- Fix bug in debugger when transfer without having build before and and opening debug view before running PLC 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Adding zoom and navigation in GraphicViewer and ToolBar containing basic menu items 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Improving HitTest on Function Blocks with long names so that they only answer to click on visible parts instead of on the whole bounding box 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Fix bug scrollbars disappear on Linux when Viewer client size is reduced 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Fix issue losing focus on Windows when closing custom grid cell editors 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Added a few shortcuts in menus 2012-03-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing issues regarding control navigation in EditorPanel and CustomGrid 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug when undo just after creating a new project element 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug with testing data type consistency of EXPT function connections 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug with moving and removing divergence branch 2012-03-07, by laurent
- Fix bug variables in Debug Variable List unregistered even if they still exist in transfered program 2012-02-21, by laurent
- Fix bug in LDViewer with MouseEvents 2012-02-20, by laurent
- Enable RTC in standard FB lib 2012-02-20, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug in GraphicViewer when changing range while no data received 2012-02-17, by laurent
- Adding support for not closing debug tabs and remove variable in variable debug panel if instance still exist in newly transfered program 2012-02-16, by laurent
- Fix bug when modifying Function Block instance type without changing name 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Adding support for preventing too much call to refresh flooding wx call stack while debugging 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Adding error message when SFC Transition body is not well formatted (no reference to transition name) 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Fix bug ToolTip stay on screen when double click on FunctionBlock 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Fixed wrong time scale in debug graph display when some samples are missed 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Fix bug with ToolTip staying on screen when compiling project with shortcut and mouse over a block 2012-02-07, by laurent
- Fixing segmentation fault in CustomEditableListBox on Windows when clicking on an header button while a value is being edited 2012-02-02, by laurent
- Fix issues with standard library definition of NE not extensible 2012-02-02, by laurent
- Fix issues with standard library definition 2012-02-02, by laurent
- Removing restriction on plugin datatypes 2012-02-01, by laurent
- Fix bug while adding new value to enumerated datatype list of values 2012-01-31, by laurent
- Fix bug while using 'Close project' menu and a few POUs are opened 2012-01-31, by laurent
- Fixing segmentation fault in debug 2012-01-31, by laurent
- Fixing ToolTip behavior and bug with INOUT interface variables in Function Blocks and adding support for display connection point between wire and connector when mouse passing over. 2012-01-30, by laurent
- Adding support for choosing graph range in duration instead of tick number when Common_Ticktime is available 2012-01-25, by laurent
- Fix segmentation fault happening when changing POU tab selection 2012-01-24, by laurent
- Adding support for loading datatypes defined in plugins to allow to use them in PLC program 2012-01-24, by laurent
- Fix bug when trying to paste POU containing utf-8 characters 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fix bug with multiline tooltip on Windows 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fixing bug in displaying variable panel header on Windows 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fix bug in xmlclass when allowing custom class attributes definition on inherited classes 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Adding support for defining a description for a user POU type, and displaying this information in library tree. 2012-01-17, by laurent
- Fix bug in refreshing menu after tab selection changed 2012-01-12, by laurent
- Adding support for checking location validity when filled by user 2012-01-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug when building textual code containing comment with special characters 2012-01-09, by laurent
- Fixing bug on Windows with refresh when moving Viewer with scrollbars 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for using shift key with rubberband for adding a group of elements to the current selection 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug in autoindent when number of spaces at the beginning of line is odd 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for Drag'n dropping panels between notebooks 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug in highlighting in variable panel 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for drag'n dropping variable from global defined in configurations and resources to POU variable panel or body editor for declaring external variables 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Adding support for using ESC key for closing custom grid cell editors 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Disabling drag for modifying grid row size 2012-01-08, by laurent
- Fixing bug conflict on tab selection between POU editor and Debug window of an instance of this same POU on Windows 2011-12-21, by laurent
- Fixing bug in Debug with ToolTip for wire value disappearing on Windows 2011-12-21, by laurent
- Fixing bug integrated plugin editors not closed when removing corresponding plugin 2011-12-20, by laurent
- Fixing bug in enumerated datatype editor. Initial value symbol not updated if changed in the list of values 2011-12-20, by laurent
- Fixing bug preventing enumerated datatype values to be saved 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Fixing bug while searching into documentation element 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Adding support for defining tag element without attributes or children as sequence element 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Moving definition of grids fonts and colours into CustomGrid 2011-12-16, by laurent
- Adding support for loading specific POUs library in LPCBeremiz 2011-12-14, by laurent
- Adding support for unifying grid table control elements 2011-12-14, by laurent
- Fixing bug in xmlclass with simple type elements containing #text node instead of cdata 2011-12-14, by laurent
- Adding support for unescape special character in #text node in formattedText 2011-12-12, by laurent