author Laurent Bessard
Wed, 29 Aug 2012 23:02:04 +0200
changeset 753 8a70e85f7e12
parent 750 fedef839bfa8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix bug in SearchResultPanel when search result is the name of a project POU
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Beremiz_Korean_Version\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-25 14:42+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-27 17:18+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Laurent BESSARD <laurent.bessard@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LinuxIT <lij3105@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Korean\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: KOREA, REPUBLIC OF\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3063
msgid ""
"An error has occurred.\n"
"Click OK to save an error report.\n"
"Please be kind enough to send this file to:\n"
msgstr ""
"알 수 없는 에러가 발생했습니다.\n"
"OK 버튼을 눌러 에러 리포트를 저장하세요.\n"
"edouard.tisserant@gmail.com 주소로 에러 리포트를 첨부하여 보내주세요\n"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:77
msgid "   External"
msgstr "   외부"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:76
msgid "   InOut"
msgstr "   입출력"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:76
msgid "   Input"
msgstr "   입력"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:77
msgid "   Local"
msgstr "   로컬"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:76
msgid "   Output"
msgstr "   출력"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:78
msgid "   Temp"
msgstr "   임시"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3073
msgid " : "
msgstr " :"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:94
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:91
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:111
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:144
#, python-format
msgid " and %s"
msgstr " , %s"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1051
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" Data Type doesn't exist !!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 존재하지 않는 데이터 타입!!!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1069
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" POU already exists !!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" POU가 이미 존재합니다!!!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1090
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" POU doesn't exist !!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" POU가 존재하지 않습니다!!!"

#: ../Viewer.py:233
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" can't use itself!"
msgstr "\"%s\": 자신을 사용 할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1802
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1821
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" config already exists!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 설정(config)이 이미 존재합니다!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:315
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" configuration already exists !!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 설정(configuration)이 이미 존재합니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1756
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" data type already exists!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 데이터 타입이 이미존재합니다!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:2040
#: ../PLCControler.py:2044
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" element can't be pasted here!!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 항목을 이곳에 붙여넣기 할 수 없습니다!!!"

#: ../TextViewer.py:305
#: ../TextViewer.py:325
#: ../Viewer.py:251
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:105
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:150
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:102
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:162
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" element for this pou already exists!"
msgstr "이 POU에 \"%s\" 항목이 이미 존재합니다!"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:96
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" function cancelled in \"%s\" POU: No input connected"
msgstr "\"%s\" 펑션이 취소 되었습니다 \"%s\" POU: 연결된 입력 없음"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:651
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1747
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:547
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:576
#: ../dialogs/PouNameDialog.py:49
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:101
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:51
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:146
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:199
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:98
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:118
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:122
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:158
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is a keyword. It can't be used!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 는 키워드 입니다. 사용 할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../Viewer.py:239
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is already used by \"%s\"!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 는 \"%s\" 에서 이미 사용중입니다!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:2786
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is an invalid value!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 유효하지 않은 값입니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2914
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2942
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid folder!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 유효하지 않은 폴더입니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:649
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1745
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:571
#: ../dialogs/PouNameDialog.py:47
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:99
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:49
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:144
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:96
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:116
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:120
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:156
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid identifier!"
msgstr "\"%s\"는 유효하지 않은 식별자입니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:312
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2541
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2560
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" is used by one or more POUs. It can't be removed!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 는 현재 하나 이상의 POU에서 사용중입니다. 제거할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:306
#: ../TextViewer.py:303
#: ../TextViewer.py:323
#: ../TextViewer.py:340
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1765
#: ../Viewer.py:249
#: ../Viewer.py:294
#: ../Viewer.py:311
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:148
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:120
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:160
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" pou already exists!"
msgstr "\"%s\" POU는 이미 존재합니다!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:346
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" resource already exists in \"%s\" configuration !!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 리소스는 \"%s\" 설정(configuration)에 이미 존재합니다 !!!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:362
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" resource doesn't exist in \"%s\" configuration !!!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 리소스를 \"%s\" 설정(configuration)에서 찾을 수 없습니다 !!!"

#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:57
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:128
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" step already exists!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 스텝이 이미 생성되었습니다!"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:542
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" value already defined!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 이미 정의된 값이 있습니다!"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:718
#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:97
#, python-format
msgid "\"%s\" value isn't a valid array dimension!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 값은 올바른 배열 차원이 아닙니다!"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:725
#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:103
#, python-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" value isn't a valid array dimension!\n"
"Right value must be greater than left value."
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" 올바른 데이터를 입력하세요!\n"
"우측의 데이터는 좌측보다 커야 합니다."

#: ../PLCControler.py:793
#, python-format
msgid "%s \"%s\" can't be pasted as a %s."
msgstr "%s \"%s\" 붙여넣기 할 수 없는 형식 :  %s."

#: ../PLCControler.py:1422
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%s Data Types"
msgstr "데이터 타입(Data Types)"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:278
#, python-format
msgid "%s Graphics"
msgstr "%s 그래픽"

#: ../PLCControler.py:1417
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "%s POUs"
msgstr "POU 붙여넣기"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1780
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1790
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1800
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1810
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1819
#, python-format
msgid "%s body don't have instances!"
msgstr "%s 인스턴스를 찾을 수 없습니다!"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1842
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1849
#, python-format
msgid "%s body don't have text!"
msgstr "%s 텍스트를 찾을 수 없습니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:462
msgid "&Add Element"
msgstr "&구성원 추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:432
msgid "&Configuration"
msgstr "&설정(Configuration)"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:423
msgid "&Data Type"
msgstr "&데이터 타입"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:466
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&삭제"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:415
msgid "&Display"
msgstr "&보기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:414
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "수정"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:413
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&파일"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:425
msgid "&Function"
msgstr "&함수"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:416
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&도움말"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:429
msgid "&Program"
msgstr "&프로그램"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2700
msgid "&Properties"
msgstr "&프로젝트 속성"

#: ../SearchResultPanel.py:235
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' - %d match in project"
msgstr "'%s' - %d 개의 검색된 결과"

#: ../SearchResultPanel.py:237
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' - %d matches in project"
msgstr "'%s' - %d 개의 검색된 결과들"

#: ../SearchResultPanel.py:287
#, python-format
msgid "(%d matches)"
msgstr ""

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3051
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3053
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3054
msgid ",   "
msgstr ",   "

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:96
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:93
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:113
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:146
#, python-format
msgid ", %s"
msgstr ", %s"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3049
msgid ". "
msgstr ". "

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1768
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1810
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1829
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:122
#, python-format
msgid "A POU has an element named \"%s\". This could cause a conflict. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr "POU 구성원의 이름 \"%s\"은 오류를 발생시킬 수 있습니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:653
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1780
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1791
#: ../dialogs/PouNameDialog.py:51
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:103
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:53
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:100
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:124
#, python-format
msgid "A POU named \"%s\" already exists!"
msgstr "이미 생성된 POU 이름입니다 : \"%s\""

#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:175
msgid "A location must be selected!"
msgstr "위치를 지정해야 합니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:655
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1782
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1793
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:55
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:126
#, python-format
msgid "A variable with \"%s\" as name already exists in this pou!"
msgstr "변수 \"%s\"는 이미 POU에 정의 되어 있습니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2733
msgid "About"
msgstr "베레미즈란"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2619
msgid "About PLCOpenEditor"
msgstr "PLC 오픈에디터..."

