompatible wire loaded instead of removing them 2008-07-18, by lbessard
- Bugs with printing fixed 2008-07-11, by lbessard
- Added File menu, even in non-solo mode. 2008-07-10, by etisserant
- Bug on located variable defined with devived type when dropping location fixed 2008-07-01, by lbessard
- Bug with unformated drop text fixed 2008-07-01, by lbessard
- Remove useless tests on refreshing edit and file menus 2008-06-30, by lbessard
- Not connecting wire on scaled graphics bug and forbidding copy on the fly of groups fixed 2008-06-30, by lbessard
- Fixed various bugs 2008-06-28, by etisserant
- Adding tests for detecting POUs with no variables or/and no body 2008-06-26, by lbessard
- Adding support for printing graphical languages 2008-06-23, by lbessard
- Bug on removing action fixed 2008-06-04, by lbessard
- Bug fixed with Drag and Drop of FunctionBlocks from Variable Panel 2008-05-23, by lbessard
- Adding support for Beremiz c_ext plugin 2008-05-23, by lbessard
- Bug on resource task interval setting fixed 2008-04-25, by lbessard
- Bugs with feedback path in View, Controler and Generator fixed 2008-04-22, by lbessard
- Bug with array dimensions edition fixed 2008-04-22, by lbessard
- Bug with RightUp refresh element fixed 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Bug with missing RefreshScaling fixed 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Bug with RightUp on SFC_Divergence connectors without movement fixed 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Adding icons on viewers tabs 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Bug on SFC_Divergence copying fixed 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Block evaluation order fixed 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Pou execution order id management fixed 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- SFC_Divergence SetSize limited 2008-04-16, by lbessard
- Bug with Dropping blocks on Viewer checking name fixed 2008-04-10, by lbessard
- Bug on adding block in a pou without previous interface fixed 2008-04-10, by lbessard
- *** empty log message *** 2008-04-07, by etisserant
- Adding Function Block name test in Viewer Drop Target 2008-04-03, by lbessard
- Adding support for Beremiz svgui plugin variable declaration 2008-04-03, by lbessard
- But on getinstanceByName in pou class fixed 2008-04-03, by lbessard
- Bug on Enumerated DataType values defining fixed 2008-03-26, by lbessard
- Bug with located variables generated by Beremiz svgui plugin fixed 2008-03-25, by lbessard
- added to helpmenu : about + plcopen + plcopeneditor 2008-03-13, by greg
- Bug with generation of pou without interface fixed 2008-03-13, by lbessard
- Bug with task ticktime definition fixed 2008-03-13, by lbessard
- Bugs in configuration_ressource fixed 2008-03-07, by lbessard
- Bug with new icons and Beremiz integration fixed 2008-03-06, by lbessard
- Adding icon to menus 2008-03-06, by lbessard
- changed the way icons are loaded for both toolbars and treectrl. Now, non editable items have different pyData. 2008-02-29, by etisserant
- .ico icons work with either windows or linux 2008-02-29, by etisserant
- Bug on variable location Drag'n Drop fixed 2008-02-29, by lbessard
- move poe.ico and poe.png in images directory 2008-02-29, by greg
- Fixed bad handle initialisation, causing exception on rightup event in some cases. 2008-02-28, by etisserant
- Removed unnecessary 'wx.CallAfter(self.Close)' upon close 2008-02-28, by etisserant
- Bug on Copy/Cut/Paste comments fixed 2008-02-28, by lbessard
- fixed bug when add resource 2008-02-27, by greg
- add icon support in init 2008-02-27, by greg
- Some minor SFC/LD drawing enhancements 2008-02-27, by etisserant
- Bug on wire Drawing fixed 2008-02-26, by lbessard
- Adding support for topology tree 2008-02-26, by lbessard
- Bug on refresh transition connection fixed 2008-02-26, by lbessard
- Better PLCGenerator exception filtering 2008-02-26, by etisserant
- Fixed ST code generation problem (double declaration of FB params) 2008-02-26, by etisserant
- Bug on block negated pin fixed 2008-02-26, by lbessard
