- Fix bug when reloading project layout, PouIntanceVariablesPanel not updated 2012-06-04, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing bugs with properties panel when resetting optional value and saving project 2012-06-04, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug in POUinstanceVariablesPanel when no tagname defined 2012-06-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Separating ProjectDialog from PLCOpenEditor for integration of panel into Beremiz project window 2012-06-03, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug with cut/copy/paste on PythonEditor 2012-05-30, by Laurent Bessard
- fixing unicode in xmlclass 2012-05-29, by Laurent Bessard
- Fixing opening block debug view directly from parent debug view 2012-05-24, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug when starting debugging POU blocks 2012-05-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for preventing perspective to be saved with tabs maximized 2012-05-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Adding support for opening block debug view directly from parent debug view by double clicking on block 2012-05-23, by Laurent Bessard
- Fix bug on PouInstanceVariablesPanel 2012-05-22, by laurent
- Fix bugs on PouInstanceVariablesPanel 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fixing semantics 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fix bug with Properties menu entry 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Merged 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fixed bug when registering debugged variables after transferring new PLC 2012-05-15, by laurent
- refactoring 2012-05-21, by laurent
- Fixed instances treecontrol display 2012-05-19, by Edouard Tisserant
- Removed references to old wx without AUI 2012-05-19, by Edouard Tisserant
- refactoring 2012-05-18, by laurent
- fixed on quit exception dialog 2012-05-12, by Edouard Tisserant
- refactoring 2012-05-09, by Edouard Tisserant
- beremiz 'plugins' refactoring to 'confnode' 2012-05-07, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing bugs with latest changesets on Windows 2012-05-04, by laurent
- Adding support for not removing connection of blocks when changing block type 2012-05-04, by laurent
- Removing commented code added for debugging 2012-05-04, by laurent
- Fix bug in create POU dialog 2012-05-03, by laurent
- Adding search field for finding function or function block in library tree 2012-05-03, by laurent
- Adding support for saving and restoring zoom and position of editors through closing and opening tab of the same POU or POU instance 2012-05-02, by laurent
- Fix bug in xmlclass with multiple choices in sequence 2012-04-30, by laurent
- Adding support for automatically saving and restoring state of frame or project perspective 2012-04-27, by laurent
- Fix bug when closing project and one editor is opened 2012-04-27, by laurent
- Fix bug with highlighting in pragma and drag'n drop of function in TextViewer 2012-04-23, by laurent
- Fix bug with contextual menu of group of elements 2012-04-16, by laurent
- Fix bug on Windows with srollbars in Viewer 2012-04-06, by laurent
- Fix cursor refresh when GraphicViewer canvas is resized 2012-04-01, by laurent
- Improving move of elements using arrow keys in Viewer 2012-04-01, by laurent
- Improving contextual menu in Viewer and fixing menu toolbar icons on Windows 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bugs in GraphicViewer with selection and navigation 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug in FBDBlock when testing types of connections 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug with DurationCellEditor value not saved when modified 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug when grid is reset and a CellEditor is still active 2012-03-31, by laurent
- Fix bug in debugger when transfer without having build before and and opening debug view before running PLC 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Adding zoom and navigation in GraphicViewer and ToolBar containing basic menu items 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Improving HitTest on Function Blocks with long names so that they only answer to click on visible parts instead of on the whole bounding box 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Fix bug scrollbars disappear on Linux when Viewer client size is reduced 2012-03-27, by laurent
- Fix issue losing focus on Windows when closing custom grid cell editors 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Added a few shortcuts in menus 2012-03-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing issues regarding control navigation in EditorPanel and CustomGrid 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug when undo just after creating a new project element 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug with testing data type consistency of EXPT function connections 2012-03-18, by laurent
- Fix bug with moving and removing divergence branch 2012-03-07, by laurent
- Fix bug variables in Debug Variable List unregistered even if they still exist in transfered program 2012-02-21, by laurent
- Fix bug in LDViewer with MouseEvents 2012-02-20, by laurent
- Enable RTC in standard FB lib 2012-02-20, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug in GraphicViewer when changing range while no data received 2012-02-17, by laurent
- Adding support for not closing debug tabs and remove variable in variable debug panel if instance still exist in newly transfered program 2012-02-16, by laurent
- Fix bug when modifying Function Block instance type without changing name 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Adding support for preventing too much call to refresh flooding wx call stack while debugging 2012-02-15, by laurent
- Adding error message when SFC Transition body is not well formatted (no reference to transition name) 2012-02-15, by laurent