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:22
msgid "Absolute number"
msgstr "절대값 연산"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:41
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:69
msgid "Action"
msgstr "액션(Action)"

#: ../Viewer.py:494
#, fuzzy
msgid "Action Block"
msgstr "함수 블럭(Function Block)"

#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:81
msgid "Action Name"
msgstr "액션 명"

#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:49
msgid "Action Name:"
msgstr "액션 명:"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1480
#, python-format
msgid "Action with name %s doesn't exist!"
msgstr "액션 명 %s는 이미 존재합니다!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:95
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "액션(Actions)"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:134
msgid "Actions:"
msgstr "액션(Actions):"

#: ../Viewer.py:526
msgid "Add"
msgstr "추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2021
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2052
msgid "Add Action"
msgstr "액션 추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2004
msgid "Add Configuration"
msgstr "설정(Configuration) 추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1984
msgid "Add DataType"
msgstr "데이터 타입 추가"

#: ../Viewer.py:452
msgid "Add Divergence Branch"
msgstr "Branch 추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1992
msgid "Add POU"
msgstr "POU 추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2032
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2078
msgid "Add Resource"
msgstr "리소스 추가"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2010
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2049
msgid "Add Transition"
msgstr "트랜지션(Transition) 추가"

#: ../Viewer.py:441
msgid "Add Wire Segment"
msgstr "와이어 세그먼트(Wire Segment) 추가"

#: ../SFCViewer.py:358
msgid "Add a new initial step"
msgstr "새로운 초기 스텝 추가"

#: ../Viewer.py:2291
#: ../SFCViewer.py:695
msgid "Add a new jump"
msgstr "새로운 점프 추가"

#: ../SFCViewer.py:380
msgid "Add a new step"
msgstr "새로운 스텝 추가"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:138
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add action"
msgstr "액션 추가"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:344
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add element"
msgstr "구성원(Element) 추가"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add instance"
msgstr "인스턴스 추가"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:221
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add task"
msgstr "태스크 추가"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:373
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add variable"
msgstr "변수"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:33
msgid "Addition"
msgstr "추가"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:221
msgid "Additional function blocks"
msgstr "추가적 함수 블록"

#: ../Viewer.py:1397
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "정렬"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:75
#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:35
#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:116
msgid "All"
msgstr "모두"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:586
#, python-format
msgid "An element named \"%s\" already exists in this structure!"
msgstr "항목 \"%s\" 는 이미 구조체 안에 존재 합니다!"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:31
msgid "Arc cosine"
msgstr "Arc cosine"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:30
msgid "Arc sine"
msgstr "Arc sine"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:32
msgid "Arc tangent"
msgstr "Arc tangent"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:33
msgid "Arithmetic"
msgstr "산술 연산"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:724
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:51
msgid "Array"
msgstr "배열"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:39
msgid "Assignment"
msgstr "할당"

#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:197
msgid "At least a variable or an expression must be selected!"
msgstr "변수 또는 표현식이 필요합니다!"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:99
msgid "Author"
msgstr "작성자"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:96
msgid "Author Name (optional):"
msgstr "작성자 이름(옵션):"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:72
msgid "Backward"
msgstr ""

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:167
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:197
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:289
#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:55
msgid "Base Type:"
msgstr "기본 타입:"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:694
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:616
msgid "Base Types"
msgstr "기본 타입"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:70
msgid "Binary selection (1 of 2)"
msgstr "바이너리 선택 (1 또는 2)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:62
msgid "Bit-shift"
msgstr "비트-쉬프트"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:66
msgid "Bitwise"
msgstr "비트 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:66
msgid "Bitwise AND"
msgstr "비트 연산 AND"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:67
msgid "Bitwise OR"
msgstr "비트 연산 OR"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:68
msgid "Bitwise XOR"
msgstr "비트 연산 XOR"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:69
msgid "Bitwise inverting"
msgstr "비트 연산 반전 (Invert)"

#: ../Viewer.py:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "Block"
msgstr "블럭 수정"

#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:38
msgid "Block Properties"
msgstr "블럭 속성"

#: ../Viewer.py:433
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "하단"

#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:55
msgid "Browse Locations"
msgstr "위치 탐색"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1722
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1736
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1757
#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1773
msgid "Can only generate execution order on FBD networks!"
msgstr "FBD 네트워크 상태에서만 실행 순서를 생성할 수 있습니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:255
msgid "Can only give a location to local or global variables"
msgstr "로컬 또는 전역 변수만 위치 지정 가능합니다"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2909
#, python-format
msgid "Can't generate program to file %s!"
msgstr "프로그램을 %s 파일로 생성할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:253
msgid "Can't give a location to a function block instance"
msgstr "함수 블럭 인스턴스에는 위치를 지정할 수 없습니다"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2940
#, python-format
msgid "Can't save project to file %s!"
msgstr "프로젝트를 %s로 저장할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't set an initial value to a function block instance"
msgstr "함수 블럭 인스턴스에는 위치를 지정할 수 없습니다"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:81
#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:67
msgid "Case sensitive"
msgstr "대소문자 구별"

#: ../Viewer.py:428
msgid "Center"
msgstr "중앙"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2070
msgid "Change POU Type To"
msgstr "POU 타입 변경"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:81
msgid "Character string"
msgstr "문자열"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2865
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2899
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2934
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "파일 선택"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:59
msgid "Class"
msgstr "클래스"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:364
msgid "Class Filter:"
msgstr "클래스 필터:"

#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:62
msgid "Class:"
msgstr "클래스:"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:509
msgid "Clear Errors\tCTRL+K"
msgstr "에러 화면 클리어\tCTRL+K"

#: ../Viewer.py:519
msgid "Clear Execution Order"
msgstr "실행 순서 클리어"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:125
msgid "Clear the graph values"
msgstr ""

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2773
msgid "Close Application"
msgstr "어플리케이션 닫기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1187
msgid "Close Project"
msgstr "프로젝트 닫기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2683
msgid "Close Project\tCTRL+SHIFT+W"
msgstr "프로젝트 닫기\tCTRL+SHIFT+W"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2681
msgid "Close Tab\tCTRL+W"
msgstr "탭 닫기\tCTRL+W"

#: ../Viewer.py:480
msgid "Coil"
msgstr ""

#: ../Viewer.py:500
#: ../LDViewer.py:503
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "코멘트"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:94
msgid "Company Name (required):"
msgstr "회사명(필수):"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:95
msgid "Company URL (optional):"
msgstr "회사 URL(옵션):"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:75
msgid "Comparison"
msgstr "비교연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:85
msgid "Concatenation"
msgstr "문자열 연결(concatenation)"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:47
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "설정(Configuration)"

#: ../PLCControler.py:96
msgid "Configurations"
msgstr "구성(Configurations)"

#: ../Viewer.py:466
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:76
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "연결"

#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:37
msgid "Connection Properties"
msgstr "연결 속성"

#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:56
msgid "Connector"
msgstr "연결자(Connector)"

#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:58
msgid "Connectors:"
msgstr "연결자(Connectors):"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:65
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "상수"