- Adding support for structure variable list generation module in matiec 2008-02-26, by lbessard
- Fixed std code for matiec generation header 2008-02-08, by etisserant
- Bug on transition connection fixed 2008-01-30, by lbessard
- Adding Font support in Dialog 2008-01-30, by lbessard
- Adding support for the new version of xmlclass 2008-01-30, by lbessard
- Changing ProjectTree contextual menu and EditMenu 2008-01-29, by lbessard
- Bug on Element Paste fixed 2008-01-29, by lbessard
- remove xmlclass in debian/rules 2008-01-29, by greg
- remove xmlclass 2008-01-28, by greg
- Bug on TreeCtrl right click on Windows fixed 2008-01-28, by lbessard
- Adding support for Viewer font 2008-01-28, by lbessard
- Adding support for Viewer font 2008-01-28, by lbessard
- Adding support for Viewer font 2008-01-28, by lbessard
- Removing flickering on Windows 2008-01-25, by lbessard
- Redrawing bugs fixed 2008-01-23, by lbessard
- Removing old outdated code 2008-01-23, by lbessard
- Removing minixsv (unused with new version of xmlclass) 2008-01-22, by lbessard
- Adding support for the new version of xmlclass 2008-01-22, by lbessard
- Bug on enumerated datatype values editor fixed 2008-01-22, by lbessard
- fix plcopeneditor directory in lowcase 2008-01-16, by greg
- add setup.py and plcopeneditor_postinst.py to build windows installer 2008-01-15, by greg
- Bug on array initial value parsing fixed 2008-01-14, by lbessard
- Bug on divergence outputs positions fixed 2008-01-14, by lbessard
- Adding scaling 2008-01-11, by lbessard
- Adding optimization on Viewer redrawing 2008-01-04, by lbessard
- Bug on FunctionBlock type variables management fixed 2008-01-04, by lbessard
- Update of plcopeneditor example 2008-01-04, by lbessard
- Bug with String not recognized fixed 2008-01-02, by lbessard
- Adding highlighting on group or element when mouse is over 2008-01-02, by lbessard
- add debian directory to create debian binary packages 2007-12-31, by greg
- Last bugs on block and wire moving, resizing with cursor fixed 2007-12-26, by lbessard
- Bug on Resource Editor fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bugs on TextViewer fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bug on variable Drag and Drop fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bug on Drag and Drop fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bug on Drag and Drop fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bug on Project Tree event fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bug on Project Tree with Windows fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Bug on subrange SpinCtrls with Windows fixed 2007-12-10, by lbessard
- Some bugs fixed 2007-12-09, by lbessard
- Some bugs fixed 2007-12-09, by lbessard
- Adding contextual menu on LD_Contact, LD_Coil, LD_PowerRail and SFC_ActionBlock 2007-12-09, by lbessard
- Adding execution order and complex data types 2007-12-09, by lbessard
- Adding support for execution order in PLCGenerator 2007-12-06, by lbessard
- Adding space all around ResourceEditor 2007-11-27, by lbessard
- Bug on Step Name Dialog with wx 2.8 fixed 2007-11-27, by lbessard
- Adding support for Project Tree selected item following current item edited. 2007-11-19, by lbessard
- Improving PLCOpenEditor for using wx2.8 AUI 2007-11-16, by lbessard
- Adding support for wxAUI in wx 2.8 2007-11-13, by lbessard
- Bug on LoadXMLTree with "choice_content" and "multichoice_content" fixed 2007-11-05, by lbessard
- Add support for defining execution order in FBD networks (related ST code not generated yet) 2007-10-30, by lbessard
- Bug on Open Project fixed 2007-10-26, by lbessard
- Adding support in xmlclass for timezone in datetime and for not paying attention to xml comments 2007-10-26, by lbessard
- Change generate_cc to generate_c 2007-10-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for block copy and for wxpython 2.4 2007-10-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for wxpython 2.4 2007-10-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for block copy 2007-10-24, by lbessard
- Bug on divergence creation with null size fixed 2007-10-19, by lbessard