#: ../Viewer.py:476
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "지속 커넥터"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:197
msgid "Content Description (optional):"
msgstr "컨텐츠 설명(옵션):"

#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:61
msgid "Continuation"
msgstr "지속 커넥터"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:18
msgid "Conversion from BCD"
msgstr "BCD에서 변환"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:19
msgid "Conversion to BCD"
msgstr "BCD로 변환"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:21
msgid "Conversion to date"
msgstr "날짜로 변환"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:20
msgid "Conversion to time-of-day"
msgstr "시간으로 변환"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:499
#: ../Viewer.py:535
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "복사하기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:446
msgid "Copy\tCTRL+C"
msgstr "복사\tCTRL+C"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2057
msgid "Copy POU"
msgstr "POU 복사"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:28
msgid "Cosine"
msgstr "Cosine"

#: ../PLCControler.py:765
#: ../PLCControler.py:802
msgid "Couldn't paste non-POU object."
msgstr "POU 오브젝트만 붙여넣기 가능합니다"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:43
msgid "Create a new POU"
msgstr "새로운 POU 생성"

#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:38
msgid "Create a new action"
msgstr "새로운 액션 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:233
msgid "Create a new action block"
msgstr "새로운 액션 블럭 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:182
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:212
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:245
msgid "Create a new block"
msgstr "새로운 블럭 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:206
msgid "Create a new branch"
msgstr "새로운 분기(Branch) 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:200
msgid "Create a new coil"
msgstr "새로운 코일 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:176
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:191
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:221
msgid "Create a new comment"
msgstr "새로운 코멘트 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:185
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:215
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:248
msgid "Create a new connection"
msgstr "새로운 연결 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:203
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:254
msgid "Create a new contact"
msgstr "새로운 접점 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:236
msgid "Create a new divergence"
msgstr "새로운 분기(divergence) 생성"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:36
msgid "Create a new divergence or convergence"
msgstr "새로운 분기(divergence) 또는 합류(convergence) 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:224
msgid "Create a new initial step"
msgstr "새로운 이니셜 스텝 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:239
msgid "Create a new jump"
msgstr "새로운 점프 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:194
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:251
msgid "Create a new power rail"
msgstr "새로운 전원 레일 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:197
msgid "Create a new rung"
msgstr "새로운 Rung 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:227
msgid "Create a new step"
msgstr "새로운 스텝 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:230
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:42
msgid "Create a new transition"
msgstr "새로운 트랜지션 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:179
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:209
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:242
msgid "Create a new variable"
msgstr "새로운 변수 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:498
#: ../Viewer.py:534
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "잘라내기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:444
msgid "Cut\tCTRL+X"
msgstr "잘라내기\tCTRL+X"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:70
msgid "Cyclic"
msgstr "주기적"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:42
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:44
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:46
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:50
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:52
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:54
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:56
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:58
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:60
msgstr "사용중지됨"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:43
msgid "Data Type"
msgstr "데이터 타입(Data Type)"

#: ../PLCControler.py:95
msgid "Data Types"
msgstr "데이터 타입(Data Types)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:16
msgid "Data type conversion"
msgstr "데이터 타입 변환"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:44
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:45
msgid "Date addition"
msgstr "날짜 추가"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:56
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:57
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:58
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:59
msgid "Date and time subtraction"
msgstr "날짜, 시간 뺄셈"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:50
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:51
msgid "Date subtraction"
msgstr "날짜 뺄셈"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:43
msgid "Days:"
msgstr ""

#: ../controls/PouInstanceVariablesPanel.py:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug instance"
msgstr "인스턴스 삭제"

#: ../Viewer.py:3224
#, python-format
msgid "Debug: %s"
msgstr "디버그: %s"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:706
msgid "Debugger"
msgstr "디버거"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2086
#: ../Viewer.py:510
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "삭제"

#: ../Viewer.py:453
msgid "Delete Divergence Branch"
msgstr "파생된 Branch 삭제 (Divergence Branch)"

#: ../Viewer.py:442
msgid "Delete Wire Segment"
msgstr "와이어 세그먼트 삭제"

#: ../controls/CustomEditableListBox.py:41
msgid "Delete item"
msgstr "항목 삭제"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:88
msgid "Deletion (within)"
msgstr "내부 삭제"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:145
msgid "Derivation Type:"
msgstr "미분 타입"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:235
msgid ""
"The derivative function block produces an output XOUT proportional to the rate of change of the input XIN."
msgstr ""
"미분 함수 블럭은 입력 XIN의 변화의 속도에 비례하여 출력 XOUT을 생성합니다"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:355
#, fuzzy
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "방향:"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:313
#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:61
msgid "Dimensions:"
msgstr "넓이:"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "방향:"

#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:78
msgid "Direction:"
msgstr "방향:"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:51
msgid "Directly"
msgstr "직접"

#: ../Viewer.py:495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Divergence"
msgstr "벡터 발산(Divergence) 선택"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:36
msgid "Division"
msgstr "분할"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:59
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "도움문서"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2903
msgid "Done"
msgstr "완료"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:198
msgid ""
"The down-counter can be used to signal when a count has reached zero, on counting down from a preset value."
msgstr ""
"감산 카운터\n"
"감산 카운터는 사용자가 설정한 값으로부터 감소하여 0이 될 때 신호를 발생시킵니다."

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:37
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "지속시간"

#: ../Viewer.py:509
msgid "Edit Block"
msgstr "블럭 수정"

#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:41
msgid "Edit Coil Values"
msgstr "코일 데이터 수정"

#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:38
msgid "Edit Contact Values"
msgstr "접접 데이터 수정"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:59
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Duration"
msgstr "트랜지션 수정"

#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:35
msgid "Edit Step"
msgstr "스텝 수정"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:122
msgid "Edit action block properties"
msgstr "액션 블럭 속성 수정"

#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:45
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit array type properties"
msgstr "액션 블럭 속성 수정"

#: ../Viewer.py:2114
#: ../Viewer.py:2116
#: ../Viewer.py:2632
#: ../Viewer.py:2634
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr "코멘트 수정"

#: ../controls/CustomEditableListBox.py:39
msgid "Edit item"
msgstr "항목 수정"

#: ../Viewer.py:2596
msgid "Edit jump target"
msgstr "점프 타겟 수정"

#: ../SFCViewer.py:724
msgid "Edit step name"
msgstr "스텝 이름 수정"

#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:38
msgid "Edit transition"
msgstr "트랜지션 수정"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:678
msgid "Editor ToolBar"
msgstr ""

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:340
msgid "Elements :"
msgstr "구성원:"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:441
msgid "Enable Undo/Redo"
msgstr "되돌리기/되돌리기 취소 활성화"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:51
msgid "Enumerated"
msgstr "열거형 데이터"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:77
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "같은 값 일때"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:325
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:673
#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:164
#: ../TextViewer.py:356
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1181
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1768
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1805
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1810
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1824
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1829
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2518
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2910
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2915
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3074
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3084
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:542
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:547
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:571
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:576
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:586
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:718
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:725
#: ../Viewer.py:365
#: ../LDViewer.py:663
#: ../LDViewer.py:879
#: ../LDViewer.py:883
#: ../dialogs/PouNameDialog.py:53
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:107
#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:175
#: ../dialogs/ProjectDialog.py:71
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:59
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:152
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:201
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:104
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:132
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:147
#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:121
#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:163
#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:157
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:130
#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:97
#: ../dialogs/ArrayTypeDialog.py:103
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:164
#: ../dialogs/ForceVariableDialog.py:169
msgid "Error"
msgstr "에러"

#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:95
msgid "Execution Control:"
msgstr "실행 제어:"

#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:76
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:87
msgid "Execution Order:"
msgstr "실행 순서:"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:38
msgid "Exponent"
msgstr "지수"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:26
msgid "Exponentiation"
msgstr "지수화"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:144
msgid "Export graph values to clipboard"
msgstr ""

#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:69
msgid "Expression:"
msgstr "표현식:"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:77
msgid "External"
msgstr "외부"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:143
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:35
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:31
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:36
msgid "FBD"
msgstr "FBD"

#: ../Viewer.py:404
#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:84
msgid "Falling Edge"
msgstr "폴링 엣지"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:188
msgid ""
"Falling edge detector\n"
"The output produces a single pulse when a falling edge is detected."
msgstr ""
"폴링 엣지 검출\n"
"출력부의 폴링 엣지를 검출합니다"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:160
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Field %s hasn't a valid value!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 유효하지 않은 값입니다!"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:162
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Fields %s haven't a valid value!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 유효하지 않은 값입니다!"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:30
#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:99
msgid "Find"
msgstr ""

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:451
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find\tCTRL+F"
msgstr "되돌리기\tCTRL+Z"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:453
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find Next\tCTRL+K"
msgstr "인쇄\tCTRL+P"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:455
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find Previous\tCTRL+SHIFT+K"
msgstr "인쇄 페이지 미리보기\tCTRL+SHIFT+P"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:90
msgid "Find position"
msgstr "위치 찾기"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:51
msgid "Find:"
msgstr ""

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:295
#: ../Viewer.py:1355
msgid "Force value"
msgstr "강제 데이터 입력"

#: ../dialogs/ForceVariableDialog.py:152
msgid "Forcing Variable Value"
msgstr "강제 변수 데이터"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:97
#: ../dialogs/ProjectDialog.py:70
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:94
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:114
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:147
#, python-format
msgid "Form isn't complete. %s must be filled!"
msgstr "형식이 완성되지 않았습니다. %s 를 입력하세요!"

#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:142
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:154
msgid "Form isn't complete. Name must be filled!"
msgstr "형식이 완성되지 않았습니다. 이름을 입력하세요"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:145
msgid "Form isn't complete. Pattern to search must be filled!"
msgstr "형식이 완성되지 않았습니다. 검색어를 입력하세요!"

#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:152
msgid "Form isn't complete. Valid block type must be selected!"
msgstr "형식이 완성되지 않았습니다. 블럭 타입을 선택하세요!"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:67
msgid "Forward"
msgstr ""

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:44
msgid "Function"
msgstr "함수"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:427
msgid "Function &Block"
msgstr "함수 &블록"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2065
#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:45
msgid "Function Block"
msgstr "함수 블럭(Function Block)"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:736
msgid "Function Block Types"
msgstr "함수 블럭 타입"

#: ../PLCControler.py:94
msgid "Function Blocks"
msgstr "함수 블럭(Function Blocks)"

#: ../Viewer.py:235
msgid "Function Blocks can't be used in Functions!"
msgstr "함수 블럭을 함수에서 사용할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../Viewer.py:237
msgid "Function Blocks can't be used in Transitions!"
msgstr "함수 블럭을 트랜지션에서 사용할 수 없습니다!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:2055
#, python-format
msgid "FunctionBlock \"%s\" can't be pasted in a Function!!!"
msgstr "함수 블럭 \"%s\" 을 함수에 붙여 넣기 할 수 없습니다!!!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:94
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "함수 (Functions)"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2690
msgid "Generate Program\tCTRL+G"
msgstr "프로그램 생성\tCTRL+G"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:78
msgid "Global"
msgstr "글로벌"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Go to current value"
msgstr "강제 데이터 입력"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:173
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "그래픽"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:75
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "큰 값 일때"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:76
msgid "Greater than or equal to"
msgstr "크거나 같은 값 일때"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:134
msgid "Grid Resolution:"
msgstr "격자 해상도:"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:120
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "높이:"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:150
msgid "Horizontal:"
msgstr "가로:"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:44
msgid "Hours:"
msgstr ""

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:250
msgid ""
"The hysteresis function block provides a hysteresis boolean output driven by the difference of two floating point (REAL) inputs XIN1 and XIN2."
msgstr ""
"이력 펑션 블럭은 두 부동 소수점(REAL) 입력 XIN1, XIN2의 차이에 의한 이력(Hysteresis) 참,거짓(불린) 출력을 제공합니다"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:35
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:31
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:36
msgid "IL"
msgstr "IL"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:76
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:34
msgid "InOut"
msgstr "입출력"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:262
#, python-format
msgid "Incompatible data types between \"%s\" and \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" 와 \"%s\"간의 데이터 타입이 호환되지 않습니다"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:273
#, python-format
msgid "Incompatible size of data between \"%s\" and \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\"와 \"%s\"간의 데이터 크기가 호환되지 않습니다"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:269
#, python-format
msgid "Incompatible size of data between \"%s\" and \"BOOL\""
msgstr "\"%s\"와 \"BOOL\"간의 데이터 크기가 호환되지 않습니다"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:37
msgid "Indicator"
msgstr "지시기(Indicator)"

#: ../Viewer.py:491
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initial Step"
msgstr "초기 값"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:59
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:47
msgid "Initial Value"
msgstr "초기 값"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:177
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:208
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:264
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:302
msgid "Initial Value:"
msgstr "초기 값:"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:41
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:66
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:137
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "인라인"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:76
#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:36
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:33
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:61
msgid "Input"
msgstr "입력"

#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:78
msgid "Inputs:"
msgstr "입력(Inputs):"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:87
msgid "Insertion (into)"
msgstr "대상에 삽입"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1833
#, python-format
msgid "Instance with id %d doesn't exist!"
msgstr "ID %d의 인스턴스가 존재하지 않습니다!"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:246
msgid "Instances:"
msgstr "인스턴스:"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:230
msgid ""
"The integral function block integrates the value of input XIN over time."
msgstr ""
"적분 함수 블럭은 시간에 따른 입력 XIN의 데이터를 적분합니다"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:75
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "인터페이스"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:70
msgid "Interrupt"
msgstr "인터럽트"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:66
msgid "Interval"
msgstr "간격 (Interval)"

#: ../PLCControler.py:2032
#: ../PLCControler.py:2070
msgid "Invalid plcopen element(s)!!!"
msgstr "알 수 없는 plcopen 항목입니다!!!"

#: ../dialogs/ForceVariableDialog.py:167
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid value \"%s\" for \"%s\" variable!"
msgstr "\"%s\"값은 \"%s\" 변수에 적합하지 않습니다!"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:153
#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:156
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid value \"%s\" for debug variable"
msgstr "\"%s\"값은 디버그 변수에 적합하지 않습니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:243
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:246
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Invalid value \"%s\" for variable grid element"
msgstr "\"%s\"값은 \"%s\" 변수에 적합하지 않습니다!"