- Bug that makes element resizing acting strongly fixed 2007-10-19, by lbessard
- Bug that didn't affect standard function names as keywords fixed 2007-10-19, by lbessard
- A lots of bugs fixed 2007-10-17, by lbessard
- Lots of bug fixed 2007-10-05, by lbessard
- Adding support for variable type compatibility check after drag and drop 2007-10-05, by lbessard
- Bug on linux in BlockPropertiesDialog (root visible) fixed 2007-10-05, by lbessard
- Adding support for generation of blocks in LD 2007-10-05, by lbessard
- Bug on block without input or output fixed 2007-10-05, by lbessard
- Adding edit user's POU by double click on block instance 2007-10-02, by lbessard
- Fixed crash while draging connector from pins with undefined types 2007-10-02, by etisserant
- fixed code gen crash when using own FB/F in FBD 2007-09-20, by etisserant
- Added support for standard functions type compatibility check 2007-09-19, by lbessard
- Added support for wire type compatibility check 2007-09-19, by lbessard
- Bugs on Variable and Viewer DropTarget fixed 2007-09-19, by lbessard
- Bug on LDPowerRail resize fixed 2007-09-19, by lbessard
- Corrections for wx version 2.8.4 and Windows 2007-09-18, by lbessard
- Bug on block modification fixed 2007-09-17, by lbessard
- Add support for custom block declaration 2007-09-17, by lbessard
- Adding support for refreshing PLCOpenEditor block list 2007-09-17, by lbessard
- Fixed D&D crash and missing refresh 2007-09-13, by etisserant
- Adding support support for using PLCOpenEditor with Beremiz 2007-09-10, by lbessard
- Bug on block deletion fixed 2007-09-10, by lbessard
- Bug on optional attributes generation fixed 2007-09-10, by lbessard
- *** empty log message *** 2007-09-10, by etisserant
- Bug on xmlclass XML file attributes generation fixed 2007-09-07, by lbessard
- Adding members to classes for automatically generate infos and set the value of an element with its path 2007-09-04, by lbessard
- Bug on choice element in xmlclass fixed 2007-09-04, by jon
- Adding support for default values 2007-08-31, by lbessard
- PLCOpenEditor SplitterWindow names changed 2007-08-31, by lbessard
- Fixed ST generation bug with custom FB 2007-08-30, by etisserant
- Lots of bugs fixed 2007-08-27, by lbessard
- Fixed ws indent problem 2007-08-23, by etisserant
- Adding support for adding block types with particular behaviour 2007-08-23, by lbessard
- xmlclass modified for allowing class definitions for multiple XSD files and indicating which classes are the base classes 2007-08-23, by lbessard
- xmlclass modified for allowing class definitions for multiple XSD files and indicating which classes are the base classes 2007-08-23, by lbessard
- Changed the way class are generated, using classobj from "new" module, instead of type inheritence. 2007-08-21, by etisserant
- fixed non portable file sep 2007-08-21, by etisserant
- Prevent problems showing ST code after failed build 2007-08-21, by etisserant
- Adding support for generating FBD with connectors and continuations 2007-08-16, by lbessard
- Adding Dialog for Step in free drawing 2007-08-14, by lbessard
- Adding support for avoiding name conflicts 2007-08-13, by lbessard
- Bug on transition connection fixed 2007-08-13, by lbessard
- Adding support for allowing declarations of function block into POU interface 2007-08-10, by lbessard
- Adding support for automatically generate function blocks in interface when a block is added 2007-08-09, by lbessard
- Adding support for generating network and rung connected to transitions into SFC 2007-08-09, by lbessard
- Cleaning code for using only wxPython 2.6 class naming 2007-08-08, by lbessard
- Cleaning code for using only wxPython 2.6 class naming 2007-08-07, by lbessard
- Adding support for connecting transition to LD rung and FBD network 2007-08-07, by lbessard
- Adding sizer on some Dialogs for making them resizable 2007-08-03, by lbessard
- Adding possibility to change Type and Pin number of power rails 2007-08-03, by lbessard
- Bug on wire deletion from a connector fixed 2007-08-03, by lbessard
- Adding header for files published under LGPL 2007-08-02, by lbessard
- Changing file headers 2007-08-02, by lbessard