#: ../Viewer.py:220
#: ../Viewer.py:223
#, python-format
msgid "Invalid value \"%s\" for viewer block"
msgstr "\"%s\" 값은 뷰어 블록에 적합하지 않습니다!"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:121
msgid ""
"Invalid value!\n"
"You must fill a numeric value."
msgstr ""

#: ../Viewer.py:496
msgid "Jump"
msgstr ""

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:143
#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:35
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:31
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:36
msgid "LD"
msgstr "LD"

#: ../LDViewer.py:215
#: ../LDViewer.py:231
#, python-format
msgid "Ladder element with id %d is on more than one rung."
msgstr "래더 항목 ID %d이 하나 이상의 Rung에 존재합니다"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:86
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:83
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:102
msgid "Language"
msgstr "언어"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:186
msgid "Language (optional):"
msgstr "언어(옵션):"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:60
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:56
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:71
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "언어:"

#: ../Viewer.py:427
msgid "Left"
msgstr "좌측"

#: ../dialogs/LDPowerRailDialog.py:55
msgid "Left PowerRail"
msgstr "좌측 전원 레일"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:81
msgid "Length of string"
msgstr "문자열 길이"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:78
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "작은 값 일때"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:79
msgid "Less than or equal to"
msgstr "작거나 같은 값 일때"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:698
msgid "Library"
msgstr "라이브러리"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:73
msgid "Limitation"
msgstr "한도"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:77
msgid "Local"
msgstr "로컬"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
msgid "Location"
msgstr "위치"

#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:61
msgid "Locations available:"
msgstr "가능한 위치:"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:25
msgid "Logarithm to base 10"
msgstr "상용로그(상용대수)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:71
msgid "Maximum"
msgstr "최대값"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:231
msgid "Maximum:"
msgstr "최대값:"

#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:38
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "메모리"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:666
#, fuzzy
msgid "Menu ToolBar"
msgstr "툴바"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:48
msgid "Microseconds:"
msgstr ""

#: ../Viewer.py:432
msgid "Middle"
msgstr "중간"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:47
msgid "Milliseconds:"
msgstr ""

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:72
msgid "Minimum"
msgstr "최소값"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:218
msgid "Minimum:"
msgstr "최소값:"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:45
msgid "Minutes:"
msgstr ""

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:210
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "기타"

#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:59
msgid "Modifier:"
msgstr "수정자:"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:703
#: ../PLCGenerator.py:936
#, python-format
msgid "More than one connector found corresponding to \"%s\" continuation in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\"에 대응하는 하나 이상의 연결이 \"%s\" POU에서 발견 되었습니다"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move action down"
msgstr "하단 이동"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move action up"
msgstr "상단 이동"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move debug variable down"
msgstr "출력 변수를 찾을 수 없습니다"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move debug variable up"
msgstr "출력 변수를 찾을 수 없습니다"

#: ../controls/CustomEditableListBox.py:43
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "하단 이동"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:347
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move element down"
msgstr "하단 이동"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:346
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move element up"
msgstr "상단 이동"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:253
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move instance down"
msgstr "하단 이동"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move instance up"
msgstr "상단 이동"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move task down"
msgstr "하단 이동"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move task up"
msgstr "상단 이동"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:173
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:188
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:218
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:259
msgid "Move the view"
msgstr "화면을 드래그하여 이동"

#: ../controls/CustomEditableListBox.py:42
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "상단 이동"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:376
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move variable down"
msgstr "하단 이동"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:375
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move variable up"
msgstr "상단 이동"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:74
msgid "Multiplexer (select 1 of N)"
msgstr "멀티플렉서(MUX, 단일 출력선)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:34
msgid "Multiplication"
msgstr "곱셈"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:59
#: ../RessourceEditor.py:66
#: ../RessourceEditor.py:75
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:47
msgid "Name"
msgstr "이름"

#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:65
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:89
#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:88
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:51
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:70
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "이름:"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:24
msgid "Natural logarithm"
msgstr "자연 로그"

#: ../Viewer.py:402
#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:67
msgid "Negated"
msgstr "역 방향(Negate)"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2719
msgid "New"
msgstr "새로 만들기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2677
msgid "New\tCTRL+N"
msgstr "새로 만들기\tCTRL+N"

#: ../controls/CustomEditableListBox.py:40
msgid "New item"
msgstr "새로운 아이템"

#: ../Viewer.py:401
msgid "No Modifier"
msgstr "수정자 없음"

#: ../PLCControler.py:2929
msgid "No PLC project found"
msgstr "PLC 프로젝트를 찾을 수 없습니다"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:1321
#, python-format
msgid "No body defined in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\" POU에 바디(body)가 정의되어 있지 않습니다"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:722
#: ../PLCGenerator.py:945
#, python-format
msgid "No connector found corresponding to \"%s\" continuation in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\"에 대응하는 연결을 \"%s\" POU에서 찾을 수 없습니다"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2613
msgid ""
"No documentation available.\n"
"Coming soon."
msgstr ""
"현재 지원되는 도움 문서가 없습니다.\n"
"지원 예정"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:744
#, python-format
msgid "No informations found for \"%s\" block"
msgstr "\"%s\"블럭에 대한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:138
msgid "No output variable found"
msgstr "출력 변수를 찾을 수 없습니다"

#: ../SearchResultPanel.py:169
msgid "No search results available."
msgstr "검색된 결과가 없습니다"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:1319
#, python-format
msgid "No variable defined in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\" POU에 정의된 변수가 없습니다"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:69
msgid "Non-Retain"
msgstr "유지 안함(No Retain)"

#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:62
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "기본(Normal)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:80
msgid "Not equal to"
msgstr "같지 않을 때"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:80
msgid "Number of sequences:"
msgstr "시퀀스 넘버:"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:22
msgid "Numerical"
msgstr "수치(Numeric)"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:218
msgid ""
"Off-delay timer\n"
"The off-delay timer can be used to delay setting an output false, for fixed period after input goes false."
msgstr ""
"오프 딜레이 타이머\n"
"오프 딜레이 타이머는 입력이 FALSE로 진행되는 주기를 수정하여 출력을 FALSE로 셋팅합니다"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:213
msgid ""
"On-delay timer\n"
"The on-delay timer can be used to delay setting an output true, for fixed period after an input becomes true."
msgstr ""
"온 딜레이 타이머\n"
"온 딜레이 타이머는 입력이 TRUE로 진행되는 주기를 수정하여 출력을 TRUE로 셋팅합니다"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:93
msgid "Only Elements"
msgstr "구성원 내부 검색"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2720
msgid "Open"
msgstr "파일 열기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2679
msgid "Open\tCTRL+O"
msgstr "프로젝트 열기\tCTRL+O"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:59
msgid "Option"
msgstr "옵션"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Options"
msgstr "옵션"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:97
msgid "Organization (optional):"
msgstr "구성단체(옵션):"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:76
#: ../dialogs/BrowseLocationsDialog.py:37
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:35
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:65
msgid "Output"
msgstr "출력"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:240
msgid ""
"The PID (proportional, Integral, Derivative) function block provides the classical three term controller for closed loop control."
msgstr ""
"PID 펑션 블럭은 폐쇄 루프 제어를 위한 다음과 같은 비례상수, 미분, 적분등의 기본 제어 규칙을 제공합니다"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2865
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2934
msgid "PLCOpen files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files|*.*"
msgstr "PLCOpen files (*.xml)|*.xml|모든 파일|*.*"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2783
msgid "PLCOpenEditor"
msgstr "PLCOpenEditor"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2727
msgid "PLCOpenEditor\tF1"
msgstr "PLCOpenEditor\tF1"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:98
msgid "POU Name"
msgstr "POU 이름"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:56
msgid "POU Name:"
msgstr "POU 이름:"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:100
msgid "POU Type"
msgstr "POU 타입"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:63
msgid "POU Type:"
msgstr "POU 타입:"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2693
msgid "Page Setup\tCTRL+ALT+P"
msgstr "인쇄 페이지 설정\tCTRL+ALT+P"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:110
msgid "Page Size (optional):"
msgstr "페이지 크기(옵션):"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3019
#, python-format
msgid "Page: %d"
msgstr "인쇄 페이지: %d"

#: ../controls/PouInstanceVariablesPanel.py:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parent instance"
msgstr "인스턴스 삭제"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:500
#: ../Viewer.py:536
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "붙여넣기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:448
msgid "Paste\tCTRL+V"
msgstr "붙여넣기\tCTRL+V"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1996
msgid "Paste POU"
msgstr "POU 붙여넣기"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:64
msgid "Pattern to search:"
msgstr "검색할 문자열 패턴:"

#: ../dialogs/LDPowerRailDialog.py:64
msgid "Pin number:"
msgstr "핀 넘버:"

#: ../Viewer.py:2291
#: ../Viewer.py:2596
#: ../SFCViewer.py:695
msgid "Please choose a target"
msgstr "타겟을 선택하세요"

#: ../Viewer.py:2114
#: ../Viewer.py:2116
#: ../Viewer.py:2632
#: ../Viewer.py:2634
msgid "Please enter comment text"
msgstr "코멘트를 입력하세요"

#: ../SFCViewer.py:358
#: ../SFCViewer.py:380
#: ../SFCViewer.py:724
msgid "Please enter step name"
msgstr "스텝 이름을 입력하세요"

#: ../dialogs/ForceVariableDialog.py:153
#, python-format
msgid "Please enter value for a \"%s\" variable:"
msgstr "\"%s\" 변수의 데이터를 입력하세요"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:105
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "위치:"

#: ../Viewer.py:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "Power Rail"
msgstr "좌측 전원 레일"

#: ../dialogs/LDPowerRailDialog.py:36
msgid "Power Rail Properties"
msgstr "전원 레일 속성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2695
msgid "Preview\tCTRL+SHIFT+P"
msgstr "인쇄 페이지 미리보기\tCTRL+SHIFT+P"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:93
#: ../dialogs/LDPowerRailDialog.py:78
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:78
#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:97
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:96
#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:101
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:79
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:103
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "인쇄 페이지 미리보기:"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2723
msgid "Print"
msgstr "인쇄"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2697
msgid "Print\tCTRL+P"
msgstr "인쇄\tCTRL+P"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1251
msgid "Print preview"
msgstr "인쇄 미리보기"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:66
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "우선권"

#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:83
msgid "Priority:"
msgstr "우선권:"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:80
msgid "Product Name (required):"
msgstr "제품 이름(필수):"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:82
msgid "Product Release (optional):"
msgstr "제품 출시 번호(옵션):"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:81
msgid "Product Version (required):"
msgstr "제품 버젼(필수):"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2068
#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:46
msgid "Program"
msgstr "프로그램"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2912
msgid "Program was successfully generated!"
msgstr "프로그램이 성공적으로 생성되었습니다!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:95
msgid "Programs"
msgstr "프로그램(Programs)"

#: ../Viewer.py:229
msgid "Programs can't be used by other POUs!"
msgstr "다른 POU에서 사용할 수 없는 프로그램입니다!"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:84
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:651
msgid "Project"
msgstr "프로젝트"

#: ../SearchResultPanel.py:173
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Project '%s':"
msgstr "프로젝트"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:78
msgid "Project Name (required):"
msgstr "프로젝트 명(필수):"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:79
msgid "Project Version (optional):"
msgstr "프로젝트 버젼(옵션):"

#: ../PLCControler.py:2916
msgid ""
"Project file syntax error:\n"
msgstr ""
"프로젝트 파일 구문 오류:\n"

#: ../dialogs/ProjectDialog.py:32
msgid "Project properties"
msgstr "프로젝트 속성"

#: ../PLCControler.py:96
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "속성"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:208
msgid ""
"Pulse timer\n"
"The pulse timer can be used to generate output pulses of a given time duration."
msgstr ""
"펄스 타이머\n"
"펄스 타이머 펑션 블럭은 사용자가 설정한 시간동안 출력 신호를 생성하는데 사용합니다"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:37
msgid "Qualifier"
msgstr "한정자"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2703
msgid "Quit\tCTRL+Q"
msgstr "프로그램 종료\tCTRL+Q"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:173
msgid ""
"RS bistable\n"
"The RS bistable is a latch where the Reset dominates."
msgstr ""
"RS 쌍안정 회로\n"
"RS 쌍안정(bistable) 회로 함수은 리셋 동작시 래치가 발생됩니다"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:245
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The RAMP function block is modelled on example given in the standard."
msgstr ""
"램프(Ramp) 함수 블럭은 정지(Holdback) 기능이 추가된 기본 예제 모델입니다"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:89
msgid "Range:"
msgstr "범위:"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:225
msgid ""
"Real time clock\n"
"The real time clock has many uses including time stamping, setting dates and times of day in batch reports, in alarm messages and so on."
msgstr ""

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:496
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "되돌리기 취소"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:438
msgid "Redo\tCTRL+Y"
msgstr "되돌리기 취소\tCTRL+Y"

#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:57
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:135
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "레퍼런스"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:506
msgid "Refresh\tCTRL+R"
msgstr "새로 고침\tCTRL+R"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:73
msgid "Regular expression"
msgstr "정규 표현식"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Regular expressions"
msgstr "정규 표현식"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:299
#: ../Viewer.py:1358
msgid "Release value"
msgstr "강제 데이터 입력 해제"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:37
msgid "Remainder (modulo)"
msgstr "잔여 (모듈)"

#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove action"
msgstr "선택"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:183
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove debug variable"
msgstr "새로운 변수 생성"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:345
msgid "Remove element"
msgstr ""

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove instance"
msgstr "인스턴스 삭제"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:222
msgid "Remove task"
msgstr ""

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:374
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove variable"
msgstr "새로운 변수 생성"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2072
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "이름 변경"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:89
msgid "Replacement (within)"
msgstr "내부 교체"

#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:76
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "리셋 코일(Unlatch)"

#: ../Viewer.py:520
msgid "Reset Execution Order"
msgstr "실행 순서 초기화"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:521
msgid "Reset Perspective"
msgstr ""

#: ../SearchResultPanel.py:105
msgid "Reset search result"
msgstr ""