- SVGUI Functions Blocks added 2007-07-27, by jon
- Adding support for Undo/Redo and Unsaved File On Close detection 2007-07-26, by lbessard
- Removed used POU warning crash 2007-07-25, by etisserant
- *** empty log message *** 2007-07-21, by lbessard
- *** empty log message *** 2007-07-21, by lbessard
- *** empty log message *** 2007-07-21, by etisserant
- Bug on Copy, Cut, Paste fixed 2007-07-20, by lbessard
- Bugs fixed 2007-07-20, by lbessard
- *** empty log message *** 2007-07-20, by etisserant
- *** empty log message *** 2007-07-20, by etisserant
- Interface changed to show pou interface at the bottom of the window 2007-07-20, by lbessard
- Bug on SFC generation fixed 2007-07-19, by lbessard
- Bugs fixed 2007-07-19, by lbessard
- Bugs on SFCViewer fixed 2007-07-18, by lbessard
- Test IEC_LIB and fix bugs (EQ, GT et all) 2007-07-18, by etisserant
- Adding optimization on redrawing 2007-07-18, by lbessard
- Reverted PLCOpenEditor to DRIVEN mode. 2007-07-17, by etisserant
- Cleanup in generated C code for STD lib 2007-07-17, by etisserant
- First working IEC std lib test, actually test from string and to_string functions. 2007-07-13, by etisserant
- Deleted grabage 2007-07-12, by etisserant
- Adding support for disable interface variable change if a POU is used 2007-07-12, by lbessard
- Changes in the std library + std lib PLCOpen test (broken) 2007-07-12, by etisserant
- Bugs on ST generation fixed 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Bugs on ST generation fixed 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Bugs on ST generation fixed 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- FBD_Variable don't remove wire when just expression changed 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Bug on variable location fixed 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Bug on ressource generation fixed 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Adding support for configuration generation 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Adding support for concurrent overriden standard function 2007-07-10, by lbessard
- Current developping version 2007-07-09, by lbessard
- Stage4 changes according to new STD lib implementation 2007-07-07, by etisserant
- Early implementation of STD library. 2007-07-06, by etisserant
- Adding support for date and time data types 2007-06-25, by lbessard
- Code for il generation finished 2007-06-21, by lbessard
- Modifications on structure.py 2007-06-20, by lbessard
- Add support for AND, OR, XOR for booleans 2007-06-19, by lbessard
- Enhanced standard funcrtion declaration from .csv file. 2007-06-18, by etisserant
- Enhanced standard funcrtion declaration from .csv file. 2007-06-18, by etisserant
- Enhanced standard funcrtion declaration from .csv file. 2007-06-14, by etisserant
- Mistakes written in IL and ST code corrected 2007-06-14, by lbessard
- Bug on block properties dialog corrected 2007-06-11, by lbessard
- Enhanced standard function decalration fr cvs 2007-06-06, by etisserant
- Standard IEC functions declaration now made from iec_std.csv file for easier maintainance. 2007-06-05, by etisserant
- Adding support for forbidding insertion of function block into function 2007-04-18, by lbessard
- Bug on variables editing corrected 2007-04-13, by lbessard
- Bug on variables editing corrected 2007-04-13, by lbessard
- Bug on Configuration and Resource variables editing corrected 2007-04-13, by lbessard
- Adding test on step names in SFC Editor 2007-04-12, by lbessard
- Adding auto-completion into ST and IL Editors 2007-04-11, by lbessard
- Adding error messages on LD editor 2007-04-10, by lbessard
- Bug corrected and improvements 2007-04-06, by lbessard
- GPL->LGPL 2007-03-21, by etisserant
- Adding File Dialog for choosing path to generated program 2007-03-21, by lbessard
- FBD Blocks and Variables can now be modified and wires can't be unconnected on both sides 2007-02-08, by lbessard
- PLCGenerator finished 2007-02-07, by lbessard
- SFC textual programs generation completed 2007-02-01, by lbessard
- PLCOpenEditor initial commit. 31/01/07. 2007-01-31, by etisserant