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:137
msgid "Reset zoom and offset"
msgstr ""

#: ../PLCControler.py:96
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "리소스"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:67
msgid "Retain"
msgstr "유지 변수"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:347
msgid "Return Type:"
msgstr "반환(Return) 타입:"

#: ../Viewer.py:429
msgid "Right"
msgstr "우측"

#: ../dialogs/LDPowerRailDialog.py:60
msgid "Right PowerRail"
msgstr "우측 전원 레일"

#: ../Viewer.py:403
#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:80
msgid "Rising Edge"
msgstr "라이징 엣지"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:183
msgid ""
"Rising edge detector\n"
"The output produces a single pulse when a rising edge is detected."
msgstr ""
"라이징 엣지 검출\n"
"출력부의 라이징 엣지를 검출합니다"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:65
msgid "Rotate left"
msgstr "좌측으로 회전 (rotate)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:64
msgid "Rotate right"
msgstr "우측으로 회전 (rotate)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:17
msgid "Rounding up/down"
msgstr "라운딩 업/다운"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:143
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:36
msgid "SFC"
msgstr "SFC"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:168
msgid ""
"SR bistable\n"
"The SR bistable is a latch where the Set dominates."
msgstr ""
"SR 쌍안정\n"
"SR 쌍안정 셋팅시 래치 스위치가 동작합니다"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:35
#: ../dialogs/PouActionDialog.py:31
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:36
msgid "ST"
msgstr "ST"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2899
msgid "ST files (*.st)|*.st|All files|*.*"
msgstr "ST 파일 (*.st)|*.st|모든 파일|*.*"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2721
msgid "Save"
msgstr "파일 저장"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2686
msgid "Save\tCTRL+S"
msgstr "프로젝트 저장\tCTRL+S"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2722
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "다른 이름으로 저장..."

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2688
msgid "Save As...\tCTRL+SHIFT+S"
msgstr "다른 이름으로 저장...\tCTRL+SHIFT+S"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:76
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "검색 범위"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:690
#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:105
msgid "Search"
msgstr "검색"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:502
#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:52
msgid "Search in Project"
msgstr "프로젝트 내부 검색"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:458
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search in Project\tCTRL+SHIFT+F"
msgstr "프로젝트 내부 검색\tCTRL+F"

#: ../dialogs/DurationEditorDialog.py:46
msgid "Seconds:"
msgstr ""

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:464
msgid "Select All\tCTRL+A"
msgstr "모두 선택\tCTRL+A"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:276
#: ../Viewer.py:276
msgid "Select a variable class:"
msgstr "변수 클래스 선택:"

#: ../controls/PouInstanceVariablesPanel.py:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select an instance"
msgstr "인스턴스 삭제"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:674
msgid "Select an object"
msgstr "오브젝트 선택"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:70
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "선택"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:62
msgid "Selection Convergence"
msgstr "수렴(Convergence) 선택"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:55
msgid "Selection Divergence"
msgstr "벡터 발산(Divergence) 선택"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:178
msgid ""
"The semaphore provides a mechanism to allow software elements mutually exclusive access to certain ressources."
msgstr ""
"세마포어 함수 블럭은 소프트웨어적으로 동시에 두 개 이상의 프로그램 요소가 실행될 수 있는 다중 프로그래밍 환경에서 한순간에 반드시 하나의 작업에 의해 접근되어야 하는 임계 영역 및 상호 배제 원리를 지키기 위해 사용됩니다"

#: ../dialogs/LDElementDialog.py:72
msgid "Set"
msgstr "셋팅 코일(Latch)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:62
msgid "Shift left"
msgstr "좌측으로 이동(Shift)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:63
msgid "Shift right"
msgstr "우측이로 이동(Shift)"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:74
msgid "Simultaneous Convergence"
msgstr "동시 수렴"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:68
msgid "Simultaneous Divergence"
msgstr "동시 발산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:27
msgid "Sine"
msgstr "Sine"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:66
msgid "Single"
msgstr "싱글"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:23
msgid "Square root (base 2)"
msgstr "제곱근 (SQRT: base 2)"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:164
msgid "Standard function blocks"
msgstr "기본 함수 블럭"

#: ../Viewer.py:492
#, fuzzy
msgid "Step"
msgstr "스텝 수정"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:51
msgid "Structure"
msgstr "구조"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:51
msgid "Subrange"
msgstr "서브레인지"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:35
msgid "Subtraction"
msgstr "뺄셈 연산"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:154
msgid "Syntax error in regular expression of pattern to search!"
msgstr "정규 표현식에 적합하지 않은 검색어 입니다!"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:29
msgid "Tangent"
msgstr "Tangent"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:75
msgid "Task"
msgstr "태스크"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:217
msgid "Tasks:"
msgstr "태스크:"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:78
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "임시"

#: ../LDViewer.py:879
msgid "The group of block must be coherent!"
msgstr "블럭 그룹은 일관성을 가져야 합니다!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1189
msgid "There are changes, do you want to save?"
msgstr "프로젝트 파일이 변경되었습니다. 저장 하시겠습니까?"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1805
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1824
#, python-format
msgid "There is a POU named \"%s\". This could cause a conflict. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr "\"%s\" POU 에 문제가 있을 수 있습니다. 계속 하시겠습니까?"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:1274
msgid ""
"There was a problem printing.\n"
"Perhaps your current printer is not set correctly?"
msgstr ""
"인쇄 작업에 문제가 있습니다.\n"
"프린터 설정을 확인하세요"

#: ../LDViewer.py:888
msgid "This option isn't available yet!"
msgstr "선택하신 옵션은 지원되지 않습니다!"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:278
msgid "Tick"
msgstr "틱(Tick)"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:40
msgid "Time"
msgstr "시간 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:40
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:41
msgid "Time addition"
msgstr "시간 더하기 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:86
msgid "Time concatenation"
msgstr "시간 연결 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:60
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:61
msgid "Time division"
msgstr "시간 나누기 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:46
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:47
msgid "Time multiplication"
msgstr "시간 곱하기 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:48
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:49
msgid "Time subtraction"
msgstr "시간 뺄셈 연산"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:42
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:43
msgid "Time-of-day addition"
msgstr "하루의 시간 더하기"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:52
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:53
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:54
#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:55
msgid "Time-of-day subtraction"
msgstr "하루의 시간 빼기"

#: ../Viewer.py:431
msgid "Top"
msgstr "상단"

#: ../Viewer.py:493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transition"
msgstr "트랜지션"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:1212
#, python-format
msgid "Transition \"%s\" body must contain an output variable or coil referring to its name"
msgstr ""

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:84
msgid "Transition Name"
msgstr "트랜지션 이름"

#: ../dialogs/PouTransitionDialog.py:53
msgid "Transition Name:"
msgstr "트랜지션 이름:"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:1301
#, python-format
msgid "Transition with content \"%s\" not connected to a next step in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\" 트랜지션의 내용이 POU 다음 스텝 \"%s\"와 연결되지 않았습니다"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:1292
#, python-format
msgid "Transition with content \"%s\" not connected to a previous step in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\" 트랜지션의 내용이 POU 이전 스텝 \"%s\"와 연결되지 않았습니다"

#: ../plcopen/plcopen.py:1442
#, python-format
msgid "Transition with name %s doesn't exist!"
msgstr "%s 트랜지션 이름이 존재 하지 않습니다!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:95
msgid "Transitions"
msgstr "트랜지션"

#: ../RessourceEditor.py:66
msgid "Triggering"
msgstr "트리거링 스위치"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:58
#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:59
#: ../RessourceEditor.py:75
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:47
#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:37
msgid "Type"
msgstr "타입"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:16
msgid "Type conversion"
msgstr "변환 타입"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:154
msgid "Type infos:"
msgstr "타입 정보:"

#: ../dialogs/SFCDivergenceDialog.py:51
#: ../dialogs/LDPowerRailDialog.py:51
#: ../dialogs/ConnectionDialog.py:52
#: ../dialogs/SFCTransitionDialog.py:53
#: ../dialogs/FBDBlockDialog.py:48
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "타입:"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:865
#: ../PLCGenerator.py:924
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Undefined block type \"%s\" in \"%s\" POU"
msgstr "\"%s\" 의 POU 타입이 정의되지 않았습니다"

#: ../PLCGenerator.py:240
#, python-format
msgid "Undefined pou type \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" 의 POU 타입이 정의되지 않았습니다"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:495
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "되돌리기"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:436
msgid "Undo\tCTRL+Z"
msgstr "되돌리기\tCTRL+Z"

#: ../Viewer.py:335
#, python-format
msgid "Unknown variable \"%s\" for this POU!"
msgstr "\"%s\" 변수를 현재 POU에서 알 수 없습니다!"

#: ../PLCControler.py:305
#, python-format
msgid "Unnamed%d"
msgstr "이름 없음%d"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:271
#, python-format
msgid "Unrecognized data size \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\"의 데이터 크기를 알 수 없습니다"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:193
msgid ""
"The up-counter can be used to signal when a count has reached a maximum value."
msgstr ""
"업 카운터\n"
"업 카운터는 시그널이 사용자가 설정한 최대값에 도달할 때까지 동작합니다"

#: ../plcopen/structures.py:203
msgid ""
"Up-down counter\n"
"The up-down counter has two inputs CU and CD. It can be used to both count up on one input and down on the other."
msgstr ""
"업 다운 카운터\n"
"업 다운 카운터는 CU, CD 두 개의 입력부를 가지고 있습니다. 입력부는 동시에 동작하며 하나는 카운터 상승, 다른 하나는 카운터 감소로 동작합니다"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:704
#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:622
msgid "User Data Types"
msgstr "사용자 데이터 타입"

#: ../PLCControler.py:94
msgid "User-defined POUs"
msgstr "사용자 정의 POU"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:40
#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:37
msgid "Value"
msgstr "데이터 값"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:278
msgid "Values"
msgstr "데이터 값"

#: ../DataTypeEditor.py:251
msgid "Values:"
msgstr "데이터 값:"

#: ../controls/DebugVariablePanel.py:40
#: ../Viewer.py:465
#: ../dialogs/ActionBlockDialog.py:41
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "변수"

#: ../dialogs/FBDVariableDialog.py:47
msgid "Variable Properties"
msgstr "변수 속성"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:276
#: ../Viewer.py:276
msgid "Variable class"
msgstr "변수 클래스"

#: ../TextViewer.py:354
#: ../Viewer.py:337
msgid "Variable don't belong to this POU!"
msgstr "POU에 속하지 않는 변수 입니다!"

#: ../controls/VariablePanel.py:77
msgid "Variables"
msgstr "변수"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:151
msgid "Vertical:"
msgstr "수직:"

#: ../LDViewer.py:888
#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:126
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "경고"

#: ../dialogs/SearchInProjectDialog.py:85
msgid "Whole Project"
msgstr "프로젝트 전체 검색"

#: ../controls/ProjectPropertiesPanel.py:119
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "폭:"

#: ../dialogs/FindInPouDialog.py:86
msgid "Wrap search"
msgstr ""

#: ../LDViewer.py:883
msgid "You must select the block or group of blocks around which a branch should be added!"
msgstr "Branch를 추가할 블럭 또는 블럭 그룹을 선택해야 합니다!"

#: ../LDViewer.py:663
msgid "You must select the wire where a contact should be added!"
msgstr "접점에 추가될 와이어를 선택해야 합니다!"

#: ../dialogs/PouNameDialog.py:45
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepNameDialog.py:47
#: ../dialogs/SFCStepDialog.py:118
msgid "You must type a name!"
msgstr "이름을 입력하세요!"

#: ../dialogs/ForceVariableDialog.py:165
msgid "You must type a value!"
msgstr "데이터 값을 입력하세요!"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:512
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "확대(Zoom)"

#: ../GraphicViewer.py:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom:"
msgstr "확대(Zoom)"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2908
#, python-format
msgid "error: %s\n"
msgstr "에러: %s\n"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3051
#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3053
msgid "file : "
msgstr "파일 :"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:31
msgid "function"
msgstr "함수"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3054
msgid "function : "
msgstr "함수 :"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:31
msgid "functionBlock"
msgstr "함수 블럭"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:3054
msgid "line : "
msgstr "라인 :"

#: ../dialogs/PouDialog.py:31
msgid "program"
msgstr "프로그램"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:84
msgid "string from the middle"
msgstr "중간 문자열"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:82
msgid "string left of"
msgstr "좌측 문자열"

#: ../plcopen/iec_std.csv:83
msgid "string right of"
msgstr "우측 문자열"

#: ../PLCOpenEditor.py:2906
#, python-format
msgid "warning: %s\n"
msgstr "경고: %s\n"

#~ msgid "Add a new data type"
#~ msgstr "새로운 데이터 타입 추가"

#~ msgid "Add new configuration"
#~ msgstr "새로운 설정(configuration) 추가"

#~ msgid "Add new resource"
#~ msgstr "새로운 리소스 추가"

#~ msgid "Block Types"
#~ msgstr "블럭 타입"

#~ msgid "CSV Log"
#~ msgstr "CSV 로그"

#~ msgid "Delete Task"
#~ msgstr "태스크 삭제"

#~ msgid "Display"
#~ msgstr "디스플레이"

#~ msgid "File"
#~ msgstr "파일"

#~ msgid "Graphic Panel"
#~ msgstr "그래픽 패널"

#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "도움말"

#~ msgid "Instances"
#~ msgstr "인스턴스"

#~ msgid "Invalid value \"%s\" for location"
#~ msgstr "\"%s\"값은 위치에 적합하지 않습니다!"

#~ msgid "Page Setup"
#~ msgstr "인쇄 페이지 설정"

#~ msgid "Please enter configuration name"
#~ msgstr "설정(configuration) 이름을 입력하세요"

#~ msgid "Please enter data type name"
#~ msgstr "데이터 타입 이름을 입력하세요"

#~ msgid "Please enter resource name"
#~ msgstr "리소스 이름을 입력하세요"

#~ msgid "Please enter text"
#~ msgstr "텍스트를 입력하세요"

#~ msgid "Plugins"
#~ msgstr "플러그인"

#~ msgid "Preview"
#~ msgstr "인쇄 페이지 미리보기"

#~ msgid "Types"
#~ msgstr "타입(Types)"